Configure DSE Search
- DSE Search reference
Reference information for DSE Search.
- Viewing search index schema and config
How to view search index schema and config resources.
- Customizing the search index schema
Customizing the search schema that defines the relationship between data in a table and a search index.
- Changing auto-generated search index settings
Customize the default settings for auto-generated search indexes using dsetool.
- Using LowerCaseStrField with search indexes
Converts data into lowercase and correctly stores it in docValues.
- Set the location of search indexes
Steps to set the location of the search index data on the server.
- DSE Search logging
Information about DSE Search logging.
- Enabling multi-threaded queries
Steps to enable multi-threading if excessive writes exist.
- Configuring additional search components
You can add search components and a handler for the search components. For example, add spell check.
- Load balancing for distributed search queries
Load balancing for distributed search queries.
- Excluding hosts from distributed queries
You can exclude hosts from distributed queries.