Run a spark-submit job with internal authentication
This example shows how to run a spark-submit
job with internal authentication.
When you use dse spark-submit
to submit an Apache Spark™ job, the Spark Master URL and the Spark database connection URL are set automatically.
Use the Spark session builder API to set the application name.
For example:
SparkSession spark = SparkSession
.appName("Datastax Java example")
Clone the example source files from github.
git clone
Select you preferred language and build system. For example for Java and Maven:
cd SparkBuildExamples/java/maven/dse
Build the package with Maven:
mvn package
Create your authentication credentials.
Authentication credentials can be provided in several ways, see Providing credentials from DataStax Enterprise tools.
to run the application. The following example assumes you’ve set your authentication credentials in an environment variable or config file.dse spark-submit --class com.datastax.spark.example.WriteRead ./target/writeRead-0.1.jar