Get a table
This Astra DB Serverless feature is currently in public preview. Development is ongoing, and the features and functionality are subject to change. Astra DB Serverless, and the use of such, is subject to the DataStax Preview Terms. The Data API tables commands are available through HTTP and the clients. If you use a client, tables commands are available only in client versions 2.0-preview or later. For more information, see Data API client upgrade guide. |
Gets a reference to a table for use with the Data API clients.
Method signature
The following method belongs to the astrapy.Database
name: str,
row_type: type[Any],
keyspace: str,
embedding_api_key: str | EmbeddingHeadersProvider,
spawn_api_options: APIOptions,
) -> Table[ROW]
The following method belongs to the Db
table<WSchema extends SomeRow, PKeys extends SomeRow = Partial<FoundRow<WSchema>>, RSchema extends SomeRow = FoundRow<WSchema>>(
name: string,
options?: {
embeddingApiKey?: string | EmbeddingHeadersProvider,
logging?: DataAPILoggingConfig,
serdes?: TableSerDesConfig,
timeoutDefaults?: Partial<TimeoutDescriptor>,
keyspace?: string,
): Table<WSchema, PKeys, RSchema>
The following methods belong to the com.datastax.astra.client.databases.Database
Table<Row> getTable(String tableName)
Table<Row> getTable(
String tableName,
TableOptions tableOptions
<T> Table<T> getTable(Class<T> rowClass)
<T> Table<T> getTable(
String tableName,
Class<T> rowClass
<T> Table<T> getTable(
String tableName,
Class<T> rowClass,
TableOptions tableOptions
This method has no literal equivalent in HTTP. Instead, you specify the table in the path, if required.
To get information about tables in a database, see List table metadata.
Returns a Table
object that corresponds to the specified table name.
Unless you specify the row_type
parameter, the table is typed as Table[dict]
This method returns a Table
object even for tables that don’t exist.
Returns a Table<Schema>
object that corresponds to the specified table name.
Unless you specify the Schema
, the table is typed as Table<Record<string, any>>
This method returns a Table
object even for tables that don’t exist.
Returns a Table<T>
object that corresponds to the specified table name.
Unless you specify the rowClass
parameter, the table is typed as Table<Row>
This method returns a Table
object even for tables that don’t exist.
This method has no literal equivalent in HTTP. Instead, you specify the table in the path, if required.
To get information about tables in a database, see List table metadata.
Name | Type | Summary |
The name of the table. |
This parameter acts a formal specifier for the type checker.
If omitted, the resulting |
The keyspace containing the target table. If not specified, the general keyspace setting for the database is used. |
Optional parameter for tables that have a As an alternative to Astra DB KMS authentication, use Most embedding provider integrations accept a plain |
A complete or partial specification of the APIOptions to override the defaults inherited from the |
Name | Type | Summary |
The name of the table. |
The options for spawning the |
Options (TableOptions<Schema>
Name | Type | Summary |
The keyspace where the target table exists.
If not specified, the working keyspace of the
Optional parameter for tables that have a As an alternative to Astra DB KMS authentication, use Most embedding provider integrations accept a plain |
The configuration for logging events emitted by the |
The default timeout options for any operation performed on this |
Lower-level serialization/deserialization configuration for this table. For more information, see Custom Ser/Des. |
Name | Type | Summary |
The name of the table. |
An optional specification of the class of the table’s row object.
If not provided, the default is |
Specialization of the |
Name | Type | Summary |
The keyspace containing the target table.
If not specified, the working keyspace of the |
Optional configuration for default timeouts for table operations using this |
Optional specialized headers for this table, if needed, that are added to the database headers. |
Optional parameter for tables that have a As an alternative to Astra DB KMS authentication, use Most embedding provider integrations accept a plain |
An optional specialization associated with |
Optional HTTP configuration overrides for this |
Optional specialized serializer for this |
This method has no literal equivalent in HTTP. Instead, you specify the table in the path, if required.
To get information about tables in a database, see List table metadata.
The following examples demonstrate how to get a table.
Get a Table
object from a Database
using the working keyspace of the Database
my_table = database.get_table("games")
By default, get_table
uses the database’s working keyspace.
