dsetool insights_config
Enables and disables DSE Metrics Collector and configures reporting frequency and storage options. The default mode enables metrics collection and reporting with local storage on disk.
Run this command only on a single node. The change is propagated to all other nodes in the cluster. Wait at least 30 seconds for the changes to propagate to all nodes. Restarting DataStax Enterprise (DSE) is not required. |
dsetool insights_config
--metric_sampling_interval_in_seconds <seconds>
--config_refresh_interval_in_seconds <seconds>
--data_dir_max_size_in_mb <dir_size>
--node_system_info_report_period <ISO-8601_duration_string>
Syntax conventions | Description |
Literal keyword. |
Lowercase |
Not literal. |
Variable value. Replace with a valid option or user-defined value. |
Square brackets ( |
Parentheses ( |
A vertical bar ( |
An ellipsis ( |
Single quotation ( |
Map collection.
Braces ( |
Set, list, map, or tuple.
Angle brackets ( |
End CQL statement.
A semicolon ( |
Separate the command line options from the command arguments with two hyphens ( |
Search CQL only: Single quotation marks ( |
Search CQL only: Identify the entity and literal value to overwrite the XML element in the schema and solrconfig files. |
- --show_config
Prints the current configuration for DSE Metrics Collector.
Enables and disables DSE Metrics Collector and configures storage options:
DISABLED - disables metrics collection.
ENABLED_NO_STORAGE - enables metrics collection and starts reporting metrics. Typically used when collectd is configured to report to a real-time monitoring system.
ENABLED_WITH_LOCAL_STORAGE - enables metrics collection and reporting with local storage on disk. The default data directory is
. Default.
Restarting DSE is not required after changing the configuration mode. The configuration mode persists after DSE is restarted.
- --metric_sampling_interval_in_seconds <seconds>
The frequency that metrics are reported to DSE Metrics Collector.
- --config_refresh_interval_in_seconds <seconds>
How often the DSE Metrics Collector configuration changes are pushed to all nodes in the cluster. If nodes are down when a change is made, the change will propagate when the node is back up.
- --data_dir_max_size_in_mb <mb>
When local storage is enabled, the limit on how much DSE Metrics Collector data will be stored on disk. The maximum size of the data directory must not exceed 2 GB.
(1 GB) - --node_system_info_report_period <duration>
The repeating time interval, in ISO-8601 format, for gathering diagnostic information about the node. For example, PT1H is 1 hour, PT5M is 5 minutes, and PTM200S is 200 seconds.
(1 hour)
View the current DSE Metrics Collector configuration
dsetool insights_config --show_config
The results of the default configuration:
"config_refresh_interval_in_seconds" : 30,
"metric_sampling_interval_in_seconds" : 30,
"data_dir_max_size_in_mb" : 1024,
"node_system_info_report_period" : "PT1H"
Enable metrics collection when collectd is configured to report to a real-time monitoring system
dsetool insights_config --mode ENABLED_NO_STORAGE
Enable metrics collection with local storage
dsetool insights_config --mode ENABLED_WITH_LOCAL_STORAGE
Configure 1500 MB for the DSE Metrics Collector local data directory
dsetool insights_config --data_dir_max_size_in_mb 1500
The maximum size of the local data directory must not exceed 2 GB.
The default directory for local storage is |
Change the node system reporting duration to 1 week
Use an ISO-8601 time duration string.
dsetool insights_config --node_system_info_report_period P1W
Disable metrics collection
dsetool insights_config --mode DISABLED
Configure the metric sampling interval for 60 seconds
dsetool insights_config --metric_sampling_interval_in_seconds 60
Configure 120 seconds for the configuration refresh interval
Push configuration changes to all nodes in the cluster every 2 minutes:
dsetool insights_config --config_refresh_interval_in_seconds 120
After you make configuration changes with dsetool insights_config, you must disable and then re-enable DSE Metrics Collector to read the configuration file again. Wait at least 30 seconds for the changes to propagate to all nodes. |