DSE Advanced Replication command line tool

The command line tool provides commands and options for configuring and using DSE Advanced Replication.

DSE Advanced Replication commands

These DSE Advanced Replication commands are available:

DSE Advanced Replication command options


dse advrep [--v1] [connection_options] [command] [sub_command] [sub_command_options]

To show the command line help for dse advrep:

dse advrep help

Authentication credentials can be provided in several ways, see Connecting to authentication enabled clusters.

The optional flag, --v1, can be used to access advanced replication commands for DSE 5.0; advanced replication commands changed with DSE 5.1. See DSE 5.0 Advanced Replication documentation for commands compatible with the --v1 flag. An example of using the --v1 flag is:

$ dse advrep --v1 edge conf --edge-id "edge1" --edge-id-col-name "edge_id" --hub-ip-addresses ""

Client to DSE connection commands

The default port for DSE Advanced Replication is 9042. Connection options are specified as:

dse advrep [connection_options]
Connection options
Connection options Description

--separator field_separator

Specify the field separator if --no-pretty-print is used for printing. Default: comma


If specified, data is printed as a comma delimited list. If not specified, data is printed as tabular output.

-u username

DSE username, or alternatively, DSE_USERNAME environment variable can be used.


JMX metrics user


JMX port (default: 7199)


JMX metrics password

-p password

DSE password, or alternatively, DSE_PASSWORD environment variable can be used.


Read connection configuration from server YAML files (dse.yaml and cassandra.yaml) instead of reading them from configuration files. Use only when the DSE installation against which the command run is a running node.

--cipher-suites ssl_cipher_suites

A comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites for connection to DSE when SSL is enabled. For example, --cipher-suites=c1,c2,c3.

--host address

The DSE host RPC broadcast address. The default value is localhost.

--port port

The DSE native protocol RPC connection port.

--kerberos-enabled true|false

true | false - If true, enable Kerberos for connection to DSE. For example, --kerberos-enabled true.

--keystore-password ssl_keystore_password

Keystore password for connection to DSE when SSL client authentication is enabled.

--keystore-path ssl_keystore_path

Set path to the keystore for connection to DSE when SSL client authentication is enabled.

--keystore-type ssl_keystore_type

Set keystore type for connection to DSE when SSL client authentication is enabled. JKS is the type for keys generated by the Java keytool binary, but other types are possible, depending on user environment.

--truststore-password ssl_truststore_password

Set the truststore password for connection to DSE when SSL is enabled.

--truststore-path ssl_truststore_path

Set path to truststore for connection to DSE when SSL is enabled.

--truststore-type ssl_truststore_type

Set truststore type for connection to DSE when SSL is enabled. JKS is the type for keys generated by the Java keytool binary, but other types are possible, depending on user environment.

--sasl-protocol-name dse_service_principal

The SASL protocol name must match the username of the Kerberos service principal used by the DSE server.


Specify whether SSL is enabled for connection to DSE. --ssl-enabled true is the same as --ssl.

--ssl-protocol ssl_protocol

SSL protocol for connection to DSE when SSL is enabled.


Delegation token which can be used to login, or alternatively, DSE_TOKEN environment variable can be used.

Connection options examples:

dse advrep --host ip-10-200-300-138.example.lan --kerberos-enabled=true conf list


dse advrep --use-server-config conf list

Printing option example:

dse advrep --no-pretty-print destination list-conf --separator "|"



If --no-pretty-print is not used, the output is in tabular format by default.

Replication channel commands


dse advrep channel command [sub_command] [sub_command_options]

To show the command line help for dse advrep channel:

dse advrep help channel

Command and command arguments for:

dse advrep channel sub_command [sub_command_options]
Sub-command Sub-command options


Create a replication channel for a keyspace:

--source-keyspace keyspace_name (required)

--destination-table destination_table_name


--fifo-order Specify if the channel should be replicated in FIFO order (default).

--lifo-order Specify if the channel should be replicated in LIFO order.

--destination destination (required) Destination where the replication is sent.

