Manage files with dsefs commands
Use these dsefs commands to manage the files in the DSE File System.
- append
Appends a local file to a remote file.
- cat
Concatenates files and prints on the standard output.
- cp
Copies files and directories within a file system or between two file systems.
- fsck
Performs file system consistency check and repairs file system errors.
- get
Copies a DSEFS remote file to the local file system.
- mkdir
Creates new directory or directories.
- mv
Moves a file or directory.
- put
Copies a local file to the DSE filesystem.
- rename
Renames a file or directory without moving it to a different directory.
- rm
Removes files or directories.
- rmdir
Removes empty directory or directories.
- truncate
Truncates file or files to a specified length.
- umount
Unmounts file system storage locations from file hierarchy.