DSE Advanced Replication data types

DSE data types are supported for most operations in DSE Advanced Replication. The following table shows the supported data types and operations:

Advanced replication operations for different data types
Data Type Advanced Replication Operations

Primitive data types: int, ascii, bigint, blob, boolean, decimal, double, float, inet, text, timestamp, timeuuid, uuid, varchar, varint

All types are implemented for insert/update/delete.

Frozen collections: frozen<list<data_type>>, frozen<set<ddata_type>>, frozen<map<data_type, data_type>>

All frozen collections are implemented for insert/update/delete, as values are immutable blocks - entire column value is replicated.

Tuples: tuple<data_type, data_type, data_type>, frozen<tuple<data_type, data_type, data_type>

All tuples are implemented for insert/update/delete, as values are immutable blocks - entire column value is replicated.

Frozen user-defined type (UDT): UDT type and frozen UDT type

All UDTs are implemented for insert/update/delete, as values are immutable blocks - entire column value is replicated.

Geometric types: Point, LineString, Polygon

All geometric types are implemented for insert/update/delete.

The following table shows the data type and operations that are not supported in DSE Advanced Replication:

Data Type Advanced Replication Operations

Unfrozen updatable collections: <list<data_type>>, <set<ddata_type>>, <map<data_type, data_type>>

All unfrozen updatable collections are implemented for insert/delete if the entire column value is replicated. Unfrozen collections cannot update values.

Unfrozen updatable user-defined type (UDT)

All unfrozen updatable UDTs are implemented for insert/delete if the entire column value is replicated. Unfrozen UDTs cannot update values.

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