Atomicity and Batches

Combines multiple data modification language (DML) statements (such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE) to achieve atomicity and isolation when targeting a single partition, or only atomicity when targeting multiple partitions.

A batch applies all DML statements within a single partition before the data is available, ensuring atomicity and isolation. A well-constructed batch targeting a single partition can reduce client-server traffic and more efficiently update a table with a single row mutation.

If there are two different tables in the same keyspace and the two tables have the same partition key, this scenario is considered a single partition batch. There will be a single mutation for each table. This happens because the two tables could have different columns, even though the keyspace and partition are the same. Batches allow a caller to bundle multiple operations into a single batch request. All the operations are performed by the same coordinator. The best use of a batch request is for a single partition in multiple tables in the same keyspace. Also, batches provide a guarantee that mutations will be applied in a particular order.

For multiple partition batches, logging ensures that all DML statements are applied. Either all or none of the batch operations will succeed, ensuring atomicity. Batch isolation occurs only if the batch operation is writing to a single partition.

Only use a multiple partition batch when there is no other viable option, such as asynchronous statements. Multiple partition batches may decrease throughput and increase latency.

Optionally, a batch can apply a client-supplied timestamp. Before implementing or executing a batch see Batching inserts and updates.

Batches are not isolated among client programs. Other client programs can read the first modified rows from the batch while the other remaining statements in the batch are in progress. There is no batch rollback functionality, which means that a batch cannot be undone.


  [ USING TIMESTAMP [ <epoch_microseconds> ] ]
  <dml_statement> [ USING TIMESTAMP [ <epoch_microseconds> ] ] ;
  [ <dml_statement> [ USING TIMESTAMP [ <epoch_microseconds> ] ] [ ; ... ] ] ;

A batch can contain these <dml_statements>:


If UNLOGGED is not specified, the batch is logged. If multiple partitions are involved, batches are logged by default. A logged batch ensures that all or none of the batch operations succeed (atomicity). First the serialized batch is written to the batchlog system table which consumes the serialized batch as blob data. After a successful write, the rows are persisted (or hinted) and the batchlog data is removed. Logging incurs a performance penalty, the batchlog is written to two other nodes. Options for thresholds, warning about or failure due to batch size, are available.

UNLOGGED runs the batch without logging penalties. Unlogged batching issues a warning when too many operations or too many partitions are involved. Single partition batch operations are unlogged by default, and are the only unlogged batch operations recommended.

Although a logged batch enforces atomicity (that is, it guarantees if all DML statements in the batch succeed or none do), there is no other transactional enforcement at the batch level. For example, there is no batch isolation unless the batch operation is writing to a single partition. In multiple partition batch operations, clients are able to read the first updated rows from the batch, while other rows are still being updated on the server. In single partition batch operations, clients cannot read a partial update from any row until the batch is completed.

Use the COUNTER option for batched counter updates. Unlike other updates, counter updates are not idempotent.


Sets the write time for transactions executed in a BATCH.

Restriction: USING TIMESTAMP does not support LWT (lightweight transactions), such as DML statements that have an IF NOT EXISTS clause.

By default, the database applies the same timestamp to all data modified by the batch; therefore statement order does not matter within a batch, thus a batch statement is not very useful for writing data that must be timestamped in a particular order. Use client-supplied timestamps to achieve a particular order.

User-defined timestamp

Specify the epoch time in microseconds after USING TIMESTAMP [ <epoch_microseconds> ]. When the time is not specified, the database inserts the current time.

To use the same timestamp for all DMLs, insert on first line of batch:
BEGIN BATCH USING TIMESTAMP [ <epoch_microseconds> ]
  DML_statement1 ;
  DML_statement2 ;
  DML_statement3 ;

For individual transactions, insert at the end of a DML:

  <DML_statement1> ;
  <DML_statement2> USING TIMESTAMP [ <epoch_microseconds> ] ;
  <DML_statement3> ;


Applying a client supplied timestamp to all DMLs

Insert meals paid for Vera Adrian using the user-defined date when inserting the records:


  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_expenses (
    cyclist_name, balance
  ) VALUES (
    'Vera ADRIAN', 0

  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_expenses (
    cyclist_name, expense_id, amount, description, paid
  ) VALUES (
    'Vera ADRIAN', 1, 7.95, 'Breakfast', false


  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_expenses (
    cyclist_name, expense_id, amount, description, paid
  ) VALUES (
    'Vera ADRIAN', 2, 13.44, 'Lunch', true

  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_expenses (
    cyclist_name, expense_id, amount, description, paid
  ) VALUES (
    'Vera ADRIAN', 3, 25.00, 'Dinner', false