--source-table source_table_name (required) Source table to replicate.

--collection-enabled true | false Specify if the source table should be enabled for replication collection on creation.

--priority channel_priority

--transmission-enabled true | false Specify if data collector for the table should be replicated to the destination.


Update a replication channel for a keyspace:

--source-keyspace keyspace_name

--destination-table destination_table_name


--fifo-order Specify if the channel should be replicated in FIFO order (default).

--lifo-order Specify if the channel should be replicated in LIFO order.

--destination destination Destination where the replication is sent.

--source-table source_table_name Source table to replicate.

--collection-enabled true | false specify if the source table should be enabled for replication collection on creation.

--priority channel_priority

--transmission-enabled true | false Specify if data collector for the table should be replicated to the destination.


Delete replication channel:

--source-keyspace keyspace_name (required)

--destination destination (required) Destination where the replication is sent.

--source-table source_table_name (required) Source table to replicate.

--data-center-id data-center-id Datacenter for this channel


Pause replication channel for a keyspace:

--source-keyspace keyspace_name

--data-center-ids data-center-id(s) Comma-separated list of data-center-ids on which to filter

--destinations destination(s) Comma-separated list of destinations

--transmission If specified, no data for the source table is sent to the specified destination.

--source-table source_table_name

--collection If specified, no data for the source table is collected.


Resume replication for a paused channel:

--source-keyspace keyspace_name

--data-center-ids data-center-id(s) Comma-separated list of data-center-ids on which to filter

--destinations destination(s) Comma-separated list of destinations

--transmission If specified, no data for the source table is sent to the specified destination.

--source-table source_table_name

--collection If specified, no data for the source table is collected.

status Verify status of replication channel:

--keyspace keyspace_name

--destination destination Destination where the replication is sent.

--table source_table_name Source table to replicate.

--data-center-id data-center-id Datacenter for this channel

truncate Truncate a channel. All messages currently in the replication log for that channel are not replicated.

--source-keyspace keyspace_name

--data-center-ids data-center-id(s) Comma-separated list of data-center-ids on which to filter

--destinations destination(s) Comma-separated list of destinations

--source-table source_table_name

Destination commands


dse advrep destination [sub_command] [sub_command_options]

To show the command line help for dse advrep destination:

dse advrep help destination

Commands and command arguments for edge configuration and replication:

dse advrep destination sub_command [sub_command_options]
Command Command arguments


Create a channel from a keyspace source table to a destination cluster:

--name (required)

--addresses (required)

--transmission-enabled true|false

--driver-user password

--driver-pwd username

--driver-connect-timeout ms_driver_waits_to_connect_server

--driver-read-timeout ms_driver_waits_to_read_server_responses

--driver-compression lz4_or_snappy_algorithm

--driver-connections num_connections_to_create

--driver-connections-max max_num_connections_to_create

--driver-max-requests-per-connections max_num_requests_per_connection

--driver-local-dc dc_name


--driver-used-hosts-per-remote-dc number_of_hosts

--driver-allow-remote-dcs-for-local-cl true|false

--driver-ssl-enabled true|false

--driver-ssl-keystore-path ssl_keystore_path

--driver_ssl_keystore_password ssl_keystore_password

--driver_ssl_keystore_type ssl_keystore_type

--driver_ssl_truststore_path ssl_truststore_path

--driver-ssl-truststore-password ssl_truststore_password

--driver-ssl-truststore-type ssl_keystore_type

--driver-ssl-protocol ssl_protocol

--driver-ssl-cipher-suites ssl_cipher_suites


Update a channel from a keyspace source table to a destination cluster:

--name (required)


