Creating a connection in DataStax Studio
A connection from each notebook to a DataStax Enterprise (DSE) cluster is required. A notebook persists its data to the database cluster.
Connect notebooks only to DSE clusters that run the relevant workload. For example:
To run Gremlin cells, create a connection to a DSE cluster that is configured for and running DSE Graph (legacy/classic) or DataStax Graph (core).
To run AlwaysOn SQL queries in Studio, create a connection to a DSE cluster that is configured for and running the AlwaysOn SQL service.
Each notebook has only one connection. A connection can serve multiple notebooks.
You can configure more than one host in a Studio connection. Hosts initialize the DSE driver connection, so more than one host provides redundancy and failover protection. |
The DSE cluster must be installed and running. The username and password for internal authentication are defined in the DSE cluster. See About DSE Unified Authentication.
To create a connection from a Studio notebook to a DSE cluster:
Browse to the URL for the Studio installation:
where 9091 is the default DataStax Studio server port.
In the menu (☰), select Connections.
The existing connections are displayed in a list. The list is sorted in alphabetical order and shows the port and host for each connection.
in the top center of the page. -
In the Create Connection dialog, enter the connection information:
- Name
Name of the connection from the notebook to a DSE cluster.
- Host/IP (comma delimited)
The host names or IP addresses of the DSE cluster to connect to. All hosts must be in a single datacenter. Default: localhost.
- Username
Optional. DSE username for logging in.
- Password
Optional. DSE password for logging in.
- Port
IP connection port. Default: 9042.
For example, to connect to a single-node DSE cluster on the local host using the default port.
- Name
My First Connection
- Host/IP
- Port
Click Test to verify the connection works.
Optional: To configure a secure encrypted connection, select the Use SSL check box.
The Truststore and Keystore fields display. See Using SSL connections in DataStax Studio.
Click Save.
A connection is created from the notebook to the DSE cluster.
Select Edit Connection in the notebook header to edit the current connection, add a new connection, or select a different connection directly from within the notebook.
You can click the connection name in notebook header to open the connection dialog and make changes. |