Install DataStax Agents automatically
DataStax Agents must be installed on every managed node in a cluster and are necessary to perform most of the functionality within DataStax Enterprise (DSE) OpsCenter. Installation is automatic or manual, depending on the deployment tool.
Using Lifecycle Manager to create a new cluster automatically installs DataStax Agents.
Using OpsCenter to add a new cluster offers a choice of automatically or manually installing agents.
After adding a cluster, OpsCenter determines whether DataStax Agents are already properly installed and configured. If they are not, OpsCenter prompts you to check the status of the DataStax Agents and install them from the Agents tab.
Use the DataStax Agents Status View to see what is already installed as well as to review the status of the DataStax Agents that you are currently installing.
OpsCenter must be installed.
Root or sudo access to the machines where the DataStax Agents are installed.
JMX connectivity is enabled on each node in the cluster.
Either you configured the SSH port, or accepted the default SSH port (22) for node-Agent communication.
DSE 6.8. See DSE OpsCenter compatibility with DSE.
End User License Agreement (EULA). By downloading this DataStax product, you agree to the terms of the EULA. |
Start your DSE cluster and the OpsCenter daemon.
Open a browser window and go to the OpsCenter URL at
, whereopscenter_host
is the IP or hostname of the OpsCenter machine.A dialog prompts you to select a cluster option:
Click Manage Existing Cluster > Get Started.
The Connect to Existing Cluster dialog appears.
Add one or more hostnames or IP addresses of the nodes in the cluster. For best results, use private IP addresses.
Click Next.
The Set Up Agents dialog appears.
Install or start agents automatically is selected by default. Click Next.
If your environment requires manual installation of DataStax Agents, click Install agents manually. Choose the DataStax Agent installation procedure that matches your DSE installation type:
Install DataStax Agents manually with a tarball
The Agents Credentials dialog appears.
Enter SSH credentials to connect to the nodes:
Enter a Username. The user must have root or sudo privileges.
If using a sudo password for the specified user, enter the password in the Password field.
If using an SSH private key, enter it in the Private Key field.
Entered credentials information is not saved or stored.
Click Submit.
The Agents tab opens, starts installing the DataStax Agents, and displays the progress of the agent installation. The DataStax Agent services may go up and down during the installation process.
When the install process successfully completes, the DataStax Agents have been deployed and configured for each managed node in the DSE cluster.
If there are any issues with installing DataStax Agents, a banner at the top of the OpsCenter workspace is displayed. The banner cannot be dismissed until the DataStax Agent issues have been resolved but the banner does not prevent using or navigating the OpsCenter UI. Clicking the Show Details link in the banner displays the clusters having DataStax Agent issues and the number of problems currently detected by OpsCenter. Clicking the # problems link opens the Agent Status tab where you can view more detailed information about Agent status, view troubleshooting suggestions, and access the Set Up Agents button to retry installing the Agents.

If you are unable to install the DataStax Agents through the OpsCenter UI, then manually install them with one of the following procedures that matches the installation method of your DSE instance: