Develop applications with Spring and Astra DB Serverless

query_builder 30 min

Spring is a popular framework for building Java applications. Spring Boot is a project within the Spring ecosystem that simplifies the configuration of Spring applications through convenient dependency descriptors called starters.

Spring Data for Apache Cassandra® (spring-data-cassandra) is a Spring Data project that provides easy configuration and access to Cassandra databases, including Astra DB databases.

While you can use Spring Data for Apache Cassandra (spring-data-cassandra) without Spring Boot, Spring applications commonly use Spring Data projects through Spring Boot starters, like spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra (associated with the standard web stack) or spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra-reactive (named for the reactive stack).

spring-data-cassandra uses the DataStax Java driver to connect to your database, and it provides abstractions with Spring concepts like templates, repositories, and entities.

The stateful object CqlSession is instantiated and injected into Spring’s CassandraTemplate, also known as CassandraOperations. You can use CqlSession directly from CassandraTemplate or you can inject CqlSession into a different CassandraRepository, which is a specialization of Spring Data’s CrudRepository for Apache Cassandra.

Spring Boot with Spring Data dependency graph

This guide demonstrates how to connect to Astra DB with spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra.


This integration has the following requirements.

Minimum versions are given, but DataStax recommends the latest versions.

  • An active Astra account

  • Familiarity with Spring and Java.

  • Spring Boot version 2.1 or later and compatible versions of Spring Framework, Java/JDK, and Maven. For more information, see Spring Boot supported versions and Spring Boot System Requirements.

    This guide uses Maven as an example. If you prefer to use Gradle, you must modify the commands and configurations accordingly.

    If you prefer to use Spring Data without Spring Boot, you need Spring Data version 3.0.0 or later.

Prepare Astra DB

  1. Create an Astra DB database or use an existing one.

  2. Generate an application token with the Database Administrator role.

  3. Download your database’s Secure Connect Bundle (SCB).

    You project requires access to this zip file to connect to your database. For this demo, you can store the file relative to the directory where you plan to build and run the demo project. In a production scenario, treat the SCB as you would any other sensitive credentials.

Set up the demo project

This guide uses a sample to-do list app to demonstrate how you can use spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra to connect to your Astra DB database.

Connectivity to Astra DB is handled by the DataStax Java driver through abstractions in Spring Data for Apache Cassandra. For more information, see Connecting to Cassandra with Spring.

  1. Clone the sample to-do list app repo.

  2. Open /src/main/resources/, and then edit the configuration as needed:


    Replace the following:

    • KEYSPACE_NAME: The name of the keyspace in your database that you want you application to connect to. The default value is default_keyspace. If you are using an existing database that already contains data, consider creating a keyspace for this demo.

    • ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN: An application token with the Database Administrator role.

    • PATH_TO_SCB: The path to your database’s SCB zip file.

  3. (Recommended) Specify the latest DataStax Java driver Latest cassandra-java-driver release on GitHub version in the demo project’s pom.xml:


    Although spring-data-cassandra includes a version of the Java driver, DataStax recommends specifying the latest version. For this demo, the minimum supported version is 4.6.0.

    Make sure you use a driver version that is compatible with Astra DB. For more information, see Compatibility and support for DataStax drivers.

  4. Build and run the application:

    mvn spring-boot:run

    At startup, the application creates a table in your database. This can take a few minutes.

    You can ping the app to check that it is running:

    curl http://localhost:8080

Try the demo project

The demo project is a simple to-do list application that stores the to-do list items in a table. You can use these command to interact with the demo app:

  • Fetch the list:

    curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/todos

    Initially, the table is empty. After you add a task, this command returns the contents of the to-do list table.

  • Add a task to the list:

    curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/todos \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d '{"title": "TASK_NAME", "description": "TASK_DESCRIPTION", "completed": false}'

If you want to compare your requests with the raw table data, you can use the CQL shell to query the table directly:

select * from KEYSPACE_NAME.todos;

Replace KEYSPACE_NAME with the keyspace you specified in

Spring Data Cassandra best practices

Define your own CqlSession bean and let Spring-Data find it

The Spring Data Cassandra starters provide some dedicated keys in the configuration file, These keys are prefixed by*. However, this is not an exhaustive list of driver options.

Similarly, some super classes, like AbstractCassandraConfiguration, are provided in such a way that you can specify a few configuration properties with a limited set of keys.

Don’t use findAll()

This demo uses findAll() for simplicity. However, this can be a resource-intensive and long-running operation on tables of any significant size.

This method skips the default paging mechanism and retrieves all records in the table. Effectively, it performs a full scan of the cluster, selecting data for each node. Given that Cassandra tables are designed to store billions of records, this can be extremely slow and cause OutOfMemoryException.

Before adapting this demo for your own projects, replace findAll() with find().

Don’t use @AllowFiltering

The @AllowFiltering annotation corresponds to the CQL statement ALLOW FILTERING.

Only use this annotation in situations where you provide the partition key and you know your partition size is relatively small.

Most of the time, using @AllowFiltering indicates a problem with your data model, such as a poorly designed primary key. You might need to create another table to store the same data or create a secondary index.

Don’t rely exclusively on Spring Data to create your schema

This demo uses CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS in the configuration file. This configuration attempts to create tables based on your annotated beans.

DataStax does not recommend using this configuration key in production scenarios because it can lead to bad data models, and it doesn’t provide access to find-grained properties like COMPACTION and TTL (if supported) that can be different in development and production environments.

Instead, create schemas with DDL scripts, as in schema.cql, and execute those intentionally to build your schemas. For more information, see Initialize a Database using Basic SQL Scripts and Spring Data Cassandra Schema Management.

Consider your data model before your entities

With the JPA (entity, repository) methodology, it can be tempting to reuse the same entities and repositories to perform multiple queries against the same table. However, most new requests won’t valid because you won’t use the primary key.

In response, it can be equally tempting to create a secondary index or use @AllowFiltering. DataStax does not recommend this.

Instead, create a separate table, entity, and repository, even if they contain the same data. Generally, there is a 1:1 relationship between queries and tables.

CassandraRepository can’t implement everything

In production applications, you might need to go back to the CqlSession and execute custom fine-grained queries, such as batches, TTL, or LWT. The Spring Data Cassandra interfaces and CassandraRepository aren’t sufficient for these queries.

Instead, you can extend the SimpleCassandraRepository class, which is an abstract class (not an interface) that provides direct access to CqlSession, allowing you to execute queries as needed. For example:

package com.datastax.workshop.todo;

import java.util.UUID;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlSession;

public class TodoRepositorySimpleCassandra extends SimpleCassandraRepository<TodoEntity, UUID> {

    protected final CqlSession cqlSession;

    protected final CassandraOperations cassandraTemplate;

    public TodoRepositorySimpleCassandra(CqlSession cqlSession, CassandraOperations ops) {
        super(new MappingCassandraEntityInformation<TodoEntity, UUID>(
                (CassandraPersistentEntity<TodoEntity>) ops.getConverter().getMappingContext()
                .getRequiredPersistentEntity(TodoEntity.class), ops.getConverter()), ops);
        this.cqlSession = cqlSession;
        this.cassandraTemplate = ops;


See also

Learn more and find more examples in the Spring Data Cassandra and the DataStax Java driver documentation.

For an example of Spring Data Cassandra without Spring Boot, see the astra-spring-data-standalone example repository.

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