--transmission-enabled true|false

--driver-user password

--driver-pwd username

--driver-connect-timeout ms_driver_waits_to_connect_server

--driver-read-timeout ms_driver_waits_to_read_server_responses

--driver-compression lz4_or_snappy_algorithm

--driver-connections num_connections_to_create

--driver-connections-max max_num_connections_to_create

--driver-max-requests-per-connections max_num_requests_per_connection

--driver-local-dc dc_name


--driver-used-hosts-per-remote-dc number_of_hosts

--driver-allow-remote-dcs-for-local-cl true|false

--driver-ssl-enabled true|false

--driver-ssl-keystore-path ssl_keystore_path

--driver_ssl_keystore_password ssl_keystore_password

--driver_ssl_keystore_type ssl_keystore_type

--driver_ssl_truststore_path ssl_truststore_path

--driver-ssl-truststore-password ssl_truststore_password

--driver-ssl-truststore-type ssl_keystore_type

--driver-ssl-protocol ssl_protocol

--driver-ssl-cipher-suites ssl_cipher_suites


Delete destination:

--name (required)


List the destination configuration:

--name (required)


Remove configuration for a channel from a keyspace source table to a destination cluster:

--name (required)

--transmission-enabled true|false

--driver-user password

--driver-pwd username

--driver-connect-timeout ms_driver_waits_to_connect_server

--driver-read-timeout ms_driver_waits_to_read_server_responses

--driver-compression lz4_or_snappy_algorithm

--driver-connections num_connections_to_create

--driver-connections-max max_num_connections_to_create

--driver-local-dc dc_name


--driver-used-hosts-per-remote-dc number_of_hosts

--driver-allow-remote-dcs-for-local-cl true|false

--driver-ssl-enabled true|false

--driver-ssl-keystore-path ssl_keystore_path

--driver_ssl_keystore_password ssl_keystore_password

--driver_ssl_keystore_type ssl_keystore_type

--driver_ssl_truststore_path ssl_truststore_path

--driver-ssl-truststore-password ssl_truststore_password

--driver-ssl-truststore-type ssl_keystore_type

--driver-ssl-protocol ssl_protocol

--driver-ssl-cipher-suites ssl_cipher_suites


List the destination - no options

Configuration commands


dse advrep conf [sub_command] [sub_command_options]

To show the command line help for dse advrep conf:

dse advrep help conf

Commands and command arguments for configuration:

dse advrep conf sub_command [sub_command_options]
Command Command arguments


Update the configuration:

--collection-max-open-files value Number of option files kept

--audit-log-file audit_log_name Audit log file name

--audit-log-compression none | gzip Enable audit log compression.

--audit-log-enabled true | false Enable audit logging.

--audit-log-max-life-span-mins minutes Audit log max lifespan in minutes before discarding.

--audit-log-rotate-mins minutes Number of minutes before audit log rotates files.

--permits Maximum number of messages that can be replicated in parallel over all destinations (default: 30,000).

--invalid-message-log Error information for messages that could not be replicated are saved to system_log, channel_log (default), or none.

--collection-time-slice-count count The number of files which are open in the ingestor simultaneously. Default: 5

--collection-time-slice-width The time period in seconds for each data block ingested. Smaller time widths equal more files. Larger timer widths equal larger files but more data to resend on CRC mismatches. Default: 60 seconds



Remove configuration:

--collection-max-open-files value Number of option files kept

--audit-log-file audit_log_name Audit log file name

--audit-log-compression Disable audit log compression.

--audit-log-enabled true | false Enable audit logging.

--audit-log-max-life-span-mins minutes Audit log max lifespan in minutes before discarding.

--audit-log-rotate-mins minutes Number of minutes before audit log rotates files.

--permits Maximum number of messages that can be replicated in parallel over all destinations (default: 30,000).

--invalid-message-log Error information for messages that could not be replicated are saved to system_log, channel_log (default), or none.

--collection-time-slice-count count The number of files which are open in the ingestor simultaneously.

--collection-time-slice-width The time period in seconds for each data block ingested. Smaller time widths equal more files. Larger timer widths equal larger files but more data to resend on CRC mismatches.



List the configuration - no options


Display metrics from the command line once JMX access is configured:

dse advrep metrics

To show the command line help for dse advrep metrics:

dse advrep help metrics

Command options for:

dse advrep metrics list [sub_command_options]
Command Command options


[ --metric-group filter_by_group ]

[ --metric-type filter_by_type ]

Replication log commands

Display replication log information from the command line.

dse advrep replog

To show the command line help for dse advrep replog:

dse advrep help replog

Command options for:

dse advrep replog sub_command [sub_command_options]
Command Command options


--data-center-id data-center-id

--destination destination (required) Destination where the replication is sent.

