Start with the Data API

You can interact with the Data API directly or through the clients. Clients are available for Python, TypeScript, and Java.


Review the prerequisites and other information about the available APIs in the API reference overview.

If you plan to use a Data API client, and you haven’t done so already, install the client for your preferred language:

HCD APIs use the term keyspace to refer to both namespaces and keyspaces.

Connect to the database

When you create apps using the Data API clients for Python, TypeScript, and Java, your main entry point is the DataAPIClient object. Using an authentication token, the client can produce a reference to a database. For self-managed databases, you can specify the authentication token using the UsernamePasswordTokenProvider class.

  • Python

  • TypeScript

  • Java

View this topic in more detail on the API Reference.

token_provider = UsernamePasswordTokenProvider(DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD)

# Initialize the client and get a "Database" object
database = DataAPIClient(
    token=token_provider, environment=Environment.HCD,


database - An instance of the Database class.

Example response
Database(api_endpoint="http://localhost:8181", token="Cassandra:dX...", keyspace="(not set)")
Name Type Summary



A username for token creation. Example: cassandra.



A password for token creation. Example: cassandra.

Parameters for DataAPIClient:

Name Type Summary


Optional[Union[TokenProvider, str]]

The authentication token. It can be a string or an instance of an astrapy.authentication.TokenProvider.



The target Data API environment. Accepted values are grouped into astrapy.constants.Environment—for example, Environment.HCD. You can also pass strings directly—for example,"hcd".

Parameters for get_database:

Name Type Summary



The URL for the API endpoint base URL, such as "http://localhost:8181".


Optional[Union[TokenProvider, str]]

A specialized token, which overrides — if provided — the one previously given to the client.



Pass this argument to set a working keyspace for the returned Database. If this argument isn’t provided, the database object won’t be able to perform some operations yet. See Create a keyspace for a suggested pattern when the keyspace is yet to be created (such as on a fresh HCD instance).


from astrapy import DataAPIClient
from astrapy.authentication import UsernamePasswordTokenProvider
from astrapy.constants import Environment

# Database settings
DB_USERNAME = "cassandra"
DB_PASSWORD = "cassandra"
DB_API_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost:8181"

# Prepare a token provider
token_provider = UsernamePasswordTokenProvider(DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD)

# Initialize the client and get a "Database" object
client = DataAPIClient(token=token_provider, environment=Environment.HCD)
database = client.get_database(DB_API_ENDPOINT)

Most astrapy objects have an asynchronous counterpart to use within the asyncio framework. To get an AsyncDatabase, use the get_async_database method of the client, or call the database.to_async() method on the synchronous database.

async_db = client.get_database(
col_names = await async_db.list_collection_names()

my_collection = await async_db.get_collection("the_collection")
await my_collection.insert_one({"_id": 10})

See the API reference for AsyncDatabase to start exploring the async API.

View this topic in more detail on the API Reference.

// Build a token in the required format
const tp = new UsernamePasswordTokenProvider(DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD);

// Initialize the client and get a "Db" object
const client = new DataAPIClient({ environment: 'hcd' });


DataAPIClient - An instance of the client class.

Example response
DB_USERNAME = "cassandra"
DB_PASSWORD = "cassandra"

# Build a token
tp = UsernamePasswordTokenProvider(DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD)

# Initialize the client and get a "Database" object
client = DataAPIClient(token=tp, environment=Environment.DB_ENVIRONMENT)


Name Type Summary



A username for token creation. Example: cassandra.



A password for token creation. Example: cassandra.



The options to use for the client, including defaults.

Name Type Summary



Options related to the API requests the client makes.



Allows default options for when spawning a Db instance.



Allows default options for when spawning some Admin instance.

Http options (DataAPIHttpOptions):

The DataAPIHttpOptions type is a discriminated union on the client field. There are four available behaviors for the client field:

  • httpOptions not set: Use fetch-h2 if available or fall back to fetch.

  • client: 'default' or unset: Use fetch-h2 if available or throw an error.

  • client: 'fetch': Only use the native fetch API.

