dse add-node
For DSE Multi-Instance, simplifies adding and configuring a node on a host machine. When optional parameters are absent, the default values remain unchanged.
The user running the command must have permissions for writing to the directories that DSE uses, or use sudo. |
Restriction: DSE Multi-Instance commands are supported only on package installations.
dse add-node -n <nodeId>
[--advrep-directory <advrepdirectory>
[--dsefs] [--dsefs-directory=<dsefsdatadirectory>]
Syntax conventions | Description |
Literal keyword. |
Lowercase |
Not literal. |
Variable value. Replace with a valid option or user-defined value. |
Square brackets ( |
Parentheses ( |
A vertical bar ( |
An ellipsis ( |
Single quotation ( |
Map collection.
Braces ( |
Set, list, map, or tuple.
Angle brackets ( |
End CQL statement.
A semicolon ( |
Separate the command line options from the command arguments with two hyphens ( |
Search CQL only: Single quotation marks ( |
Search CQL only: Identify the entity and literal value to overwrite the XML element in the schema and solrconfig files. |
New node configuration options:
- -n=nodeId, --node-id=nodeId
Required. For DSE Multi-Instance, the alphanumeric node name for the new node. The specified node name is automatically prepended with
so that the resulting node ID isdse-nodeId
. For example, if you specify node1, the resulting node name is dse-node1. - --advrep-directory=advrepdirectory
Optional. The DSE Advanced Replication data directory.
Default: </var/lib/dse-nodeId/advrep>
- --analytics
Enable DSE Analytics.
- --cdc-directory=cdcdirectory
Optional. The CDC raw data directory.
Default: /var/lib/dse-nodeId/cdc_raw
- --cluster=clustername
Optional. The name of the DataStax Enterprise cluster that the new node belongs to. Only non-whitespace values are supported.
- --cpus=number_of_cpus
Optional. The number of cores.
- --commit-directory=commitdirectory
Optional. The commit log directory.
Default: /var/lib/dse-nodeId/commitlog
- --dc=datacenter_placement
Optional. The data center placement.
- --data-directory=datadirectory
Optional. The root directory for storing data.
Default: /var/lib/dse-nodeId/data
- --dsefs
Optional. Enable DSEFS.
- --dsefs-directory=dsefsdatadirectory
Optional. The DSEFS data directory.
Default: /var/lib/dse-nodeId/dsefs
- --graph
Optional. Enable DSE Graph.
- --hadoop-logs=hadooplogsdirectory
Optional. The log directory for Hadoop logs.
Default: logs-directory/hadoop
- --help
Optional. Send dse add-node option descriptions to standard output.
- --hints-directory=hintsdirectory
Optional. The hints directory.
- --jmxport=jmx_port
Optional. The DSE JMX metrics monitoring port.
- --listen-address=listen_IP_address
Optional. The IP address or hostname that DSE binds to when connecting to other nodes.
- --logs-directory=alllogsdirectory
Optional. The root directory for all of the logs.
- --max-heap-size=heapsize
Optional. The Java heap size. If you omit MB the size is interpreted as megabytes.
- --num-tokens=number_of_tokens
Optional. The number of tokens.
- --pig-logs=piglogdirectory
The log directory for Pig logs.
- --rack=rack_placement
Optional. The rack placement.
- --rpc-address=rpc_IP_address
Optional. The IP address or hostname that DSE binds to for RPC requests.
- --saved-caches-directory=savedcachesdirectory
Optional. The saved caches directory.
- --search
Optional. Enable DSE Search.
- --seeds=IP_address1,IP_address2,…
Optional. A comma-separated list of IP addresses of the nodes to be used as seed nodes.
- --spark-local-directory=sparklocaldirectory
Optional. The local directory for Spark Worker.
/spark/rdd` - --spark-log-directory=sparklogdirectory
Optional. The log directory for Spark Worker.
- --spark-worker-cores=number_of_cores
Optional. The maximum number of cores used by Spark executors.
- --spark-worker-directory=sparkworkerdirectory
Optional. The data directory for Spark Worker.
- --spark-worker-memory=memory
Optional. The maximum amount of memory used by Spark executors. Specify unit of measure with k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), g (gigabytes).
- --tomcat-logs=tomcatlogsdirectory
Optional. The log directory for tomcat logs.
- --unix-group=groupname
Optional. The UNIX group that owns the node configuration.
Default: cassandra
--unix-username=username ::+ Optional. The UNIX user that owns the node configuration.
+ Default: cassandra
Add a node that will join the cluster payroll on startup
dse add-node payrollnode --cluster payroll --listen-address
--rpc-address --seeds
The payrollnode is created with the specified configuration options.