nodetool sequence

Sequentially run multiple nodetool commands from a file, resource, or standard input (StdIn) to reduce overhead. This command is faster than running nodetool commands individually from a shell script because the JVM doesn’t have to restart for each command.


nodetool [<connection_options>] sequence
[--failonerror] [-i <input> [<input> ...]] [--stoponerror] [--]
[<command_name> [ : <command_name> : ...]]
Syntax conventions Description


Literal keyword.


Not literal.


Variable value. Replace with a valid option or user-defined value.

[ ]

Optional. Square brackets ( [ ] ) surround optional command arguments. Do not type the square brackets.

( )

Group. Parentheses ( ( ) ) identify a group to choose from. Do not type the parentheses.


Or. A vertical bar ( | ) separates alternative elements. Type any one of the elements. Do not type the vertical bar.


Repeatable. An ellipsis ( ... ) indicates that you can repeat the syntax element as often as required.

'<Literal string>'

Single quotation ( ' ) marks must surround literal strings in CQL statements. Use single quotation marks to preserve upper case.

{ <key>:<value> }

Map collection. Braces ( { } ) enclose map collections or key value pairs. A colon separates the key and the value.


Set, list, map, or tuple. Angle brackets ( < > ) enclose data types in a set, list, map, or tuple. Separate the data types with a comma.


End CQL statement. A semicolon ( ; ) terminates all CQL statements.

[ -- ]

Separate the command line options from the command arguments with two hyphens ( -- ). This syntax is useful when arguments might be mistaken for command line options.

' <<schema> ... </schema> >'

Search CQL only: Single quotation marks ( ' ) surround an entire XML schema declaration.


Search CQL only: Identify the entity and literal value to overwrite the XML element in the schema and solrconfig files.


The short- and long-form options are comma-separated.

Connection options

-h, --host hostname

The hostname or IP address of a remote node or nodes. When omitted, the default is the local machine.

-p, --port jmx_port

The JMX port number.

-pw, --password jmxpassword

The JMX password for authenticating with secure JMX. If a password is not provided, you are prompted to enter one.

-pwf, --password-file jmx_password_filepath

The filepath to the file that stores JMX authentication credentials.

-u, --username jmx_username

The username for authenticating with secure JMX.

Command arguments


Separates an option from an argument that could be mistaken for an option.


Commands to execute. Separate individual commands using a colon surrounded by whitespaces ( : ).


Set this option to true to return an error exit code if a child command fails. By default, an error exit code is not returned if one or more child commands fail.

-i, --input input

The input to run the command.


Set to true to stop command on error. Default is if one child command fails, the sequence command continues with remaining commands.


Run commands on the command line

nodetool sequence info : gettimeout read : gettimeout write : status

Each command in the file runs sequentially.

# Executing 4 commands:
# info
# gettimeout read
# gettimeout write
# status
# Network interface ens3 (ens3): /fe80:0:0:0:f816:3eff:fe17:a66f%ens3/64 [null], / [/]
# Network interface lo (lo): /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%lo/128 [null], / [null]
# Command: info
# Timestamp: August 31, 2018 8:24:46 PM UTC
# Timestamp (local): August 31, 2018 8:24:46 PM UTC
# Timestamp (millis since epoch): 1535747086687
ID                     : 3b8e8192-c1d3-4b01-a792-9673b4e377c1
Gossip active          : true
Native Transport active: true
Load                   : 625.97 KiB
Generation No          : 1532896921
Uptime (seconds)       : 2850186
Heap Memory (MB)       : 1903.08 / 4012.00
Off Heap Memory (MB)   : 0.01
Data Center            : SearchGraphAnalytics
Rack                   : rack1
Exceptions             : 0
Key Cache              : entries 0, size 0 bytes, capacity 100 MiB, 0 hits, 0 requests, NaN recent hit rate, 14400 save period in seconds
Row Cache              : entries 0, size 0 bytes, capacity 0 bytes, 0 hits, 0 requests, NaN recent hit rate, 0 save period in seconds
Counter Cache          : entries 0, size 0 bytes, capacity 50 MiB, 1 hits, 2 requests, 0.500 recent hit rate, 7200 save period in seconds
Chunk Cache            : entries 15972, size 595.42 MiB, capacity 2.79 GiB, 15972 misses, 25462774 requests, 0.999 recent hit rate, 606.208 microseconds miss latency
Percent Repaired       : 0.0%
Token                  : 8242717283351148695
# Command 'info' completed successfully in 331 ms
# Command: gettimeout read
# Timestamp: August 31, 2018 8:24:47 PM UTC
# Timestamp (local): August 31, 2018 8:24:47 PM UTC
# Timestamp (millis since epoch): 1535747087024
Current timeout for type read: 5000 ms
# Command 'gettimeout read' completed successfully in 0 ms
# Command: gettimeout write
# Timestamp: August 31, 2018 8:24:47 PM UTC
# Timestamp (local): August 31, 2018 8:24:47 PM UTC
# Timestamp (millis since epoch): 1535747087025
Current timeout for type write: 2000 ms
# Command 'gettimeout write' completed successfully in 0 ms
# Command: status
# Timestamp: August 31, 2018 8:24:47 PM UTC
# Timestamp (local): August 31, 2018 8:24:47 PM UTC
# Timestamp (millis since epoch): 1535747087026
Datacenter: SearchGraphAnalytics
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address    Load       Owns    Host ID                               Token                                    Rack
UN  625.97 KiB  ?       3b8e8192-c1d3-4b01-a792-9673b4e377c1  8242717283351148695                      rack1

NOTE: Non-system keyspaces don't have the same replication settings, effective ownership information is meaningless
# Command 'status' completed successfully in 29 ms
# Total duration: 374ms
# Out of 4 commands, 4 completed successfully, 0 failed.

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