Stop a DataStax Enterprise node

To speed up the restart process, run nodetool drain before stopping the dse service. This step writes the current memtables to disk. When you restart the node, the commit log is not read which speeds the restart process. If you have durable writes set to false, which is unlikely, there is no commit log and you must drain the node to prevent losing data.

To stop DataStax Enterprise running as a service:

nodetool drain
sudo service dse stop

To stop DataStax Enterprise running as a stand-alone process:

Running nodetool drain before using the cassandra-stop command to stop a stand-alone process is not necessary because the cassandra-stop command drains the node before stopping it.

From the installation location:

bin/dse cassandra-stop

If required, use sudo.

In the unlikely event that the cassandra-stop command fails because it cannot find the process DSE Java process ID (PID), the output instructs you to find the DSE Java process ID (PID) manually, and stop the process using its PID number.

ps auwx | grep dse

Use the PID, in the second column of the output, to stop the database.

bin/dse cassandra-stop -p PID

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