Install DSE OpsCenter 6.8 with a tarball on any Linux distribution
Install DSE OpsCenter 6.8 on any Linux Distribution or Mac OS X using the OpsCenter binary tarball.
Mac OS X is supported for development and testing purposes only. |
For a complete list of supported platforms, see OpsCenter Supported Platforms.
Minimum hardware requirements for the machine on which OpsCenter runs:
2 CPU cores
2 GB of RAM available to OpsCenter
Permission and software requirements:
Latest build of a TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit) Certified OpenJDK version 8 or Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment 8 (JRE or JDK). Earlier or later versions are not supported. See installing the OpenJDK or Oracle JDK.
Although Oracle JRE/JDK 8 is supported, DataStax does more extensive testing on OpenJDK 8. This change is due to the end of public updates for Oracle JRE/JDK 8.
Use OpsCenter Lifecycle Manager to automatically manage Java and JCE installs for DSE clusters.
DataStax recommends using a recent version of one of the major web browsers. OpsCenter does not support Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge.
End User License Agreement (EULA). By downloading this DataStax product, you agree to the terms of the EULA. |
Installing the latest version (6.8.x)
To download a specific version of OpsCenter 6.8.x, go to 2.
You can either download the tarball and then extract the files, or use curl.
Download and extract the latest version tarball (6.8.x):
Download the tarball from Download DataStax OpsCenter.
Extract the files:
tar -xzvf opscenter-6.8.x.tar.gz
The files are extracted into the
Use curl to install the latest version (6.8.x):
In a terminal window, download and extract the tarball using curl:
curl -L | tar xz
The files are downloaded and extracted into the
directory. -
Installing specific 6.8.x versions
When installing from the binary tarball, you can either download the tarball and then extract the files, or use curl.
Download and extract specific 6.8.x tarballs into the current directory:
Download the tarball from Download DataStax Enterprise.
Extract the files:
tar -xzvf opscenter-6.8.version_number.tar.gz
Use curl to install specific 6.8.x versions:
Download and extract:
curl -L | tar xz
The files are downloaded and extracted into the opscenter-6.8.x directory.
Change to the
opscenter-version_number opscenter-version_number
Start OpsCenter from the install location:
bin/opscenter -f
to start OpsCenter in the foreground. -
Connect to OpsCenter in a web browser using the following URL:
Next Steps
Add an existing cluster or provision a new cluster in Lifecycle Manager.