DataStax Studio 6.8.x Release Notes

DataStax Studio 6.8.x release notes are now hosted here: Studio 6.8.4 and later release notes.

For DSE release notes, see DataStax Enterprise 6.8 release notes.

For upgrade information, see Upgrading DataStax Studio.

DataStax Studio 6.8.2 release notes

DataStax Studio 6.8.x release notes are now hosted here: Studio 6.8.4 and later release notes.

31 July 2020

6.8.2 Changes and enhancements

6.8.2 Resolved issues

  • Fixed issues displaying the results of a Graph elementMap query when the graph schema contains id or label properties. (STUDIO-3152)

    Specifically, with this change:

    • Objects of type T in Studio are now displayed with a T. prefix. For example: or T.label.

    • Edge objects in Studio now display id, inVLabel, and outVLabel columns in addition to label. Example: see the results of g.E().

    • The maximum length of a value displayed in a Studio cell result has increased from 100 to 150 characters.

  • Fixed a issue in CQL cells where certain table properties were not recognized and reported as a validation error. (STUDIO-3139)

    The following table properties are now recognized as valid:

    • table property additional_write_policy

    • table property read_repair

    • property option incremental of table property nodesync

  • Fixed an issue when the provided import URL contained spaces or other characters that needed to be URL encoded. (STUDIO-3155)

    See the related Notebooks enhancement.

DataStax Studio 6.8.1 release notes

DataStax Studio 6.8.x release notes are now hosted here: Studio 6.8.4 and later release notes.

19 June 2020

6.8.1 Changes and enhancements

  • Added the last updated date/time to the status line of cell results in Studio. (STUDIO-2298)

  • To use Studio when authentication and authorization are enabled, you must set database permissions on system and system_schema keyspaces and on specific tables. Related settings are needed via GRANT EXECUTE and other commands, depending on the components used. (STUDIO-3046)

  • The Test Connection feature now checks user permissions for the specific keyspaces and tables that Studio queries. (STUDIO-3048)

    When there are problems, the Edit Connection form displays a "Database authorization problem" error message with a details link.


    Edit Connection form with message indicating Database authorization problem and details link

    To learn about the specific issues, click the details link. Example:

    Studio database access permission error dialog example

    If Studio is unable to connect to Spark SQL, the Spark SQL cells now display a more detailed message to indicate why the problem occurred. Example:

    Studio error message displayed in SparkSQL notebook cell because Always On SQL Server (AOSS) does not have permission to access data
  • Added Studio support for CQL BACKUP commands. See Backup and Restore Service CQL Command Reference. (STUDIO-3076)

  • Added Studio support for the following cqlsh commands:

  • Improved CQL cell validation of maximum length of keyspace and table identifiers to be version specific.

    • Max length is 48 characters in DSE 5.1.x and DSE 6.0.x

    • Max length is 222 characters in DSE 6.7.x and higher

  • Improved the execution time of the first CQL or Spark SQL cell execution. (STUDIO-3126)

  • A Gremlin cell can be executed in Studio when there is no Graph selected for the Notebook. This support enables the execution of Gremlin code that does not require a Graph. (STUDIO-3128)



6.8.1 Resolved issues

  • Duration data type syntax highlighting in CQL cells. (STUDIO-1277)

  • ConcurrentModificationException periodically appeared in standard out. (STUDIO-2216)

  • DateRangeTypes now display properly in Studio results. (STUDIO-2945)

  • In Studio, CQL cells using ALTER TABLE commands containing certain WITH clauses previously did not run properly. (STUDIO-3115)

  • Null Pointer Exception encountered in Studio when trying to execute a CQL cell that only contained comments. (STUDIO-3117)

  • In Studio 6.8.0, attempts to use an unreserved DSE keyword as the User Defined Type (UDT) name caused an org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.SyntaxException. (STUDIO-3120)

  • In CQL cells, Search query parameters useFieldCache and timeAllowed are now recognized. (STUDIO-3123)

  • Fixed an issue in CQL cells when the selected keyspace value in the Keyspace dropdown was an identifier that must be quoted. (STUDIO-3132)

    Examples of identifiers that must be quoted:

    • starts with a number

    • starts with an underscore

    • CQL reserved keyword

  • Addressed issues with the server startup script on Windows OS when java_home was not defined in the environment. (STUDIO-3136)

  • In CQL cells, the following Datetime functions are now recognized. (STUDIO-3137)

    • currentTimestamp

    • currentDate

    • currentTime

    • currentTimeUUID

DataStax Studio 6.8.0 release notes

DataStax Studio 6.8.x release notes are now hosted here: Studio 6.8.4 and later release notes.

