Control access to keyspaces and tables

Authorize roles to access keyspaces and tables using CQL GRANT and REVOKE commands. Keyspaces, tables, and rows are hierarchical. Roles that have a privilege to access a top level object, such as a keyspace automatically have the permission on the child objects (table and rows).

DSE supports this CQL syntax in cqlsh to revoke permissions:

REVOKE <permission_name> ON <resource_name> FROM <role_name>;


  • Create a role that has all permissions in all keyspaces:

    CREATE ROLE keyspace_admin;
  • Create an administrator role for a single keyspace:

    CREATE ROLE cycling_admin;
    GRANT ALL PERMISSIONS ON KEYSPACE cycling to cycling_admin;
  • Create a role that can only make data changes, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and TRUNCATE for any table in the keyspace cycling:

    GRANT MODIFY ON KEYSPACE cycling TO team_manager;
  • Create a role that can only select data and use functions in the cycling keyspace:

    CREATE ROLE cyclist_analyst;
    GRANT SELECT ON KEYSPACE cycling TO cyclist_analyst;
    GRANT EXECUTE ON ALL FUNCTIONS IN KEYSPACE cycling to cyclist_analyst;

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