DataStax Enterprise tools
- DSE Metrics Collector
DSE Metrics Collector aggregates DataStax Enterprise (DSE) metrics and integrates with centralized monitoring solutions to facilitate problem resolution and remediation.
- nodetool
Available commands for monitoring a cluster and performing routine database operations.
- dse commands
The dse commands for starting the database and connecting an external client to a DSE node and performing common utility tasks.
- dsefs shell commands
The DSEFS functionality supports operations including uploading, downloading, moving, and deleting files, creating directories, and verifying the DSEFS status.
- dsetool
A list of the available commands for DSE operations.
- DataStax Enterprise stress tools
Tools for stress testing DSE.
- SSTable tools
Available diagnostic tools for analyzing, using, upgrading, and changing DSE SSTables.
- Preflight check tool
The preflight check tool is a collection of tests that detects and optionally fixes configuration settings on DSE nodes.
- Compare yaml files
cluster_check and yaml_diff compare the differences between cassandra.yaml or dse.yaml files.