Choose an installation method
DataStax Enterprise 6.9 installation types
The installation and operating system type determines how you install DataStax Enterprise (DSE). Be sure to install on a supported platform.
You agree to the terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA) when you download DSE. |
Installation method | About |
Mission Control - (Recommended) |
Install DataStax Enterprise (DSE) 6.9 with Mission Control, which is a cloud-based service that provides a unified management console for DSE and Apache Cassandra®. |
The Lifecycle Manager (LCM) can install DSE. It is fully integrated with DSE OpsCenter. LCM provides the following:
Installing DSE using LCM requires Installing DSE OpsCenter, bringing your own instances on a supported platform with SSH and Python installed, and root permissions on the target nodes. |
Install DataStax Enterprise 6.9 on RHEL-based systems using Yum |
Installs DSE using Yum repositories on RHEL-based systems. Typically used in production environments and requires root permissions. |
Install DataStax Enterprise 6.9 on Debian-based systems using APT |
Installs DSE on Debian-based systems using APT. Typically used in production environments and requires root permissions. |
Installs DSE on any supported Linux-based platform. Does not require root permissions. |
Instructions for installing and deploying DSE on Google Compute Engine, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon EC2. |
Instructions for using DataStax Docker images to create DSE server, DSE OpsCenter, and DataStax Studio containers in non-production environments. |
If you have installed hot fixes, be sure to manually remove the hot fix JAR files before upgrading DSE. |