dse fs
Starts the DSE File System (DSEFS). The DSEFS prompt shows the current working directory, which is the default DSEFS search directory.
dse fs
[--prefer-contact-points -h <IP_address1>,<IP_address2>,...]
[<dsefs_shell_command> [<command_options>]]
- dsefs_shell_command
The dse fs command supports all dsefs shell commands.
- --prefer-contact-points -h IP_address1,IP_address2,…
Give precedence to the specified hosts, regardless of proximity, when issuing DSEFS commands. As long as the specified hosts are available, DSEFS will not switch to other DSEFS nodes in the cluster.
Without these options, DSEFS switches to the closest available DSEFS node.
dse fs
Connected to DataStax Enterprise File System 6.7.0 at DSE cluster Test Cluster
Type help to get the list of available commands.
dsefs dsefs:// >
DSEFS starts on the closest available DSEFS node.
dse fs,
Connected to DataStax Enterprise File System 6.7.0 at DSE cluster Test Cluster
Type help to get the list of available commands.
dsefs dsefs:// >
DSEFS starts with precedence to the specified hosts, regardless of proximity.