nodetool compactionhistory

Provides the history of compaction operations.


nodetool connection_options compactionhistory [-F (json | yaml) | --format (json | yaml)]

Connection options

Connection options specify how to connect and authenticate for all nodetool commands:

Connection options
Short Long Description



Hostname or IP address.



Port number.



Password file path.








Separates command parameters from a list of options.

  • If a username and password for RMI authentication are set explicitly in the file for the host, then you must specify credentials.

  • The repair and rebuild commands can affect multiple nodes in the cluster.

  • Most nodetool commands operate on a single node in the cluster if -h is not used to identify one or more other nodes. If the node from which you issue the command is the intended target, you do not need the -h option to identify the target; otherwise, for remote invocation, identify the target node, or nodes, using -h.


nodetool -u username -pw password describering demo_keyspace

compactionhistory options

Options of the compactionhistory command:

-F (json | yaml) , --format (json | yaml)

Specifies the format for the output, use either json or yaml. The default is plain text.


The actual output of compaction history is seven columns wide. The first three columns show the id, keyspace name, and table name of the compacted SSTable.

 $ nodetool compactionhistory
Compaction History:
id                                       keyspace_name      columnfamily_name
d06f7080-07a5-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             schema_columnfamilies
d198ae40-07a5-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     libdata            users
0381bc30-07b0-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     Keyspace1          Standard1
74eb69b0-0621-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             local
e35dd980-07ae-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             compactions_in_progress
8d5cf160-07ae-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             compactions_in_progress
ba376020-07af-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     Keyspace1          Standard1
d18cc760-07a5-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     libdata            libout
64009bf0-07a4-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     libdata            libout
d04700f0-07a5-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             sstable_activity
c2a97370-07a9-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     libdata            users
cb928a80-07ae-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     Keyspace1          Standard1
cd8d1540-079e-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             schema_columns
62ced2b0-07a4-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             schema_keyspaces
d19cccf0-07a5-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             compactions_in_progress
640bbf80-07a4-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     libdata            users
6cd54e60-07ae-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     Keyspace1          Standard1
c29241f0-07a9-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     libdata            libout
c2a30ad0-07a9-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             compactions_in_progress
e3a6d920-079d-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             schema_keyspaces
62c55cd0-07a4-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             schema_columnfamilies
62b07540-07a4-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             schema_columns
cdd038c0-079e-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             schema_keyspaces
b797af00-07af-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     Keyspace1          Standard1
8c918b10-07ae-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     Keyspace1          Standard1
377d73f0-07ae-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             compactions_in_progress
62b9c410-07a4-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             local
d0566a40-07a5-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             schema_columns
ba637930-07af-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             compactions_in_progress
cdbc1480-079e-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             schema_columnfamilies
e3456f80-07ae-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     Keyspace1          Standard1
d086f020-07a5-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             schema_keyspaces
d06118a0-07a5-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             local
cdaafd80-079e-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             local
640fde30-07a4-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     system             compactions_in_progress
37638350-07ae-11e4-9b36-abc3a0ec9088     Keyspace1          Standard1

The four columns to the right of the table name show the timestamp, size of the SSTable before and after compaction, and the number of partitions merged. The notation means {tables:rows}. For example: {1:3, 3:1} means 3 rows were taken from one SSTable (1:3) and 1 row taken from 3 SSTables (3:1) to make the one SSTable in that compaction operation.

. . . compacted_at        bytes_in       bytes_out      rows_merged
. . . 1404936947592       8096           7211           {1:3, 3:1}
. . . 1404936949540       144            144            {1:1}
. . . 1404941328243       1305838191     1305838191     {1:4647111}
. . . 1404770149323       5864           5701           {4:1}
. . . 1404940844824       573            148            {1:1, 2:2}
. . . 1404940700534       576            155            {1:1, 2:2}
. . . 1404941205282       766331398      766331398      {1:2727158}
. . . 1404936949462       8901649        8901649        {1:9315}
. . . 1404936336175       8900821        8900821        {1:9315}
. . . 1404936947327       223            108            {1:3, 2:1}
. . . 1404938642471       144            144            {1:1}
. . . 1404940804904       383020422      383020422      {1:1363062}
. . . 1404933936276       4889           4177           {1:4}
. . . 1404936334171       441            281            {1:3, 2:1}
. . . 1404936949567       379            79             {2:2}
. . . 1404936336248       144            144            {1:1}
. . . 1404940645958       307520780      307520780      {1:1094380}
. . . 1404938642319       8901649        8901649        {1:9315}
. . . 1404938642429       416            165            {1:3, 2:1}
. . . 1404933543858       692            281            {1:3, 2:1}
. . . 1404936334109       7760           7186           {1:3, 2:1}
. . . 1404936333972       4860           4724           {1:2, 2:1}
. . . 1404933936715       441            281            {1:3, 2:1}
. . . 1404941200880       1269180898     1003196133     {1:2623528, 2:946565}
. . . 1404940699201       297639696      297639696      {1:1059216}
. . . 1404940556463       592            148            {1:2, 2:2}
. . . 1404936334033       5760           5680           {2:1}
. . . 1404936947428       8413           5316           {1:2, 3:1}
. . . 1404941205571       429            42             {2:2}
. . . 1404933936584       7994           6789           {1:4}
. . . 1404940844664       306699417      306699417      {1:1091457}
. . . 1404936947746       601            281            {1:3, 3:1}
. . . 1404936947498       5840           5680           {3:1}
. . . 1404933936472       5861           5680           {3:1}
. . . 1404936336275       378            80             {2:2}
. . . 1404940556293       302170540      281000000      {1:924660, 2:75340}

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