DSE Search Performance Service diagnostic table reference

Frequently asked questions about the DSE Search Performance Service

Questions and answers about DSE Search Performance Service.

Slow sub-query log for search

Report distributed sub-queries for search (query executions on individual shards) that take longer than a specified period of time.

Indexing error log

Records errors that occur during document validation.

Query latency snapshot

Records phase-level cumulative percentile latency statistics for queries over time.

Update latency snapshot

Records phase-level cumulative percentile latency statistics for updates over time.

Commit latency snapshot

Records phase-level cumulative percentile latency statistics for commits over time.

Merge latency snapshot

Records phase-level cumulative percentile latency statistics for index merges over time.

Filter cache statistics

Records core-specific filter cache statistics over time.

Query result cache statistics

Records core-specific query result cache statistics over time.

Index statistics

Records core-specific index overview statistics over time.

Update handler statistics

Records core-specific direct update handler statistics over time.

Update request handler statistics

Records core-specific update request handler statistics over time.

Search request handler statistics

Records core-specific search request handler statistics over time.

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