Search request handler statistics
Record core-specific search request handler statistics over time.
JMX analog
CREATE TABLE dse_perf.solr_search_request_handler_metrics ( node_ip inet, core text, date timestamp, handler_name text, time timestamp, requests bigint, errors bigint, timeouts bigint, total_time_seconds double, avg_requests_per_second double, five_min_rate_reqs_per_second double, fifteen_min_rate_reqs_per_second double, PRIMARY KEY ((node_ip, core, date), handler_name, time) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (handler_name ASC, time DESC) AND gc_grace_seconds=0
Field | Type | Purpose |
node_ip |
inet |
Node IP address. |
core |
text |
Search core name, such as keyspace.table. |
date |
timestamp |
Midnight on the mm/dd/yyyy the statistics were recorded. |
handler_name |
text |
A handler name specified in the search index config. |
time |
timestamp |
Exact time the statistics were recorded. |
requests |
bigint |
Number of requests processed by the handler. |
errors |
bigint |
Number of errors encountered by the handler. |
timeouts |
bigint |
Number of responses received with partial results. |
total_time_seconds |
double |
The sum of all request processing times. |
avg_requests_per_second |
double |
Average number of requests per second. |
five_min_rate_reqs_per_second |
double |
Requests per second over that past 5 minutes. |
fifteen_min_rate_reqs_per_second |
double |
Requests per second over that past 15 minutes. |
Snapshots recorded for all update handlers on 10/17/2014 for core keyspace.table on the node
SELECT * FROM solr_search_request_handler_metrics WHERE node_ip = '' AND core = 'keyspace.table' AND date = '2014-10-17';
Most recent 5 snapshots for handler “/update/json” recorded on 10/17/2014 for core keyspace.table on the node
SELECT * FROM solr_search_request_handler_metrics WHERE node_ip = '' AND core = 'keyspace.table' AND date = '2014-10-17' AND handler_name = '/update/json' LIMIT 5;
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