  • client: 'custom': Pass a custom Fetcher implementation to the client.

fetch-h2 is generally available by default on node runtimes only. On other runtimes, you might need to use the native fetch API or, if your code is minified, pass in the fetch-h2 module manually.

For more information on http clients, see the astra-db-ts README and the API reference.


For information on setting up commands monitoring, see the astra-db-ts README.


import { DataAPIClient, UsernamePasswordTokenProvider, VectorDoc, UUID } from '@datastax/astra-db-ts';

// Database settings
const DB_USERNAME = "cassandra";
const DB_PASSWORD = "cassandra";
const DB_API_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost:8181";
const DB_ENVIRONMENT = "hcd";
const DB_KEYSPACE = "cycling";

// Database settings if you exported them as environment variables
// const DB_USERNAME = process.env.DB_USERNAME;
// const DB_PASSWORD = process.env.DB_PASSWORD;
// const DB_API_ENDPOINT = process.env.DB_API_ENDPOINT;

// OpenAI settings
const OPEN_AI_PROVIDER = "openai";
const OPENAI_API_KEY = process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY
const MODEL_NAME = "text-embedding-3-small";

// Build a token in the required format
const tp = new UsernamePasswordTokenProvider(DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD);

// Initialize the client and get a "Db" object
const client = new DataAPIClient({ environment: 'hcd' });
const db = client.db(DB_API_ENDPOINT, { token: tp });
const dbAdmin = db.admin({ environment: 'hcd' });
// Build a token in the form of Cassandra:base64(username):base64(password)
String token = new UsernamePasswordTokenProvider(cassandraUserName, cassandraPassword).getTokenAsString();
System.out.println("1/7 - Creating Token: " + token);

// Initialize the client
DataAPIClient client = new DataAPIClient(token, builder().withDestination(databaseEnvironment).build());


DataAPIClient - An instance of the client class.


Name Type Summary



A username for token creation. Example: cassandra.



A password for token creation. Example: cassandra.



A class wrapping the advanced configuration of the client such as as HttpClient settings (timeouts…​).


import com.datastax.astra.client.Collection;
import com.datastax.astra.client.DataAPIClient;
import com.datastax.astra.client.Database;
import com.datastax.astra.client.admin.DataAPIDatabaseAdmin;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.CollectionOptions;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.CommandOptions;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.Document;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.FindOneOptions;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.KeyspaceOptions;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.SimilarityMetric;
import com.datastax.astra.internal.auth.UsernamePasswordTokenProvider;

import java.util.Optional;

import static com.datastax.astra.client.DataAPIClients.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_LOCAL;
import static com.datastax.astra.client.DataAPIOptions.DataAPIDestination.HCD;
import static com.datastax.astra.client.DataAPIOptions.builder;
import static com.datastax.astra.client.model.Filters.eq;

public class QuickStartHCD {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Database Settings
        String cassandraUserName     = "cassandra";
        String cassandraPassword     = "cassandra";
        String dataApiUrl            = DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_LOCAL;  // http://localhost:8181
        String databaseEnvironment   = "HCD" // DSE, HCD, or ASTRA
        String keyspaceName          = "ks1";
        String collectionName        = "lyrics";

        // Database settings if you export them as environment variables
        // String cassandraUserName            = System.getenv("DB_USERNAME");
        // String cassandraPassword            = System.getenv("DB_PASSWORD");
        // String dataApiUrl                   = System.getenv("DB_API_ENDPOINT");
        // OpenAI Embeddings
        String openAiProvider        = "openai";
        String openAiKey             = System.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"); // Need to export OPENAI_API_KEY
        String openAiModel           = "text-embedding-3-small";
        int openAiEmbeddingDimension = 1536;

        // Build a token in the form of Cassandra:base64(username):base64(password)
        String token = new UsernamePasswordTokenProvider(cassandraUserName, cassandraPassword).getTokenAsString();
        System.out.println("1/7 - Creating Token: " + token);

        // Initialize the client
        DataAPIClient client = new DataAPIClient(token, builder().withDestination(databaseEnvironment).build());
        System.out.println("2/7 - Connected to Data API");

Create a Data API token

The Data API expects a token in the following format: Cassandra:BASE64-ENCODED_USERNAME:BASE64_ENCODED_PASSWORD. You set these credentials when you create a cluster.

