Improve read performance
You can increase DSE Search read performance by increasing the number of replicas. You define a strategy class, the names of datacenters, and the number of replicas. For example, you can add replicas using the NetworkToplogyStrategy replica placement strategy.
For example, if you are using a PropertyFileSnitch, perform these steps:
Examine your datacenter and nodes. The following example shows two datacenters with one node in each datacenter, which is a suboptimal configuration.
nodetool -h localhost ring
Datacenter: DC1 ========== Address Rack Status State Load Owns Token rack1 Up Normal 160.54 KiB 100.00% -9223372036854775808 Datacenter: DC2 ========== Address Rack Status State Load Owns Token rack1 Up Normal 160.54 KiB 100.00% -9223372036854775808
The datacenter names, DC1 and DC2 in this example, must match the datacenter name configured for your snitch.
Start CQL on the command line and create a keyspace that specifies the number of replicas.
To improve read performance, increase the number of replicas in the datacenters. For example, at least three replicas in DC1 and three in DC2.