Find and update a document

Documents represent a single row or record of data in Astra DB Serverless databases.

You use the Collection class to work with documents through the Data API clients. For instructions to get a Collection object, see Work with collections.

For general information about working with documents, including common operations and operators, see the Work with documents.

For more information about the Data API and clients, see Get started with the Data API.

Find and update a document

Find one document that matches a filter condition, apply changes to it, and then return the document itself.

This is effectively an expansion of the findOne command with additional support for update operators and related options.

  • Python

  • TypeScript

  • Java

  • curl

For more information, see the Client reference.

Find a document matching a filter condition, and then edit a property in that document:

    {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
    {"$set": {"title": "Mr."}},

Locate and update a document, returning the document itself, and create a new one if no match is found:

    {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
    {"$set": {"title": "Mr."}},

Locate and update the document most similar to a query vector from either $vector or $vectorize:

    {"$set": {"best_match": True}},
    sort={"$vector": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]},


Name Type Summary


Dict[str, Any]

A predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. For example: {}, {"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}, {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}. For a list of available operators, see Data API operators. For additional examples, see Find documents using filter clauses.


Dict[str, Any]

The update prescription to apply to the document, expressed as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. For example: {"$set": {"field": "value"}}, {"$inc": {"counter": 10}} and {"$unset": {"field": ""}}. For a list of available operators, see Data API operators.


Optional[Union[Iterable[str], Dict[str, bool]]]

See Find a document and Projection clauses.


Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

See Find a document and Sort clauses.


bool = False

This parameter controls the behavior if there are no matches. If true and there are no matches, then the operation inserts a new document by applying the update to an empty document. If false and there are no matches, then the operation silently does nothing.



A flag controlling what document is returned. If set to ReturnDocument.BEFORE or the string "before", then the original document is returned. If set to ReturnDocument.AFTER or the string "after", then the updated document is returned. The default is "before".



A timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. This method uses the collection-level timeout by default.


Dict[str, Any] - The document that was found, either before or after the update (or a projection thereof, as requested). If no matches are found, None is returned.

Example response
{'_id': 999, 'Marco': 'Polo'}


from astrapy import DataAPIClient
import astrapy
client = DataAPIClient("TOKEN")
database = client.get_database("API_ENDPOINT")
collection = database.my_collection

collection.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})

    {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
    {"$set": {"title": "Mr."}},
# prints: {'_id': 'a80106f2-...', 'Marco': 'Polo'}
    {"title": "Mr."},
    {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
    projection={"title": True, "rank": True},
# prints: {'_id': 'a80106f2-...', 'title': 'Mr.', 'rank': 3}
    {"name": "Johnny"},
    {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
# (returns None for no matches)
    {"name": "Johnny"},
    {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
# prints: {'_id': 'cb4ef2ab-...', 'name': 'Johnny', 'rank': 0}

For more information, see the Client reference.

Find a document matching a filter condition, and then edit a property in that document:

const docBefore = await collection.findOneAndUpdate(
  { $and: [{ name: 'Jesse' }, { gender: 'M' }] },
  { $set: { title: 'Mr.' } },

Locate and update a document, returning the updated document, and create a new one if no match is found:

const docAfter = await collection.findOneAndUpdate(
  { $and: [{ name: 'Jesse' }, { gender: 'M' }] },
  { $set: { title: 'Mr.' } },
  { upsert: true, returnDocument: 'after' },

Locate and update the document most similar to a query vector from either $vector or $vectorize:

const docBefore = await collection.findOneAndUpdate(
  { $set: { bestMatch: true } },
  { sort: { $vector: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] } },


Name Type Summary



A filter to select the document to update. For a list of available operators, see Data API operators. For additional examples, see Find documents using filter clauses.



The update to apply to the selected document. For a list of available operators, see Data API operators.



The options for this operation.

Name Type Summary


'before' | 'after'

Specifies whether to return the original ('before') or updated ('after') document.



This parameter controls the behavior if there are no matches. If true and there are no matches, then the operation inserts a new document by applying the update to an empty document. If false and there are no matches, then the operation silently does nothing.



See Find a document and Projection clauses.



See Find a document and Sort clauses.



The maximum time in milliseconds that the client should wait for the operation to complete each underlying HTTP request.



When true, returns ok: 1, in addition to the document, if the command executed successfully.


Promise<WithId<Schema> | null> - The document before/after the update, depending on the type of returnDocument, or null if no matches are found.


import { DataAPIClient } from '@datastax/astra-db-ts';

// Reference an untyped collection
const client = new DataAPIClient('TOKEN');
const db = client.db('ENDPOINT', { keyspace: 'KEYSPACE' });
const collection = db.collection('COLLECTION');

(async function () {
  // Insert a document
  await collection.insertOne({ 'Marco': 'Polo' });

  // Prints 'Mr.'
  const updated1 = await collection.findOneAndUpdate(
    { 'Marco': 'Polo' },
    { $set: { title: 'Mr.' } },
    { returnDocument: 'after' },

  // Prints { _id: ..., title: 'Mr.', rank: 3 }
  const updated2 = await collection.findOneAndUpdate(
    { title: 'Mr.' },
    { $inc: { rank: 3 } },
    { projection: { title: 1, rank: 1 }, returnDocument: 'after' },

  // Prints null
  const updated3 = await collection.findOneAndUpdate(
    { name: 'Johnny' },
    { $set: { rank: 0 } },
    { returnDocument: 'after' },

  // Prints { _id: ..., name: 'Johnny', rank: 0 }
  const updated4 = await collection.findOneAndUpdate(
    { name: 'Johnny' },
    { $set: { rank: 0 } },
    { upsert: true, returnDocument: 'after' },

Operations on documents are performed at the Collection level. Collection is a generic class with the default type of Document. You can specify your own type, and the object is serialized by Jackson. For more information, see the Client reference.

