nodetool tablestats
Returns statistics about one or more tables. Statistics are updated after SSTables change through compaction or flushing. Formerly nodetool cfstats.
DataStax Enterprise (DSE) uses the metrics-core library to make the output more informative and easier to understand. |
Name of statistic |
Example value |
Description |
Keyspace |
libdata |
Name of the keyspace. |
Table |
libout |
Name of this table. |
SSTable count |
3 |
Number of SStables containing data for this table. See Table statistics. |
Space used (live) |
9592399 |
Total number of bytes of disk space used by all active SSTables belonging to this table. See Storing data on disk in SSTables. |
Space used (total) |
9592399 |
Total number of bytes of disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table, including obsolete SSTables waiting for GC management. See Storing data on disk in SSTables. |
Space used by snapshots (total) |
0 |
Total number of bytes of disk space used by snapshot of this table’s data. See About snapshots. |
Off heap memory used (total) |
Total number of bytes of off heap memory used for memtables, Bloom filters, index summaries and compression metadata for this table. |
SSTable Compression Ratio |
0.367… |
Ratio of size of compressed SSTable data to its uncompressed size. See compression options. |
Number of partitions (estimate) |
3 |
The estimated number of partition keys for this table. Not the number of primary keys. |
Memtable cell count |
1022550 |
Number of cells (storage engine rows x columns) of data in the memtable for this table. See How the database reads and writes data. |
Memtable data size |
32028148 |
Total number of bytes in the memtable for this table. Total amount of live data stored in the memtable, excluding any data structure overhead. |
Memtable off heap memory used |
0 |
Total number of bytes of off-heap data for this memtable, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten. The maximum amount is set in |
Memtable switch count |
3 |
Number of times a full memtable for this table was swapped for an empty one. Increases each time the memtable for a table is flushed to disk. See How memtables are measured article. |
Local read count |
11207 |
Number of requests to read tables in the keyspace since startup. |
Local read latency |
0.048 ms |
Round trip time in milliseconds to complete the most recent request to read the table. See How is data read? |
Local write count |
17598 |
Number of local requests to update the table since startup. |
Local write latency |
0.054 ms |
Round trip time in milliseconds to complete an update to the table. See How are consistent read and write operations handled? |
0 |
Estimated number of reads, writes, and cluster operations pending for this table.
Percent repaired |
100.0 |
Percentage of data (uncompressed) marked as repaired across all non-system tables on a node. Tables with a replication factor of 1 are excluded. |
Bytes repaired |
0.000KiB |
Size of table data repaired on disk. |
Bytes unrepaired |
0.000KiB |
Size of table data unrepaired on disk. |
Bytes pending repair |
0.000KiB |
Size of table data isolated for an ongoing incremental repair. |
Bloom filter false positives |
0 |
Number of false positives reported by this table’s Bloom filter. See Tuning bloom filters |
Bloom filter false ratio |
0.00000 |
Fraction of all bloom filter checks resulting in a false positive from the most recent read. |
Bloom filter space used, bytes |
11688 |
Size in bytes of the bloom filter data for this table. |
Bloom filter off heap memory used |
8 |
The number of bytes of offheap memory used for Bloom filters for this table. |
Index summary off heap memory used |
41 |
The number of bytes of off heap memory used for index summaries for this table. |
Compression metadata off heap memory used |
8 |
The number of bytes of off heap memory used for compression offset maps for this table. |
Compacted partition minimum |
1110 |
Size in bytes of the smallest compacted partition for this table |
Compacted partition maximum bytes |
126934 |
Size in bytes of the largest compacted partition for this table. |
Compacted partition mean bytes |
2730 |
The average size of compacted partitions for this table. |
Average live cells per slice (last five minutes) |
0.0 |
Average number of cells scanned by single key queries during the last five minutes. |
Maximum live cells per slice (last five minutes) |
0.0 |
Maximum number of cells scanned by single key queries during the last five minutes. |
Average tombstones per slice (last five minutes) |
0.0 |
Average number of tombstones scanned by single key queries during the last five minutes. |
Maximum tombstones per slice (last five minutes) |
0.0 |
Maximum number of tombstones scanned by single key queries during the last five minutes. |
Dropped mutations |
0.0 |
The number of mutations (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) started on this table but not completed. A high number of dropped mutations can indicate an overloaded node. |
nodetool [<connection_options>] tablestats
[-F json | yaml] [-H] [-i] [--]
[<keyspace_name>.<table_name> ...]
Syntax conventions | Description |
Literal keyword. |
Lowercase |
Not literal. |
Variable value. Replace with a valid option or user-defined value. |
Square brackets ( |
Parentheses ( |
A vertical bar ( |
An ellipsis ( |
Single quotation ( |
Map collection.
Braces ( |
Set, list, map, or tuple.
Angle brackets ( |
End CQL statement.
A semicolon ( |
Separate the command line options from the command arguments with two hyphens ( |
Search CQL only: Single quotation marks ( |
Search CQL only: Identify the entity and literal value to overwrite the XML element in the schema and solrconfig files. |
The short- and long-form options are comma-separated.
Connection options
- -h, --host hostname
The hostname or IP address of a remote node or nodes. When omitted, the default is the local machine.
- -p, --port jmx_port
The JMX port number.
