DSEFS authentication

DSEFS works with secured DataStax Enterprise (DSE) clusters.

For related SSL details, see Enabling SSL encryption for DSEFS.

DSEFS authentication with secured clusters

Authentication is required only when it is enabled in the cluster. DSEFS on secured clusters requires the DseAuthenticator, see Configuring DSE Unified Authentication. Authentication is off by default.

DSEFS supports authentication using DSE Unified Authentication, and supports all authentication schemes supported by DSE Authenticator, including Kerberos.

DSEFS authentication can secure client to server communication.

Apache Spark applications

For Apache Spark™ applications, provide authentication credentials in one of these ways:

  • Set with the dse spark-submit command using one of the credential options described in Providing credentials on command line.

  • Programmatically set the user credentials in the Spark configuration object before the SparkContext is created:

    conf.set("spark.hadoop.com.datastax.bdp.fs.client.authentication.basic.username", <user>)
    conf.set("spark.hadoop.com.datastax.bdp.fs.client.authentication.basic.password", <pass>)

    If a Kerberos authentication token is in use, you do not need to set any properties in the context object. If you need to explicitly set the token, set the spark.hadoop.cassandra.auth.token property.

  • When running the Spark Shell, where the SparkContext is created at startup, set the properties in the Hadoop configuration object:

    sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("com.datastax.bdp.fs.client.authentication.basic.username", <user>)
    sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("com.datastax.bdp.fs.client.authentication.basic.password", <pass>)

    Note the absence of the spark.hadoop prefix.

  • When running a Spark application or the Spark Shell, provide properties in the spark-defaults.conf configuration file:


    Optional: If you want to use this method, but do not have privileges to write to core-default.xml, copy this file to any location <path> and set the environment variable to point to the file with:

    export HADOOP2_CONF_DIR=<path>

DSEFS shell

Providing authentication credentials while using the DSEFS shell is as easy as in other DSE tools. The DSEFS shell supports different authentication methods listed below in priority order. When more than one method can be used, the one with higher priority is chosen. For example when the DSE_TOKEN environment variable is set and the DSEFS shell is started with a username and password set as environment variables in the $HOME/.dserc file, the provided username and password is used for authentication as it has higher priority.

  1. Specifying a username and password.

    dse fs 'mkdir /dir1'
  2. Using a Kerberos delegation token. See dse client-tool cassandra for further information.

    export DSE_TOKEN=`dse -u token_user -p password client-tool cassandra generate-token`
    dse fs 'mkdir /dir1'
  3. Using a cached Kerberos ticket after authenticating using a tool like kinit.

    kinit username
    dse fs 'mkdir /dir1'
  4. Using a Kerberos keytab file and a login configuration file.

    If the configuration file is in a non-default location, specify the location using the java.security.auth.login.config property in the DSEFS_SHELL_OPTS variable:

    DSEFS_SHELL_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=<path_to_login_config_file>" dse fs

DSEFS REST interface

The DSEFS REST interface supports Kerberos authentication using SPNEGO and Kerberos delegation token authentication.

To automate API calls to the DSEFS REST endpoint that is secured by SPNEGO, use curl 7.38.0 or later:

kinit ...
curl -v --negotiate -u : "http://localhost:5598/webhdfs/v1/?op=LISTSTATUS"

To use Kerberos delegation token authentication:

  1. Obtain a delegation token using one of these methods:

    • dse client-tool

      For example, to generate a delegation token with the current user as the token renewer


    • curl

      curl -v --negotiate -u : "" # uses Spnego to obtain the token
  2. Use the delegation token:

    curl -v "http://localhost:5598/webhdfs/v1/?op=LISTSTATUS&delegation=<delegation_token>"

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