Most methods have synchronous and asynchronous flavors, where the asynchronous version is suffixed by Async and returns a CompletableFuture:

// Synchronous
Optional<T> findOneAndUpdate(Filter filter, Update update);

// Synchronous
CompletableFuture<Optional<T>> findOneAndUpdateAsync(Filter filter, Update update);


Name Type Summary



Criteria list to filter the document. The filter is a JSON object that can contain any valid Data API filter expression. For a list of available operators, see Data API operators. For examples and options, including projection and sort, see Find documents using filter clauses.



The update prescription to apply to the document. For a list of available operators, see Data API operators.

To build the different parts of the requests, a set of helper classes are provided These are suffixed by an s, such as Filters for Filter and Updates for Update.

Update update = Updates
 .set("field1", "value1")
 .inc("field2", 1d)


Optional<T> - Return the working document matching the filter or Optional.empty() if no document is found.


package com.datastax.astra.client.collection;

import com.datastax.astra.client.Collection;
import com.datastax.astra.client.DataAPIClient;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.Document;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.Filter;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.Filters;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.Update;
import com.datastax.astra.client.model.Updates;

import java.util.Optional;

import static;

public class FindOneAndUpdate {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Given an existing collection
        Collection<Document> collection = new DataAPIClient("TOKEN")

        // Building a filter
        Filter filter = Filters.and(
      "field2", 10),
                lt("field3", 20),
                Filters.eq("field4", "value"));

        // Building the update
        Update update = Updates.set("field1", "value1")
                .inc("field2", 1d)

        Optional<Document> doc = collection.findOneAndUpdate(filter, update);


Find a document matching a filter condition, and then edit a property in that document.

This example uses the $currentDate update operator to set a property to the current date:

--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
  "findOneAndUpdate": {
    "filter": { "_id": "doc1" },
    "update": {
      "$currentDate": {
        "createdAt": true
}' | jq
More update operator examples

Unset a property:

"findOneAndUpdate": {
  "filter": {
    "_id": "12"
  "update": { "$unset": { "amount": "" } },
  "options": { "returnDocument": "after" }

Increment a value:

"findOneAndUpdate": {
  "filter": {
    "_id": "12"
  "update": { "$inc": { "counter": 1 } },
  "options": { "returnDocument": "after" }

Use $position to add an element to a specific position in an array. $position is only valid with $push, and $each is required, even if you want to insert a single item at the specified position.

"findOneAndUpdate": {
  "filter": {
    "_id": "12"
  "update": {
    "$push": {
      "tags": {
        "$each": [ "new1", "new2" ],
        "$position": 0
  "options": { "returnDocument": "after" }

Rename a field:

"findOneAndUpdate": {
  "filter": {
    "_id": "12"
  "update": {
    "$rename": {
      "old_field": "new_field",
      "other_old_field": "other_new_field"
  "options": { "returnDocument": "after" }

Locate and update a document, returning the updated document, and create a new one if no match is found:

"findOneAndUpdate": {
  "filter": {
    "_id": "14"
  "update": {
    "$set": {
      "min_col": 2,
      "max_col": 99
  "options": {
    "returnDocument": "after",
    "upsert": true

If an upsert occurs, use the $setOnInsert operator to set additional document properties only for the new document:

"findOneAndUpdate": {
  "filter": {
    "_id": "27"
  "update": {
    "$currentDate": {
      "field": true
    "$setOnInsert": {
      "": "James B."
  "options": {
    "returnDocument": "after",
    "upsert": true

Locate and update the document most similar to a query vector from either $vector or $vectorize:

"findOneAndUpdate": {
  "sort": {
    "$vector": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
  "update": {
    "$set": {
      "status": "active"
  "options": {
    "returnDocument": "after"


Name Type Summary



Data API command to find one document based on a query and then run an update operation on the document’s properties.

sort, filter


Search criteria to find the document to update. For a list of available operators, see Data API operators. For sort and filter examples, see Find a document and Sort clauses.



The update prescription to apply to the document using Data API operators. For example: {"$set": {"field": "value"}}, {"$inc": {"counter": 10}} and {"$unset": {"field": ""}}.



See Find a document and Projection clauses.



This parameter controls the behavior if there are no matches. If true and there are no matches, then the operation inserts a new document by applying the update to an empty document. If false and there are no matches, then the operation silently does nothing.



A flag controlling what document is returned. If set to "before", then the original document is returned. If set to "after", then the updated document is returned. The default is "before".


A successful response contains a data object and a status object:

  • The data object contains a single document object representing either the original or modified document, based on the returnDocument parameter.

    "data": {
      "document": {
        "_id": "5",
        "purchase_type": "Online",
        "$vector": [0.25, 0.045, 0.38, 0.31, 0.67],
        "customer": "David C.",
        "amount": 94990
  • The status object contains the matchedCount and modifiedCount fields, which indicate the number of documents that matched the filter and the number of documents that were modified, respectively. If the update operation didn’t change any parameters in the matching document, then the modifiedCount is 0.

    "status": {
      "matchedCount": 1,
      "modifiedCount": 0

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