--source-keyspace keyspace_name (required)

--source-table table_name (required)


--file filename Audit log file.

Replication command examples

The dse advrep channel command line tool examples and results:

Creating a destination
dse advrep --verbose destination create --name mydest --addresses --transmission-enabled true
Destination mydest created
Creating a replication source channel
dse advrep channel create --source-keyspace foo --source-table bar --source-id source1 --source-id-column source_id --destination mydest --destination-keyspace foo --destination-table bar --collection-enabled true --priority 1
Created channel dc=Cassandra keyspace=foo table=bar to mydest
Viewing a replication source channel status
dse advrep channel status
|dc       |keyspace|table          |collecting|transmitting|replication order|priority|dest ks|dest table     |src id |src id col|dest  |dest enabled|
|Cassandra|foo     |bar            |true      |false       |FIFO             |1       |foo    |bar            |source1|source_id |mydest|true        |
Removing a destination channel
dse advrep delete --name mydest
Removing a replication source channel
dse advrep delete --source-keyspace foo --source-table bar --destination mydest
Resuming collection from a source to a destination
dse advrep channel resume --source-keyspace foo --source-table bar --destinations mydest --collection
Channel dc=Cassandra keyspace=foo table=bar  collection to mydest was resumed
Resuming transmission from a source to a destination
dse advrep channel resume --source-keyspace foo --source-table bar --destinations mydest --transmission
Channel dc=Cassandra keyspace=foo table=bar transmission to mydest was resumed
Pausing transmission from a source to a destination

The replication is stopped for the entire edge cluster. Specify the IP address of any node on the edge.

dse advrep channel pause --source-keyspace foo --source-table bar --destinations mydest --transmission
Channel dc=Cassandra keyspace=foo table=bar transmission to mydest was paused
Verifying the record count held in the replication log
dse advrep replog count --destination mydest --source-keyspace foo --source-table bar


Metrics command examples

The dse advrep metrics command line tool examples and results.

Show all metrics
dse advrep --host localhost --port 7199 metrics list
|Group         |Type                    |Count|
|ReplicationLog|CommitLogsToConsume     |1    |
|ReplicationLog|MessageAddErrors        |0    |
|Tables        |MessagesInReplicationLog|0    |
|ReplicationLog|CommitLogsDeleted       |2    |

|Group         |Type                 |Count|RateUnit     |MeanRate             |FifteenMinuteRate     |OneMinuteRate          |FiveMinuteRate       |
|ReplicationLog|MessagesAdded        |4    |events/second|2.640169784463287E-4 |3.5260944599250134E-10|1.5526670553919196E-107|7.437289948631685E-24|
|ReplicationLog|MessagesDeleted      |0    |events/second|0.0                  |0.0                   |0.0                    |0.0                  |
|ReplicationLog|MessagesAcknowledged |4    |events/second|2.6401646866982826E-4|3.802761115744516E-10 |4.967788987385306E-107 |9.354595245515022E-24|
|ReplicationLog|CommitLogMessagesRead|3551 |events/second|0.23438054858983395  |0.28481365017306315   |0.2547432175113809     |0.30189617888098824  |
Filter by group
dse advrep --host localhost --port 7199 metrics list --metric-group Tables
|Group |Type                    |Count|
|Tables|MessagesInReplicationLog|0    |
Filter by group and type
dse advrep --host localhost --port 7199 metrics list --metric-type MessagesAdded
|Group         |Type         |Count|RateUnit     |MeanRate             |FifteenMinuteRate     |OneMinuteRate         |FiveMinuteRate       |
|ReplicationLog|MessagesAdded|4    |events/second|2.6221009715537605E-4|3.1552879575422323E-10|2.932609260931711E-108|5.329051114010331E-24|

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