March 2020

6.8.0 Changes and enhancements

  • Create and share links to direct cells with the new Copy Cell Link option in the Other Cell Action () menu. (STUDIO-645, STUDIO-2817)

  • You can now import a notebook using a URL. (STUDIO-1814)

  • You can now click the connection name in notebook header to open the connection dialog and make changes. (STUDIO-1762)

  • DataStax Graph (core) provides more versatility in application development. See About DataStax Graph. To learn about the redesign of DataStax Graph, take a tour with the DataStax Graph QuickStart v6.8.0 notebook from the Studio home page. (STUDIO-2263, STUDIO-2403, STUDIO-2499)

  • New execution options and connection management options in configuration.yaml. Options from earlier versions that are not present in the file are ignored and can safely be removed. (STUDIO-1696)

  • Select Edit Connection in the notebook header to edit the current connection, add a new connection, or select a different connection directly from within the notebook.

  • Clustering Key columns are no longer sorted by name. (STUDIO-1792)

  • Improved user experience when you create or edit a Connection. After you click the Save button, a spinner now displays to indicate progress and prevent other changes to the Connection. (STUDIO-2322)

  • Improved usability inside notebooks. The cursor pointer is now consistent in dropdowns. (STUDIO-2487)

  • Changes to the Create Graph dialog include the addition of a cluster node count. (STUDIO-2574)

  • Studio now supports the export of query results to CSV and JSON formats. (STUDIO-316, STUDIO-2628)

  • Studio notebook versions are updated for v6.8.0. (STUDIO-2676)

  • CQL duration data type is now supported in CQL cells. (STUDIO-2814)

  • Changes in the New Graph dialog. (STUDIO-2499, STUDIO-2574, STUDIO-2678)

    • Choose DataStax Graph (Core) or Classic. The graphic type is displayed in the upper left corner of the notebook. The Core notebook is recommended.

    • The replication options are set to match the number of discovered cluster nodes and are configurable.

  • Neighborhood expansion query is optimized to reduce expensive server side operations for super nodes. (STUDIO-2663)

  • You can now execute only the highlighted statement or statements in a cell. (STUDIO-2892)

    • For CQL and Spark SQL cells, partial statement highlights and execution are supported. It is handy to select any part of the statement to execute the entire statement.

    • For Gremlin cells, you must select the entire statement. Error messages returned indicate the line number within the group of highlighted statements, not the line number of the cell.

  • In the Create Notebook dialog, the connection now auto-fills if there is only a single connection. (STUDIO-2973)

  • Execution configuration changes. (STUDIO-2946)

    • Execution configurations on a new installation are LOCAL.ONE, LOCAL.QUORUM, and LOCAL.QUORUM.TRACE.

    • The default execution configuration is LOCAL.ONE.

    • Upgrading existing Studio installations automatically replaces old execution configurations with new ones:

      Configuration Files
      6.8 6.7 and earlier









    • You can now create an Astra connection. (STUDIO-3095)

6.8.0 Resolved issues

  • Graph dropdown must be updated when connection is changed. (STUDIO-2775)

  • Error message when trying to connect to an unsupported cluster type, for a cluster other than DSE, is not clear. (STUDIO-2836)

  • Table using non-frozen UDTs can throw Codec not found error. (STUDIO-3004)

  • The server.bat file did not handle Windows user directories that contained spaces and caused Studio startup to fail. (STUDIO-3023)

  • Cell execution results causing OOM. Use new cell execution settings in configuration.yaml. (STUDIO-3068)

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