Manage hints using nodetool commands
Use these nodetool commands for managing hints.
- nodetool disablehandoff
Disables storing hinted handoffs.
- nodetool disablehintsfordc
Disables hints for a datacenter.
- nodetool enablehandoff
Reenables storing of future hints on the current node.
- nodetool enablehintsfordc
Turns on hints for a datacenter that was previously disabled with nodetool disablehintsfordc.
- nodetool gethintedhandoffthrottlekb
Gets the hinted handoff throttle in KB/sec per delivery thread.
- nodetool getmaxhintwindow
Prints the maximum time that the database generates hints for an unresponsive node.
- nodetool handoffwindow
Prints current hinted handoff window.
- nodetool listendpointspendinghints
Prints information about hints that the node has for other nodes.
- nodetool pausehandoff
Pauses the hints delivery process.
- nodetool resumehandoff
Resumes hints delivery process.
- nodetool sethintedhandoffthrottlekb
Sets hinted handoff throttle in KB/sec per delivery thread.
- nodetool setmaxhintwindow
Sets the maximum time that the database generates hints for an unresponsive node.
- nodetool statushandoff
Provides status of storing future hints.
- nodetool truncatehints
Truncates all hints on the local node or for one or more endpoints.