DSE Advanced Replication terminology

This terminology is specific to DSE Advanced Replication that supports distributed data replication from a DataStax Enterprise (DSE) source cluster to a destination cluster.

collection agent

The process thread that runs on the source cluster that captures the incoming changes and populates the replication log.

destination cluster

The cluster to which the data flow is going from the source cluster.

source cluster

A cluster that primarily sends data to one or more destination clusters. DSE Advanced Replication must be enabled on the source cluster.

source datacenter

A datacenter of a source cluster.

destination cluster

A cluster that generally supports one or more source clusters that replicate data to the destination cluster. DSE Advanced Replication is not required on the destination cluster.

destination datacenter

A datacenter of a destination cluster.


The state of a cluster when there is not a live connection between the source cluster and the destination cluster.

replication agent

The process thread that runs on the source cluster that reads data from the replication log and transmits that data to the destination cluster.

replication channel

A defined channel of change data between source clusters and destination clusters. A replication channel is defined by the source cluster, source keyspace, source table name, destination cluster, destination keyspace, and destination table name.

replication channel priority

The priority order of which replication channel has precedence when limited bandwidth occurs between the source cluster and the destination cluster.

replication log

The replication log on the source cluster stores data in preparation for transmission to the destination cluster.


The state when there is a live connection between the source cluster and the destination cluster.

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