DSE Search

DSE Search is part of DataStax Enterprise (DSE). DSE Search allows you to find data and create features like product catalogs, document repositories, and ad-hoc reports. See DSE Search architecture.

DSE Analytics and Search integration and DSE Analytics can use the indexing and query capabilities of DSE Search. DSE Search manages search indexes with a persistent store.

About DSE Search

DSE Search simplifies using search applications for data stored in a database.

Configuring DSE Search

DSE Search logging, search index configuration, reference information and so on.

Managing search indexes

Create and configure a search index on an existing table.

Filtering CQL queries with a search index

DataStax Enterprise supports production-grade implementation of CQL Solr queries in DSE Search.

Tutorials and demos

Step-by-step tutorials with sample keyspaces, tables, and data that demonstrate DSE Search index functionality.

Performance tuning and monitoring DSE Search

Tune DSE Search in the event of performance degradation, high memory consumption, or other problems.

DSE Search operations

You can run DSE Search on one or more nodes. Typical operations including configuration of nodes, policies, query routing, balancing loads, and communications.

Solr interfaces
HTTP API SolrJ and other Solr clients

Apache Solr clients work with DataStax Enterprise. DataStax has extended SolrJ to protect internal Solr communication and HTTP access using SSL. You can also use any Thrift API, such as Pycassa or Hector, to access DSE Search.

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