If necessary, you can specify a different keyspace, and you can pass other options for the resulting Table
object, such as an embedding_api_key
for header-based vectorize authentication:
my_table = database.get_table(
Get a typed Table
object by supplying a type (a subclass of TypedDict
) to its rows:
my_typed_table: Table[MyCustomDictType] = database.get_table(
from astrapy import DataAPIClient
client = DataAPIClient("TOKEN")
database = client.get_database("API_ENDPOINT")
from astrapy.constants import SortMode
from import (
.add_column("match_id", ColumnType.TEXT)
.add_column("round", ColumnType.TINYINT)
.add_vector_column("m_vector", dimension=3)
.add_column("score", ColumnType.INT)
.add_column("when", ColumnType.TIMESTAMP)
.add_column("winner", ColumnType.TEXT)
.add_set_column("fighters", ColumnType.UUID)
.add_partition_sort({"round": SortMode.ASCENDING})
# Get a Table object (and read a property of it as an example):
my_table = database.get_table("games")
# ''
# Get a Table object in a specific keyspace,
# and set an embedding API key to it:
my_other_table = database.get_table(
from astrapy import Table
MyCustomDictType = dict[str, int]
# Get a Table object typed with a specific type for its rows:
my_typed_table: Table[MyCustomDictType] = database.get_table(
To spawn a Table
instance, you must pass a type schema.
The TypeScript client offers several ways to type tables, depending on your typing preferences and needs.
Schema and primary key
Full generic type signature
The most straightforward way to type a table is to provide a schema object that represents the table’s structure. However, this strategy doesn’t provide any type information about the table’s primary key.
import { DataAPIClient, DataAPITimestamp, DataAPIVector, UUID } from '@datastax/astra-db-ts';
// Instantiate the client and connect to the database
const client = new DataAPIClient();
const db = client.db(process.env.CLIENT_DB_URL!, { token: process.env.CLIENT_DB_TOKEN! });
// Define table's type manually
interface TableSchema {
matchId: string,
round: number,
score: number,
winner: string,
when: DataAPITimestamp,
fighters: Set<UUID>,
mVector: DataAPIVector,
// Pass it to db.table to type it as such.
// You must ensure the schema matches the table's actual schema.
const table = db.table<TableSchema>('games');
// You can then use TableSchema as you would any other type.
// @ts-expect-error - 'badfield' is not a valid column as per the table's type
const row: TableSchema = { matchId: 'match01', round: 1, badfield: 'Shhh!' }
// res.insertedId :: Partial<TableSchema>
const res = await table.insertOne(row);
The primary key type is used in the return types of insertOne
and insertMany
operations only.
However, you don’t need to specify the primary key type if you use the default Partial<Schema>
as the primary key type or you don’t need to use the returned values from insertOne
and insertMany
keeps the return type type-safe when the primary key fields are not known.
For example, given the following schema:
interface SchemaWithNoPK {
ptKey: string, // We know this is part of the primary key; TypeScript doesn't
clKey: string,
val1?: string | null,
val2?: number | null,
const table = db.table<SchemaWithNoPK>('my_table');
If there is no primary key information provided, then insertOne
returns an insertedId
like the following:
// `insertedId` is inferred to be `Partial<SchemaWithNoPK>` by default
const inserted = await table.insertOne({ ptKey: 'abc', clKey: 'def', val1: 'val' });
const insertedId = inserted.insertedId;
While not perfect, this option remains relatively type-safe without necessitating that you embed your primary key’s type in the table’s schema’s type itself.
If the primary key type is unspecified, the actual default is Partial<RSchema>
, but the difference between Partial<RSchema>
and Partial<Schema>
is negligible for most use cases.
For more information about read and write schemas, see Full generic type signature.
For more precise typing, you can include the primary key information in the table’s type along with the schema.
This strategy requires the TS-native Pick
utility type to define the primary key type.
import { DataAPIClient, DataAPITimestamp, DataAPIVector, UUID } from '@datastax/astra-db-ts';
// Instantiate the client and connect to the database
const client = new DataAPIClient();
const db = client.db(process.env.CLIENT_DB_URL!, { token: process.env.CLIENT_DB_TOKEN! });
// Define table's type manually
interface TableSchema {
matchId: string,
round: number,
score: number,
winner: string,
when: DataAPITimestamp,
fighters: Set<UUID>,
mVector: DataAPIVector,
// Define table's primary key type
type TablePK = Pick<TableSchema, 'matchId' | 'round'>;
// Pass it to db.table to type it as such.
// You must ensure the schema matches the table's actual schema.
const table = db.table<TableSchema, TablePK>('games');
// You can then use TableSchema as you would any other type.
// @ts-expect-error - 'badfield' is not a valid column as per the table's type
const row: TableSchema = { matchId: 'match01', round: 1, badfield: 'Shhh!' }
// res.insertedId :: { matchId: string, round: number }
const res = await table.insertOne(row);
If you want to use a table without any typing, you can pass SomeRow
as the single generic type parameter.