- -pw, --password jmxpassword
The JMX password for authenticating with secure JMX. If a password is not provided, you are prompted to enter one.
- -pwf, --password-file jmx_password_filepath
The filepath to the file that stores JMX authentication credentials.
- -u, --username jmx_username
The username for authenticating with secure JMX.
Command arguments
Separates an option from an argument that could be mistaken for an option.
- -F, --format json | yaml
The format for the output. The default is plain text. The following wait latencies (in ms) are included in the following order: 50%, 75%, 95%, 98%, 99%, Min, and Max.
- -H, --human-readable
Display bytes in human readable form: KiB (kibibyte), MiB (mebibyte), GiB (gibibyte), TiB (tebibyte).
- -i
Ignore list of tables and display remaining tables.
- keyspace_name
The keyspace name.
- table_name
The table name.
Get table metrics on a single table in default format
nodetool tablestats cycling.birthday_list
Total number of tables: 68
Keyspace : cycling
Read Count: 0
Read Latency: NaN ms
Write Count: 20
Write Latency: 0.05625 ms
Pending Flushes: 0
Table: birthday_list
SSTable count: 0
Space used (live): 0
Space used (total): 0
Space used by snapshots (total): 0
Off heap memory used (total): 0
SSTable Compression Ratio: -1.0
Number of partitions (estimate): 5
Memtable cell count: 6
Memtable data size: 799
Memtable off heap memory used: 0
Memtable switch count: 0
Local read count: 0
Local read latency: NaN ms
Local write count: 6
Local write latency: 0.035 ms
Pending flushes: 0
Percent repaired: 100.0
Bytes repaired: 0.000KiB
Bytes unrepaired: 0.000KiB
Bytes pending repair: 0.000KiB
Bloom filter false positives: 0
Bloom filter false ratio: 0.00000
Bloom filter space used: 0
Bloom filter off heap memory used: 0
Index summary off heap memory used: 0
Compression metadata off heap memory used: 0
Compacted partition minimum bytes: 0
Compacted partition maximum bytes: 0
Compacted partition mean bytes: 0
Average live cells per slice (last five minutes): NaN
Maximum live cells per slice (last five minutes): 0
Average tombstones per slice (last five minutes): NaN
Maximum tombstones per slice (last five minutes): 0
Dropped Mutations: 0
Failed Replication Count: null
Get metrics on two tables in yaml format
nodetool tablestats -F yaml cycling.calendar cycling.birthday_list
total_number_of_tables: 68
write_latency_ms: 0.05625
average_tombstones_per_slice_last_five_minutes: .NaN
bloom_filter_off_heap_memory_used: '0'
bytes_pending_repair: 0
memtable_switch_count: 0
maximum_tombstones_per_slice_last_five_minutes: 0
memtable_cell_count: 12
memtable_data_size: '854'
average_live_cells_per_slice_last_five_minutes: .NaN
local_read_latency_ms: NaN
local_write_latency_ms: '0.046'
pending_flushes: 0
compacted_partition_minimum_bytes: 0
local_read_count: 0
sstable_compression_ratio: -1.0
dropped_mutations: '0'
bloom_filter_false_positives: 0
off_heap_memory_used_total: '0'
memtable_off_heap_memory_used: '0'
index_summary_off_heap_memory_used: '0'
bloom_filter_space_used: '0'
sstables_in_each_level: []
compacted_partition_maximum_bytes: 0
space_used_total: '0'
local_write_count: 12
compression_metadata_off_heap_memory_used: '0'
number_of_partitions_estimate: 3
bytes_repaired: 0
maximum_live_cells_per_slice_last_five_minutes: 0
space_used_live: '0'
compacted_partition_mean_bytes: 0
bloom_filter_false_ratio: '0.00000'
bytes_unrepaired: 0
percent_repaired: 100.0
space_used_by_snapshots_total: '0'
average_tombstones_per_slice_last_five_minutes: .NaN
bloom_filter_off_heap_memory_used: '0'
bytes_pending_repair: 0
memtable_switch_count: 0
maximum_tombstones_per_slice_last_five_minutes: 0
memtable_cell_count: 6
memtable_data_size: '799'
average_live_cells_per_slice_last_five_minutes: .NaN
local_read_latency_ms: NaN
local_write_latency_ms: '0.035'
pending_flushes: 0
compacted_partition_minimum_bytes: 0
local_read_count: 0
sstable_compression_ratio: -1.0
dropped_mutations: '0'
bloom_filter_false_positives: 0
off_heap_memory_used_total: '0'
memtable_off_heap_memory_used: '0'
index_summary_off_heap_memory_used: '0'
bloom_filter_space_used: '0'
sstables_in_each_level: []
compacted_partition_maximum_bytes: 0
space_used_total: '0'
local_write_count: 6
compression_metadata_off_heap_memory_used: '0'
number_of_partitions_estimate: 5
bytes_repaired: 0
maximum_live_cells_per_slice_last_five_minutes: 0
space_used_live: '0'
compacted_partition_mean_bytes: 0
bloom_filter_false_ratio: '0.00000'
bytes_unrepaired: 0
percent_repaired: 100.0
space_used_by_snapshots_total: '0'
read_latency_ms: .NaN
pending_flushes: 0
write_count: 20
read_latency: .NaN
read_count: 0