DSEFS (DSE file system)
DSEFS (DSE file system) is the default distributed file system on DSE Analytics nodes.
- About DSEFS
DSEFS is a distributed file system within DataStax Enterprise (DSE).
- Enabling DSEFS
Steps to enable DSEFS on DSE nodes.
- Disabling DSEFS
Steps to disable DSEFS and remove metadata and data.
- Configuring DSEFS
Steps to configure DSEFS, configure data replication, and other functions, including setting the Kafka log retention.
- DSEFS command line tool
Options and command arguments for DSEFS.
- DSEFS compression
DSEFS is able to compress files to save storage space and bandwidth.
- DSEFS authentication
DSEFS works with secured DSE clusters.
- DSEFS authorization
DSEFS authorization verifies user and group permissions on files and directories stored in DSEFS.
- Using the DSEFS REST interface
DSEFS provides a REST interface that implements all the commands from WebHDFS.
- Programmatic access to DSEFS
DSEFS can be accessed programmatically from an application by obtaining DSEFS’s implementation of Hadoop’s FileSystem interface.
- Hadoop FileSystem interface implemented by DseFileSystem
DSEFS has partial support of the Hadoop FileSystem interface.
- Using JMX to read DSEFS metrics
DSEFS reports status and performance metrics through JMX in domain com.datastax.bdp:type=dsefs.