This types the table’s rows as Record<string, any>
, which is the most flexible but least type-safe option.
import { DataAPIClient } from '@datastax/astra-db-ts';
// Instantiate the client and connect to the database
const client = new DataAPIClient();
const db = client.db(process.env.CLIENT_DB_URL!, { token: process.env.CLIENT_DB_TOKEN! });
// Pass it to db.table to type it as such.
// You must ensure the schema matches the table's actual schema.
const table = db.table<TableSchema, TablePK>('games');
// You can then use TableSchema as you would any other type.
// @ts-expect-error - 'badfield' is not a valid column as per the table's type
const row: TableSchema = { matchId: 'match01', round: 1, badfield: 'Shhh!' }
// res.insertedId :: { matchId: string, round: number }
const res = await table.insertOne(row);
For the most complex use cases, especially when using custom ser/des logic, consider using the Table
full generic type signature:
class Table<
WSchema extends SomeRow,
PKey extends SomeRow = Partial<FoundRow<WSchema>>,
RSchema extends SomeRow = FoundRow<WSchema>,
> {}
For more information, see Collection and Table typing.
Full script
import { CreateTableDefinition, DataAPIClient, InferTableSchema, SomeRow, timestamp, uuid, vector } from '@datastax/astra-db-ts';
// Instantiate the client and connect to the database
const client = new DataAPIClient();
const db = client.db(process.env.CLIENT_DB_URL!, { token: process.env.CLIENT_DB_TOKEN! });
// Create table schema using bespoke Data API table definition syntax
const TableDefinition = <const>{ // <const> ensures the exact literal type of the object is used, not a widened type
columns: {
matchId: 'text', // Represented by a native JS string
round: 'tinyint', // All non-varint/decimal numbers are represented as JS numbers
mVector: { type: 'vector', dimension: 3 }, // Vectors are represented as DataAPIVectors by default to enable some optimizations
score: 'int',
when: 'timestamp', // Represented by DataAPITimestamps instead of Dates
winner: 'text',
fighters: { type: 'set', valueType: 'uuid' }, // Sets/maps/lists are represented as native JS Sets/Maps/Arrays
}, // But the UUID is represented as a provided UUID class.
primaryKey: {
partitionBy: ['matchId'], // 'matchId' is the sole partition key
partitionSort: { round: 1 }, // 'round' is the sole clustering key
} satisfies CreateTableDefinition; // Ensures the table definition is valid
// Infer the TS-equivalent type from the table definition. Equivalent to:
// interface TableSchema {
// matchId: string, // Primary key components are not nullable
// round: number,
// score?: number | null, // Non-primary key columns are optional and can return as null
// winner?: string | null,
// when?: DataAPITimestamp | null,
// fighters?: Set<UUID>, // Maps, lists, and sets are optional to insert, but returns as empty instead of null
// mVector?: DataAPIVector | null, // Vectors can be null.
// }
// The preceding definition uses some custom types, like DataAPITimestamp, UUID, and DataAPIVector.
// If necessary, you can modify the ser/des logic to use different datatypes instead.
// However, you must provide your own types in that case.
// For more information, see the Typescript client usage documentation.
type TableSchema = InferTableSchema<typeof TableDefinition>;
(async function () {
// Create a table using the given TableSchema type or error if a 'games' table already exists
const table = await db.createTable<TableSchema>('games', { definition: TableDefinition });
// Attempt to create the same table again.
// This errors because a table with the given name already exists,
// and it uses the default of 'ifNotExists: false'.
await db.createTable<TableSchema>('games', { definition: TableDefinition })
.catch((e => console.error(e.message)));
// Attempt to create the same table again.
// Because 'ifNotExists: true', the command does not throw an error
// if the working keyspace already has an table named 'games'.
await db.createTable<TableSchema>('games', { definition: TableDefinition, ifNotExists: true });
// Insert a single row
await table.insertOne({
matchId: 'match_0',
round: 1, // All non-varint/decimal numbers are represented as JS numbers
score: 18,
when: timestamp(), // Shorthand for new DataAPITimestamp(new Date())
winner: 'Victor',
fighters: new Set([ // Uses native Maps/Sets/Arrays for collections
uuid('a4e4e5b0-1f3b-4b4d-8e1b-4e6b3f1f3b4d'), // You can nest datatypes in collections
uuid(4), // Shorthand for UUID.v4()
mVector: vector([0.2, -0.3, -0.5]), // Shorthand for new DataAPIVector([0.2, -0.3, -0.5])
// Use createTable to create an untyped reference to the table.
const untypedTable = await db.createTable<SomeRow>('games', { definition: TableDefinition, ifNotExists: true });
// Attempt to insert a row into the untyped table.
