View customer key status

After you add a customer key, you can view its status in the Astra Portal.

View customer keys by organization

  1. In the Astra Portal, go to Settings, and then click Security.

  2. In the Custom Keys section, you can see the status of your keys:

    • In-Use: A database in your organization is actively using the customer key.

    • Available: The customer key is available to your organization, but no valid databases use the key. Databases must have the same provider and region as the customer key that they use.

View customer keys for specific databases

  1. In Astra Portal, go to Databases, and then select your database.

  2. On the Overview tab, in the Regions section, click more_vert More Options, and then select Details.

    The Region details show the key status and the status of the region using the customer keys.

  3. To see all of your organization’s keys, select Manage Keys.

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