configuration.yaml Studio Configuration File

The dse-studio-install-dir/configuration.yaml configuration file for Studio allows for basic configuration options. * General options * Studio web server options * Logging options * User data options * Connection options

This Studio configuration file references dse.yaml configuration file. The location of the dse.yaml file depends on the type of installation:

Package installations


Tarball installations


Here is a sample Studio configuration file in XML format:

# Maximum number of items returned per cell execution. Result set will be
# truncated to this number of rows, edges, vertices, etc.
# Default: 1000 items
resultSizeLimit: 1000

# Graph: maximum content length returned for a cell result (bytes).
# Default: 524288 bytes
maxResultSizeBytes: 524288

# Cell execution timeout (milliseconds). A value of 0 indicates no timeout and
# will depend on the DSE server timeouts configured in dse.yaml.
# Default: 0 milliseconds (no timeout)
executionTimeoutMs: 0

# Determines if selected editor text can be executed, instead of the entire
# cell content. When set to 'true':
# Graph cells: only the exact selected text is executed
# CQL and Spark SQL cells: the selected text is expanded to full statement(s)
# before being executed.
# Default: true
executeSelectionEnabled: true

# Studio web server options.
  # Studio web server http port
  # Default: 9091
  httpPort: 9091

  # WARNING: Changing the setting from the default (localhost) can pose a
  # security risk as users on external machines can gain access to notebooks
  # and the DSE clusters those notebooks are connected to.
  # Studio is designed to be used as a desktop application. Distributed
  # deployment introduces potential security risks.
  # See:
  # for additional configuration information.
  # Default: localhost
  httpBindAddress: localhost

# Logging options.
  # Log file name.
  # Default: studio.log
  fileName: studio.log

  # Max log file size.
  # Default: 250 MB
  maxLogFileSize: 250 MB

  # Max number of archived logs to retain.
  # Default: 10
  maxFiles: 10

  # Log directory.
  # Default: ./logs
  directory: ./logs

  # Spark SQL log level.
  # 0: Disable all logging
  # 1: Log severe error events that abort the driver
  # 2: Log errors that may allow driver to continue
  # 3: Log events that might results in an error
  # 4: Log general driver progress information
  # 5: Log detailed driver debug information
  # 6: Log all driver activity
  # Default: 0
  sparkSQLLogLevel: 0

# User application data options
  # Application data directory location for user data, including connection
  # and notebook data, events, and history.
  # A value of 'null' will translate to ~/.datastax_studio
  # Default: null
  baseDirectory: null

  # Save frequency for minor cell revisions (seconds). Changes considered 'minor'
  # include: cell editor and settings changes. Major changes, such as cell
  # execution and new results always create a new revision immediately.
  # Default: 300 seconds
  historySaveFrequencyInSeconds: 300

  # Determines if notebook revisions should be deleted based on age.
  # When there are more than 'minHistoryRevisionsToKeep' history revisions,
  # revisions older than 'maxDaysOfHistoryToKeep' days are deleted.
  # Default: true
  pruneRevisionHistoryEnabled: true

  # Minimum number of revisions to retain before pruning by date is enforced.
  # Default: 25
  minHistoryRevisionsToKeep: 25

  # Maximum amount of time notebook revision history files are kept before
  # being deleted (days). This age limit is only applied after the minimum
  # number of history revisions to keep ('minHistoryRevisionsToKeep') has
  # been exceeded.
  # Default: 30 days
  maxDaysOfHistoryToKeep: 30

# Database connection options.
  # Java driver: socket options connection timeout (milliseconds).
  # See:
  # Default: 5000 milliseconds
  connectTimeoutInMillis: 5000

  # Java driver: socket options read timeout (milliseconds).
  # See:
  # Default: 3000 milliseconds
  readTimeoutInMillis: 3000

  # Java driver: Constant reconnect policy delay (milliseconds).
  # See:
  # Default: 10000 milliseconds
  constantReconnectPolicyDelayInMillis: 10000

  # Tinkerpop driver: Gremlin server port.
  # Default: 8182
  defaultGremlinPort: 8182

  # Tinkerpop driver: Time limit for establishing a connection (milliseconds).
  # Default: 5000 milliseconds
  maxWaitForConnection: 5000

  # Spark JDBC driver: Spark SQL port.
  # Default: 10000
  defaultSparkSQLPort: 10000

General options

  • resultSizeLimit

    Maximum number of items returned per cell execution. Additional items will be truncated.

    Default: 1000

  • maxResultSizeBytes

    Maximum size of a cell result in bytes. If a cell result exceeds this size then the cell execution will fail.

    Default: 524288

  • executionTimeoutMs

    Cell execution timeout in milliseconds. A value of 0 indicates no timeout override from Studio and instead uses the DSE server timeouts configured in dse.yaml.

    Default: 0

  • executeSelectionEnabled

    Limits execution to statements selected in the editor.

    Default: true

Studio web server options

Options to configure the Studio web server.

  • httpPort

    The port on which the Studio server is running.

    Default: 9091

  • httpBindAddress

    The IP address to which the Studio server is bound.

    Default: localhost

Logging options

Studio logging options.

  • fileName

    Name of the log file.

    Default: studio.log

  • maxLogFileSize

    Default: 250 MB

  • maxFiles

    Maximum number of log files.

    Default: 10

  • directory

    Path of the directory in which log files are stored.

    Default: ./logs

  • sparkSQLLogLevel

    Spark SQL log level 0-6:

    • 0: Disable all logging

    • 1: Log severe error events that cause the driver to stop

    • 2: Log errors that may allow driver to continue

    • 3: Log events that might results in an error

    • 4: Log general driver progress information

    • 5: Log detailed driver debug information

    • 6: Log all driver activity Default: 0

User data options

Studio data management options.

  • baseDirectory

    The path to the local file system where user data is stored. Defaults to .datastax_studio folder in your home directory, such as ~/.datastax_studio. Set to a non-null value to override.

    Default: null

  • historySaveFrequencyInSeconds

    Time interval between revision saves when only minor changes are made. For example, revision cell code and settings changes. Major changes, such as executing a cell and getting a new result, always create a revision history unless the result is identical to the prior values.

    Default: 300

  • pruneRevisionHistoryEnabled

    Enable pruning of history revisions. When minHistoryRevisionsToKeep history revisions is exceeded, revisions older than maxDaysOfHistoryToKeep days are deleted.

    Default: true

  • maxDaysOfHistoryToKeep

    Maximum number of days to retain history revisions.

    Default: 30

  • minHistoryRevisionsToKeep

    Minimum number of revisions to retain before enforcing pruning by date.

    Default: 25

Connection options

Connection management options.

  • connectTimeoutInMillis

    Connection timeout used in Java driver socket options.

    Default: 5000

  • readTimeoutInMillis

    Read timeout used in Java driver socket options.

    Default: 3000

  • constantReconnectPolicyDelayInMillis

    Constant reconnect policy delay used in Java driver socket options.

    Default: 10000

  • defaultGremlinPort

    The port on a DSE node running Gremlin Server. The port value needs to match the port value specified for gremlin_server in the dse.yaml file.

    Default: 8182

  • maxWaitForConnection

    Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for a connection to the Gremlin Server.

    Default: 5000

  • defaultSparkSQLPort

    The Thrift port on a DSE node running AlwaysOn SQL (AOSS). The port value needs to match the port value specified for thrift_port in the dse.yaml file.

    Default: 10000

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