// This errors at runtime (not statically) because it's untyped.
await untypedTable.insertOne({ matchId: '32', round: 1, badfield: 3 })
.catch((e => console.error(e.message)));
// The following examples demonstrate various ways to get a reference to a table (a Table object)
// Create the table if it doesn't already exist, but don't retain the Table
await db.createTable('games', { definition: TableDefinition, ifNotExists: true });
// Create an untyped table object
const untypedTable = db.table('games');
// Flexible but not type-safe, errors at runtime
const inserted1 = await untypedTable.insertOne({ matchId: 'fight7' });
// Return type of inserted primary key not known either
console.log(inserted1.insertedId["I don't know who I am..."]);
// Return types of find operations, not type-safe
const found1 = await untypedTable.findOne({ matchId: 'fight7', round: 3 });
console.log(found1?.["I guess you could say that I'm having an IDentity crisis :)"]);
// Create a typed table object
const typedTable = db.table<TableSchema, TablePK>('games');
// @ts-expect-error
// Type-safe, errors when compiling
// You must ensure the types are correct
const inserted2 = await typedTable.insertOne({ matchId: 'fight7' });
// @ts-expect-error
// Type-safe, errors when compiling
console.log(inserted2.insertedId["uh oh I've been caught"]);
// Still type-safe
const found2 = await typedTable.findOne({ matchId: 'fight7', round: 3 })
// Uncomment the following line to drop the table and any related indexes.
// await table.drop();
Expand the preceding Full script example for the definition of TypeSchema
that is used in the following truncated example:
// Create the table if it doesn't already exist, but don't retain the Table
await db.createTable('games', { definition: TableDefinition, ifNotExists: true });
// Create an untyped table object
const untypedTable = db.table('games');
// Flexible but not type-safe, errors at runtime
const inserted1 = await untypedTable.insertOne({ matchId: 'fight7' });
// Return type of inserted primary key not known either
console.log(inserted1.insertedId["I don't know who I am..."]);
// Return types of find operations, not type-safe
const found1 = await untypedTable.findOne({ matchId: 'fight7', round: 3 });
console.log(found1?.["I guess you could say that I'm having an IDentity crisis :)"]);
// Create a typed table object
const typedTable = db.table<TableSchema, TablePK>('games');
// @ts-expect-error
// Type-safe, errors when compiling
// You must ensure the types are correct
const inserted2 = await typedTable.insertOne({ matchId: 'fight7' });
// @ts-expect-error
// Type-safe, errors when compiling
console.log(inserted2.insertedId["uh oh I've been caught"]);
// Still type-safe
const found2 = await typedTable.findOne({ matchId: 'fight7', round: 3 })
Get a Table
object from a Database
using the working keyspace of the Database
Table<Row> myTable = database.getTable("games");
By default, getTable
uses the database’s working keyspace.
If necessary, you can specify a different keyspace, and you can pass other options for the resulting Table
object, such as an embeddingApiKey
for header-based vectorize authentication:
TableOptions options = new TableOptions()
Table<Row> myTable = db.getTable("games", options);
Get a typed Table
object by supplying a type to its rows:
TableOptions options = new TableOptions();
Table<Game> myTable = database
.getTable("games", Game.class, options);
package com.datastax.astra.client.database;
import com.datastax.astra.client.DataAPIClients;
import com.datastax.astra.client.core.auth.EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider;
import com.datastax.astra.client.core.options.DataAPIClientOptions;
import com.datastax.astra.client.databases.Database;
import com.datastax.astra.client.tables.Game;
import com.datastax.astra.client.tables.Table;
import com.datastax.astra.client.tables.TableOptions;
import com.datastax.astra.client.tables.definition.rows.Row;
import java.util.Map;
public class GetTable {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Database astraDb = new DataAPIClient(token).getDatabase(endpoint);
Database db =
// Default
Table<Row> myTable1 =
// Options
TableOptions options = new TableOptions()
.databaseAdditionalHeaders(Map.of("Feature-Flag-tables", "true"));
Table<Row> myTable3 = db.getTable("games", options);
// Typing
Table<Game> myTable2 =
db.getTable("games", Game.class);
// Typing + Options
Table<Game> myTable4 =
db.getTable("games", Game.class, new TableOptions());
This method has no literal equivalent in HTTP. Instead, you specify the table in the path, if required.
To get information about tables in a database, see List table metadata.
Client reference
For more information, see the client reference.
For more information, see the client reference.
For more information, see the client reference.
Client reference documentation is not applicable for HTTP.