Get information with dsetool commands
Use these dsetool commands to get information about your DataStax Enterprise (DSE) nodes.
- dsetool help
Provides a listing of dsetool commands and parameters.
- dsetool inmemorystatus
Provides the memory size, capacity, and percentage for this node and the amount of memory each table is using.
- dsetool list_subranges
Lists the subranges of data in a keyspace to describe a token range by a number of smaller subranges.
- dsetool node_health
Retrieves a dynamic score between 0 and 1 that describes the health of a DSE node.
- dsetool partitioner
Returns the fully qualified classname of the IPartitioner that is in use by the cluster.
- dsetool ring
Lists the nodes in the ring.
- dsetool status
Lists the nodes in their ring, including the node type and node health.
- dsetool tieredtablestats
Outputs tiered storage information, including SSTables, tiers, timestamps, and sizes. Provides information on every table that uses tiered storage.