Defining an LDAP Scheme

DataStax Enterprise (DSE) supports LDAP for:

  • Authentication: DSE passes through the credentials to the configured LDAP.

  • Role management: DSE looks up the authenticated user and retrieves a list of LDAP groups and then matches LDAP group names to DSE role names.


  1. Locate the dse.yaml configuration file. The location of this file depends on the type of installation:

    • Package installations: /etc/dse/dse.yaml

    • Tarball installations: <installation_location>/resources/dse/conf/dse.yaml

  2. Complete Enabling DSE Unified Authentication with the following options:

    • For authentication, ensure that authentication_options.scheme:ldap or authentication_options.other_scheme:ldap is set in the dse.yaml file:

      scheme: ldap
    • For role management, ensure that role_management_options.mode: ldap is set in the dse.yaml file:

      mode: ldap
Ensure that a supported LDAP v3 server is available.

DSE supports:

  • Microsoft Active Directory (AD):

    • Windows 2008

    • Windows 2012

  • OpenLDAP 2.4.x

  • Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition


On every node configure the ldap-options in the dse.yaml file.

For multi-datacenter support, use the nearest available LDAP host.

  1. Configure the following options when using an LDAP scheme for authentication or role management:

    Example of AD authentication minimum settings:

        server_host: win2012ad_server.mycompany.lan
        server_port: 389
        search_dn: cn=lookup_user,cn=users,dc=win2012domain,dc=mycompany,dc=lan
        search_password: lookup_user_password
        use_ssl: false
        use_tls: false
        hostname_verification: false
        truststore_path: <path/to/truststore>
        truststore_password: <passwordToTruststore>
        truststore_type: jks
        user_search_base: cn=users,dc=win2012domain,dc=mycompany,dc=lan
        user_search_filter: (sAMAccountName={0})
        credentials_validity_in_ms: 0
        search_validity_in_seconds: 0
            max_active: 8
            max_idle: 8
    1. Configure all required settings:

      Required LDAP settings
      Option Description


      Host name of the LDAP server.


      Port on which the LDAP server listens. The default port for unencrypted connections is 389. The default SSL port for LDAP is 636.


      Distinguished name (DN) of an account with read access to the user_search_base and group_search_base. Comment out to use an anonymous bind.


      Password of the search_dn user.


      Distinguished name (DN) of the object to start the recursive search for user entries for authentication and role management memberof searches. For example, to search all users in, ou=users,dc=example,dc=com. Active Directory uses a different search base, typically CN=search,CN=Users,DC=<ActDir_domname>,DC=internal. For example, CN=search,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=internal.


      Attribute that identifies the user. The default setting is (uid={0}).When using Active Directory set the filter to (sAMAccountName={0}).

    2. Configure optional settings:

      Optional LDAP settings
      Option Description


      Set to true to enable SSL connections to the LDAP server. If set to true, you might need to change server_port to the SSL port of the LDAP server.The default value is false.


      Set to true to enable TLS connections to the LDAP server. If set to true, change the server_port to the TLS port of the LDAP server. The default value is false.


      Sets whether hostname verification occurs for SSL/TLS connections. Enabling the hostname verification check requires the following conditions:

      1. Set use_ssl or use_tls to true.

      2. Set truststore_path so that it points to a valid truststore. A valid truststore has a certificate entry (trustedCertEntry), enabling verification of the certificate of the remote host. The certificate of the remote host has the Canonical Name (CN) or Subject Alternate Name (SAN) DNSName entry that matches the server_host configuration parameter.

      3. Set this hostname_verification property to true DSE throws a configuration exception if hostname_verification is true but the related conditions are not met. Default: false


      The path to the truststore for SSL certificates.


      The password to access the trust store.


      The type of truststore. The default value is jks.


      The duration period in milliseconds for the credential cache.To disable the cache, set it to 0. The cache is disabled by default. With the cache enabled, DSE stores the user credentials locally during the specified time. Binding to a remote LDAP server takes time and resources, therefore enabling a credential cache usually results in faster performance following the initial authentication phase. Changes in user credentials on the LDAP server are not reflected in DSE during the cache period.


      The duration period in seconds for the search cache. To disable the cache, set it to 0. The cache is disabled by default. Enabling a search cache improves performance by reducing the number of requests that are sent to the LDAP server. Changes in user data on the LDAP server are not reflected during the cache period.


      The configuration settings for the connection pool for making LDAP requests.


      The maximum number of active connections to the LDAP server. The default value is 8.


      The maximum number of idle connections in the pool awaiting requests. The default value is 8.

  2. For Role Management mode ldap, choose one of the following:

    • Option 1. Configure DSE to get a list of groups from an attribute of the user entry:

          user_memberof_attribute: memberof
          group_search_type: memberof_search

      memberof is the name of the attribute that contains a list of groups in the default Microsoft Active Directory LDAP scheme. OpenLDAP does not have a member of attribute by default.

      Options for user attributes
      Option Setting Description



      Attribute that contains a list of group names; role manager assigns DSE roles that exactly match any in the list.

      Unmatched groups are ignored.



      Recursively search for user entries using the user_search_base and user_search_filter.

    • Option 2. Configure DSE to search all group objects from the search base and return a list of groups that contain the user:

          group_search_type: directory_search
          group_search_base: <DN>
          group_search_filter: (uniquemember={0})
          group_name_attribute: <CN>

      uniquemember is the name of the attribute that contains a list of users in the default Microsoft Active Directory LDAP scheme for group.

      Options for group objects
      Option Setting Description



      Recursively search for group objects using the group_search_base.



      Identifies the location that role manager starts the recursive check for groups that contain the user. For example, to check all internal groups of cn=internal ou=group,dc=example,dc=com.



      Attribute that matches the user name. In most LDAP services the attribute is uniquemember.



      Attribute that contains the group name that role manager matches to a configured DSE role. Group name must match the DSE role name exactly, including case.

      Unmatched groups are ignored.

  3. Perform a rolling restart to implement the changes.

    When adding LDAP to and authentication enabled DSE environment, DataStax recommends setting up roles for LDAP users and groups before restarting.

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