If you didn’t provide superuser credentials when you created your cluster, they were generated automatically and saved in a superuser secret named CLUSTER_NAME-superuser. The CLUSTER_NAME-superuser secret contains both the username and the password.

Run the following commands to get the username and password in base64 format:

kubectl get secret CLUSTER_NAME-superuser -n PROJECT_SLUG -o jsonpath="{.data.username}" | xargs
kubectl get secret CLUSTER_NAME-superuser -n PROJECT_SLUG -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | xargs

Use the obtained values to create a token in the Cassandra:BASE64-ENCODED_USERNAME:BASE64_ENCODED_PASSWORD format.

If you are using the Python, TypeScript, or Java client, you can also use the UsernamePasswordTokenProvider class to create a token. For more information, see Instantiate a client object.

Instantiate a client object

When you create apps using the Data API clients for Python, TypeScript, and Java, your main entry point is the DataAPIClient object. Using an authentication token, the client can produce a reference to a database. For Hyper-Converged Database (HCD) databases, you can specify the authentication token using the UsernamePasswordTokenProvider class.

  • Python

  • TypeScript

  • Java

View this topic in more detail on the API Reference.

token_provider = UsernamePasswordTokenProvider(DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD)

# Initialize the client and get a "Database" object
database = DataAPIClient(
    token=token_provider, environment=Environment.HCD,


database - An instance of the Database class.

Example response
Database(api_endpoint="http://localhost:8181", token="Cassandra:dX...", namespace="(not set)")
Name Type Summary



A username for token creation. Example: cassandra.



A password for token creation. Example: cassandra.

Parameters for DataAPIClient:

Name Type Summary


Optional[Union[TokenProvider, str]]

The authentication token. It can be a string or an instance of an UsernamePasswordTokenProvider.



The target Data API environment. Accepted values must be one of astrapy.constants.Environment or the equivalent string. For example, Environment.HCD or "hcd".

Parameters for get_database:

Name Type Summary



The URL for the API endpoint base URL, such as "http://localhost:8181".


Optional[Union[TokenProvider, str]]

A specialized token, which overrides any token previously given to the client.



Pass this argument to set a working namespace for the returned Database. If this argument isn’t provided, the database object won’t be able to perform some operations yet. See Create a namespace in the HCD or DSE documentation for a suggested pattern when the namespace is yet to be created, such as on a fresh instance.


from astrapy import DataAPIClient
from astrapy.authentication import UsernamePasswordTokenProvider
from astrapy.constants import Environment

# Database settings
DB_USERNAME = "cassandra"
DB_PASSWORD = "cassandra"
DB_API_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost:8181"

# Prepare a token provider
token_provider = UsernamePasswordTokenProvider(DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD)

# Initialize the client and get a "Database" object
client = DataAPIClient(token=token_provider, environment=Environment.HCD)
database = client.get_database(DB_API_ENDPOINT)

Most astrapy objects have an asynchronous counterpart to use within the asyncio framework. To get an AsyncDatabase, use the get_async_database method of the client, or call the database.to_async() method on the synchronous database.

async_db = client.get_database(
col_names = await async_db.list_collection_names()

my_collection = await async_db.get_collection("the_collection")
await my_collection.insert_one({"_id": 10})

See the API reference for AsyncDatabase to start exploring the async API.

View this topic in more detail on the API Reference.

// Build a token in the required format
const tokenProvider = new UsernamePasswordTokenProvider(DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD);

// Initialize the client and get a "Db" object
const client = new DataAPIClient({ environment: 'hcd' });


DataAPIClient - An instance of the client class.


Name Type Summary



A username for token creation. Example: cassandra.



A password for token creation. Example: cassandra.



The options to use for the client.

Name Type Summary



Options related to the API requests the client makes.



Allows default options for when spawning a Db instance.



Allows default options for when spawning some Admin instance.

