Manage Spark with dse commands
Use these commands to manage Spark on your DSE cluster.
- dse exec
Sets the environment variables required to run third-party tools that integrate with Spark.
- dse pyspark
Starts the Spark Python shell.
- dse spark
Starts the Spark shell.
- dse spark-class
Launches Spark application contained within a class on a cluster.
- dse spark-jobserver
Starts and stops the Spark Jobserver
- dse spark-history-server
Starts and stops the Spark history server.
- dse spark-sql
Starts the Spark SQL shell in DSE to interactively perform Spark SQL queries.
- dse spark-sql-thriftserver
Starts and stops the Spark SQL Thriftserver.
- dse spark-submit
Launches applications on a cluster to enable use of Spark cluster managers through a uniform interface.
- dse SparkR
Starts the R shell configured with DSE Spark.