Using graph in DataStax Studio
Graph databases are useful for discovering simple and complex relationships between objects. Relationships are fundamental to how objects interact with one another and their environment. Graph databases perfectly represent the relationships between objects.
Using DSE Graph in DataStax Studio provides an interactive way to:
compose Gremlin traversals and view results in multiple dynamic views such as JSON, table, charts, and graph.
leverage Studio’s schema view and schema-aware content-assist for rapid Gremlin Traversal development.
manipulate the graph view with interactive graph.
Expand vertex neighborhoods
Remove vertices and edges from view
DataStax Graph 6.8 and DataStax Studio can work with two graph engines, Core and Classic. Classic is the graph type of DSE Graph 6.7 and earlier, while Core is a new graph type for DataStax Graph 6.8. Studio can create graphs using either format. When creating a new graph in Studio, DataStax recommends using the Core graph type because Classic is included to migrate older graphs to the new Core type.

For an interactive introduction to working with DSE Graph in Studio, see the DSE Graph notebook tutorials that are installed with Studio:
Working with Graph v6.8.0
Introduces the DSE Graph-centric features of Studio and provides a basic introduction to vertices sizes, edge colors, and using interactive graph features. Learn how to:
Use display name templates to improve the display names shown in graph view
Dynamically view results in multiple views such as JSON, table, charts, and graph
Examine a subset of a graph based on an edge label, a set of edge labels, or a set of edges
Select vertices and edges, learn about vertices sizes and colors
Use full screen
Hide the code editor
Use content assist and schema-aware content assist for Gremlin code
Use schema view to see what is connected and how Learn about charting to visualize data results. Learn how to view help for efficient keyboard shortcuts.
DSE Graph QuickStart v6.8.0
Introduction tutorial for using Studio to learn about DataStax Graph (core). The tutorial provides steps to insert data and run traversals. In addition, see the DataStax Graph QuickStart documentation.
DSE Graph: CQL as Graph v6.8.0
Introduction tutorial for using Studio to learn about DataStax Graph using CQL. The tutorial provides steps to create CQL schema, insert data, and run traversals. In addition, see the DataStax Graph: CQL as Graph documentation.
DSE Graph: CQL Conversion to Graph v6.8.0
Introduction tutorial for using Studio to learn about DataStax Graph (Core). The tutorial provides steps to create CQL as Graph schema, convert it to Graph schema, insert data, and run traversals. In addition, see the DataStax Graph: CQL conversion to Graph documentation.
The Studio graph view provides a contextual view of a result by automatically populating the entire sub-graph shared between the result’s vertices and edges. The Gremlin result is examined as follows.
If a result contains vertices, then all edges linking those vertices are automatically populated.
If a result contains edges, then the adjacent vertices are automatically populated.
If the result is a subgraph, then it is displayed as-is.
Path results can contain arbitrary Java objects (not just vertices and edges), so path results are not rendered by the graph view.