Http options (DataAPIHttpOptions):

The DataAPIHttpOptions type is a discriminated union on the client field. There are four available behaviors for the client field:

  • httpOptions not set: Use fetch-h2 if available or fall back to fetch.

  • client: 'default' or unset: Use fetch-h2 if available or throw an error.

  • client: 'fetch': Only use the native fetch API.

  • client: 'custom': Pass a custom Fetcher implementation to the client.

fetch-h2 is generally available by default on node runtimes only. On other runtimes, you might need to use the native fetch API or, if your code is minified, pass in the fetch-h2 module manually.

For more information on http clients, see the astra-db-ts README and the API reference.

For information on setting up commands monitoring, see the astra-db-ts README.


import { DataAPIClient, UsernamePasswordTokenProvider, VectorDoc, UUID } from '@datastax/astra-db-ts';

// Database settings
// Database settings, assuming that you exported them as environment variables
const DB_USERNAME = process.env.DB_USERNAME;
const DB_PASSWORD = process.env.DB_PASSWORD;
const DB_API_ENDPOINT = process.env.DB_API_ENDPOINT;
const DB_NAMESPACE = process.env.DB_NAMESPACE;

// Build a token in the required format
const tokenProvider = new UsernamePasswordTokenProvider(DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD);

// Initialize the client and get a "Db" object
const client = new DataAPIClient({ environment: 'hcd' });
const db = client.db(DB_API_ENDPOINT, { token: tp });
const dbAdmin = db.admin({ environment: 'hcd' });
// Build a token in the form of Cassandra:base64(username):base64(password)
String token = new UsernamePasswordTokenProvider(cassandraUserName, cassandraPassword).getTokenAsString();

// Initialize the client
DataAPIClient client = new DataAPIClient(token, builder().withDestination(databaseEnvironment).build());


DataAPIClient - An instance of the client class.


Name Type Summary



A username for token creation. Example: cassandra.



A password for token creation. Example: cassandra.



A class wrapping the advanced configuration of the client, such as HttpClient settings like timeouts.


import com.datastax.astra.client.Collection;
import com.datastax.astra.client.DataAPIClient;
import com.datastax.astra.client.Database;
import com.datastax.astra.client.admin.DataAPIDatabaseAdmin;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.CollectionOptions;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.CommandOptions;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.Document;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.FindOneOptions;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.NamespaceOptions;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.SimilarityMetric;
import com.datastax.astra.internal.auth.UsernamePasswordTokenProvider;

import java.util.Optional;

import static com.datastax.astra.client.DataAPIClients.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_LOCAL;
import static com.datastax.astra.client.DataAPIOptions.DataAPIDestination.HCD;
import static com.datastax.astra.client.DataAPIOptions.builder;
import static com.datastax.astra.client.model.Filters.eq;

public class QuickStartHCD {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Database Settings
        String cassandraUserName     = "cassandra";
        String cassandraPassword     = "cassandra";
        String dataApiUrl            = DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_LOCAL;  // http://localhost:8181
        String databaseEnvironment   = "HCD" // DSE, HCD, or ASTRA
        String keyspaceName          = "ks1";
        String collectionName        = "lyrics";

        // Database settings if you export them as environment variables
        // String cassandraUserName            = System.getenv("DB_USERNAME");
        // String cassandraPassword            = System.getenv("DB_PASSWORD");
        // String dataApiUrl                   = System.getenv("DB_API_ENDPOINT");
        // OpenAI Embeddings
        String openAiProvider        = "openai";
        String openAiKey             = System.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"); // Need to export OPENAI_API_KEY
        String openAiModel           = "text-embedding-3-small";
        int openAiEmbeddingDimension = 1536;

        // Build a token in the form of Cassandra:base64(username):base64(password)
        String token = new UsernamePasswordTokenProvider(cassandraUserName, cassandraPassword).getTokenAsString();
        System.out.println("1/7 - Creating Token: " + token);

        // Initialize the client
        DataAPIClient client = new DataAPIClient(token, builder().withDestination(databaseEnvironment).build());
        System.out.println("2/7 - Connected to Data API");

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