Data consistency

Tunable Consistency and Consistency Levels

How are consistent read and write operations handled?

An introduction to how DataStax Enterprise extends eventual consistency with tunable consistency to vary the consistency of data read and written.

How do DataStax Enterprise transactions differ from RDBMS transactions?

DataStax Enterprise (DSE) does not use RDBMS ACID transactions; instead DSE offers atomic, isolated, and durable transactions with eventual/tunable consistency.

How do I accomplish lightweight transactions with linearizable consistency?

When and why to use lightweight transactions.

How do I discover consistency level performance?

Use tracing to discover what the consistency level is set to, and how it affects performance.

How is the consistency level configured?

Consistency levels in DataStax Enterprise can be configured to manage availability versus data accuracy.

How is the serial consistency level configured?

Serial consistency levels in DataStax Enterprise control lightweight transaction (LWT) isolation.

How are read requests accomplished?

A coordinator node can send three types of read requests to a replica.

How are write requests accomplished?

The write consistency level determines how many replica nodes must respond with a success acknowledgment in order for the write to be considered successful.

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