Using the DataStax Installer to install on Mac OS X

Use these instructions for installing DataStax Enterprise 5.1 using the DataStax Installer on Mac OS X.


  • Mac OS X is supported for development only.

  • Latest version of Oracle Java 8 is recommended.

  • On some versions of Mac OS X, you may need to install readline: easy_install readline.

About DataStax installer

The DataStax installer installs DataStax Enterprise and DataStax Agent. It does not install OpsCenter. If you select Developer Related Tools during installation, DataStax Studio is installed.

The installer sets some but not all cassandra.yaml parameters. It does not set dse.yaml properties. Set the remaining parameters in the following ways:


End User License Agreement (EULA). By downloading this DataStax product, you agree to the terms of the EULA.

In a terminal window:

  1. Download the .dmg file for DataStax Enterprise from the DataStax download page or use the following command:

    $ curl -O

    To install earlier versions, replace the version number in the above command. To view the available versions, see the Release notes.

  2. From the directory where you downloaded the install file, click the DataStaxEnterprise-5.1-osx-installer.dmg file.

  3. Double-click the DataStax Enterprise installer.

    DataStax Enterprise 5.1 installer icon
    DataStax Enterprise 5.1 installer icon

    The installer launches.

    DataStax Enterprise Setup window
    DataStax Enterprise Setup window
  4. After accepting the License Agreement, select the type of installation:

    Service Setup

    • No Services: This installation sets up the server as a standalone process.

    • Services and Utilities: This installation sets up the server as a service. It sets up a property (.plist) file to start the service on login.

  5. Set the installation directory.

  6. Set up the node:

    Node setup

    Default Interface

    Network interface for the DataStax Enterprise server.Single node clusters: use

    Cluster Name

    Name of the cluster. You must use the same cluster name for each node in the cluster.


    All nodes use the seed node list for finding each other and learning the topology of the ring. Single node clusters: Set to empty.

    Multiple node clusters: List of seed nodes. (Do not make all nodes seed nodes.)

    Additional information:

    Install developer related tools

    Includes the following:

  7. If an installation of DataStax Enterprise already exists, the installer displays upgrade information and installs DSE in the previous installation location

    Before upgrading an existing cluster, see the DataStax Upgrade Guide.

    The important files to review for upgrade are dse.yaml, cassandra.yaml, and for service installs/etc/default/dse.

    If or have been modified, make modifications to the or the instead. Changing these files is not recommended.

  8. Set the ring options:

    Ring options

    Enable Virtual Nodes (vnodes)

    Enable or disable Virtual nodes.

    Number of tokens

    Token recommendations for vnodes:

    • Transactional nodes: 128

    • Analytical nodes (Spark): 128

    • Search nodes: 8

    • DSE Graph: 128.

    When used with DSE Search: 8

    Listen Address

    cassandra.yaml: listen_address

    RPC Address

    cassandra.yaml: rpc_address

  9. Set up the node type:

    DSE setup

    DSE Analytics

    DSE Analytics includes integration with Apache Spark™.

    DSE Search

    DSE Search includes integration with Apache Solr™.

    DSE Graph

    DSE Graph is a graph database for managing, analyzing, and searching highly-connected data.

    DSE Advanced Replication

    DSE Advanced Replication supports configurable distributed data replication from source clusters to destination clusters bi-directionally that can experience sporadic connectivity.

  10. Set up the miscellaneous options:

    Misc options

    Start services

    • Yes starts all services when the installation is complete.

    • No, select when additional configuration is needed after installation.

    OpsCenter Address

    Optional. The server name or IP address for OpsCenter

    If performing a Simple installation, go to 16.

  11. The following steps are displayed when Advanced is selected in 4.

  12. Change the default directory locations (Advanced Installations only):

    Directory locations

    Data Directory

    cassandra.yaml data_file_directories

    Commitlog Directory

    cassandra.yaml: commitlog_directory

    Saved Caches Directory

    cassandra.yaml: saved_caches_directory

    Hints Directory

    cassandra.yaml: hints_directory

    Logs Directory

    Log data for the database, Spark, and Tomcat. See the default file locations for Installer-Services and package installations or Installer-No Services and tarball installations.

  13. Change the default ports (Advanced Installations only):


    Storage Port

    cassandra.yaml: storage_port

    SSL Storage Port

    cassandra.yaml: ssl_storage_port

    RPC Port

    cassandra.yaml: rpc_port

  14. In System Configuration, review any warnings about potential issues.

  15. After the installation completes, review the installation logs to verify the installation.

    If you have closed the logs, see Services or No-Services installer locations.

    DataStax Enterprise is ready for additional configuration.

  16. Optional: Single-node cluster installations only:

    1. If DataStax Enterprise is not running, start it from the installation directory:

      $ bin/dse cassandra

      where the installation directory is either:

      • /usr/share/dse

      • the directory where you installed DataStax Enterprise.

  1. Verify that DataStax Enterprise is running from the installation directory:

    $ bin/nodetool status

    Results using vnodes:

    Datacenter: Cassandra ===================== Status=Up/Down |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving --  Address    Load       Tokens  Owns    Host ID                               Rack UN  82.43 KB   128     ?
    40725dc8-7843-43ae-9c98-7c532b1f517e  rack1

    Results not using vnodes:

    Datacenter: Analytics
    |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
    --  Address         Load       Owns    Host ID                               Token                 Rack
    UN  103.24 KB  ?       3c1d0657-0990-4f78-a3c0-3e0c37fc3a06  1647352612226902707   rack1

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