  UPDATE cycling.cyclist_expenses SET balance = -32.95
    WHERE cyclist_name = 'Vera ADRIAN' IF balance = -7.95;


  UPDATE cycling.cyclist_expenses SET balance = 0
    WHERE cyclist_name = 'Vera ADRIAN' IF balance = -32.95;

  UPDATE cycling.cyclist_expenses SET paid = true
    WHERE cyclist_name = 'Vera ADRIAN' AND expense_id = 1 IF paid = false;

  UPDATE cycling.cyclist_expenses SET paid = true
    WHERE cyclist_name = 'Vera ADRIAN' AND expense_id = 3 IF paid = false;


  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_name (
    id, lastname, firstname
  ) VALUES (
    6ab09bec-e68e-48d9-a5f8-97e6fb4c9b12, 'SMITH', 'John'

  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_expenses (
    cyclist_name, expense_id, amount, description, paid
  ) VALUES (
    'John SMITH', 3, 15.00, 'Lunch', false


  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_expenses (
    cyclist_name, expense_id, amount, description, paid
  ) VALUES (
    'Vera ADRIAN', 2, 13.44, 'Lunch', true

  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_expenses (
    cyclist_name, expense_id, amount, description, paid
  ) VALUES (
    'Vera ADRIAN', 3, 25.00, 'Dinner', true


Combining two statements for the same partition results in a single table mutation.

View the records vertically in cqlsh:


Verify that the timestamps are all the same:

SELECT * FROM cycling.cyclist_expenses;

Both records were entered with the same timestamp.

 cyclist_name | expense_id | amount | writetime(amount) | description | writetime(description) | paid | writetime(paid)
  Vera ADRIAN |          2 |  13.44 |  1481124356754405 |       Lunch |       1481124356754405 | True | 1481124356754405
  Vera ADRIAN |          3 |     25 |  1481124356754405 |      Dinner |       1481124356754405 | True | 1481124356754405

(2 rows)

 cyclist_name | expense_id | amount | writetime(amount) | description | writetime(description) | paid | writetime(paid)
  Vera ADRIAN |          2 |  13.44 |  1481124356754405 |       Lunch |       1481124356754405 | True | 1481124356754405
  Vera ADRIAN |          3 |     25 |  1481124356754405 |      Dinner |       1481124356754405 | True | 1481124356754405

(2 rows)

If any DML statement in the batch uses compare-and-set (CAS) logic, an error is returned. For example, the following batch with the CAS IF NOT EXISTS option returns an error:


  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_expenses (
    cyclist_name, expense_id, amount, description, paid
  ) VALUES (
    'Vera ADRIAN', 2, 13.44, 'Lunch', true

  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_expenses (
    cyclist_name, expense_id, amount, description, paid
  ) VALUES (
    'Vera ADRIAN', 3, 25.00, 'Dinner', false

InvalidRequest: Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query]
message="Cannot provide custom timestamp for conditional BATCH"

Batching conditional updates

Batch conditional updates introduced as lightweight transactions. However, a batch containing conditional updates can operate only within a single partition, because the underlying Paxos implementation only works at partition-level granularity. If one statement in a batch is a conditional update, the conditional logic must return true, or the entire batch fails. If the batch contains two or more conditional updates, all the conditions must return true, or the entire batch fails.

The following example shows batching of conditional updates. The first statement uses the IF NOT EXISTS conditional clause.


  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_expenses (
    cyclist_name, expense_id
  ) VALUES (
    'Joe WALLS', 1

  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_expenses (
    cyclist_name, expense_id, amount, description, paid
  ) VALUES (
    'Joe WALLS', 1, 8, 'burrito', false


Conditional batches cannot provide custom timestamps. UPDATE and DELETE statements within a conditional batch cannot use IN conditions to filter rows.

A continuation of this example shows how to use a static column with conditional updates in batch.

Batching counter updates

A batch of counters should use the COUNTER option because, unlike other writes in DataStax Enterprise, a counter update is not an idempotent operation.


  UPDATE cycling.popular_count
  SET popularity = popularity + 1
  WHERE id = 6ab09bec-e68e-48d9-a5f8-97e6fb4c9b47;

  UPDATE cycling.popular_count
  SET popularity = popularity + 125
  WHERE id = 6ab09bec-e68e-48d9-a5f8-97e6fb4c9b47;

  UPDATE cycling.popular_count
  SET popularity = popularity - 64
  WHERE id = 6ab09bec-e68e-48d9-a5f8-97e6fb4c9b47;


Counter batches cannot include non-counter columns in the DML statements, just as a non-counter batch cannot include counter columns. Counter batch statements cannot provide custom timestamps.

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