Collecting index statistics

The solr_index_stats_options object records search index statistics over time.


To collect index statistics:

  • To permanently collect index statistics, edit the dse.yaml file and change the solr_index_stats_options to change enabled to true, set the other options as required, and restart DataStax Enterprise (DSE) to recognize the changes.

    # Solr index statistics options
        enabled: false
        ttl_seconds: 604800
        refresh_rate_ms: 60000
    Options Determines


    Whether the object is enabled at start up. Default: disabled.


    Period (in milliseconds) between sample recordings for periodically updating statistics like the solr_result_cache_stats.


    How many seconds a record survives before it is expired from the performance object.

  • To temporarily enable or disable collecting index statistics, use dsetool perf solrindexstats.

  • To verify index integrity, use .

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