Access DataStax Enterprise data from external Spark clusters
DataStax Enterprise (DSE) works with external Spark clusters in a bring-your-own-Spark (BYOS) model.
- Overview of BYOS support in DataStax Enterprise
DSE provides a JAR and configuration files for connecting external Spark clusters to DataStax Enterprise clusters.
- Generating the BYOS configuration file
The file contains configuration settings to connect to a particular DSE cluster.
- Connecting to DataStax Enterprise using the Spark shell on an external Spark cluster
Use the Spark shell on an external Spark cluster to connect to DSE.
- Generating Spark SQL schema files
Generate Spark SQL schema files for use with Spark SQL on external Spark clusters.
- Starting Spark SQL Thrift Server with Kerberos
Starting Spark SQL Thrift Server with Kerberos and BYOS.