Collect slow search queries
Thesolr_slow_sub_query_log_options performance object reports distributed sub-queries (query executions on individual shards) that take longer than a specified period of time.
All objects are disabled by default.
To identify slow search queries using the DSE Performance Service:
To permanently enable and configure collecting information on slow search queries, edit the
file and uncomment thesolr_slow_sub_query_log_options
parameters, and define values for the CQL slow log settings:solr_slow_sub_query_log_options: enabled:true ttl_seconds: 604800 async_writers: 1 threshold_ms: 100
The default parameter values minimize resource usage.
Options Determines enabled
Whether the object is enabled at start up.
How many seconds a record survives before it is expired from the performance object.
For event-driven objects, such as the slow log, determines the number of possible concurrent slow query recordings. Objects like solr_result_cache_stats are updated in the background.
For the slow log, the level (in milliseconds) at which a sub-query slow enough to be reported.
To temporarily change the running parameters for collecting information on slow Solr queries:
To temporarily enable collecting information:
dsetool perf solrslowlog enable
To temporarily disable collecting information:
dsetool perf solrslowlog disable
To temporarily change the threshold value in milliseconds:
dsetool perf solrslowlog 200
You can export slow search queries using the CQL COPY TO command:
cqlsh:dse_perf> COPY solr_slow_sub_query_log ( date, commands, duration ) TO 'slow_solr_queries.csv' WITH HEADER = true;