nodetool tpstats

Returns usage statistics of thread pools.

The database separates different tasks into stages connected by a messaging service. Each stage has a queue and a thread pool. Some stages skip the messaging service and queue tasks immediately on a different stage when it exists on the same node. If the next stage is too busy, the database can back up a queue and lead to performance bottlenecks, as described in Monitoring a DataStax Enterprise cluster.

Reports are updated after SSTables change through compaction or flushing.

Report columns

The nodetool tpstats command report includes the following columns:


The number of Active threads.


The number of Pending requests waiting to be executed by this thread pool.


The number of tasks Completed by this thread pool.


The number of requests that are currently Blocked because the thread pool for the next step in the service is full.

All-Time Blocked

The total number of All-Time Blocked requests, which are all requests blocked in this thread pool up to now.

Report rows

The follow list describes the task or property associated with the task reported in the nodetool tpstats output.

General metrics

The following report aggregated statistics for tasks on the local node:


Completes background tasks like submitting hints and deserializing the row cache.


Running compaction.


Distributing node information via Gossip. Out of sync schemas can cause issues. You may have to sync using nodetool resetlocalschema.


Dispatches a single hints file to a specified node in a batched manner.


Responding to non-client initiated messages, including bootstrapping and schema checking.


Writing memtable contents to disk. May back up if the queue is overruns the disk I/O, or because of sorting processes.

nodetool tpstats no longer reports blocked threads in the MemtableFlushWriter pool. Check the Pending Flushes metric reported by nodetool tblestats.


Cleaning up after flushing the memtable (discarding commit logs and secondary indexes as needed).


Making unused memory available.


Calculating pending ranges per bootstraps and departed nodes. Reporting by this tool is not useful — see Developer notes.


Activity for the memtable flush writer of each disk.


Performing read repairs. Usually fast, if there is good connectivity between replicas.

Thread per core (TPC) task metrics

All actions in the TPC loop are labeled and observable. Tasks marked Pendable are throttled, limited to the value set for tpc_concurrent_requests_limit in the cassandra.yaml. Default: 128.

Thread per core messages are prepended with TPC/<type>, where:

  • TPC/<N> are metrics for the core number when --cores is specified.

  • TPC/other are metrics for tasks executed that are not on TPC threads.

  • TPC/all are the aggregate task metrics for all cores.


Unknown task.


Asynchronous frame decoding.


Single-partition read request from a local node generated directly from clients.


Single-partition read request from a remote replica.


Signals read timeout errors.


Single-partition read request that will be first scheduled on an event loop (Pendable)


Single-partition read response.


Partition range read request from a local node generated directly from clients.


Partition range read request from a remote replica.


Partition range read originating from NodeSync.


Range reads to internal tables.


Partition range read response.


Switching thread to read from an iterator.


Switching thread to read from secondary index.


Waiting for data from disk.


Write request from a local node generated directly from clients.


Write request from a remote replica


Writes to internal tables.


Write response


Write issued to defragment data that required too many sstables to read (Pendable)


Switching thread to write in memtable when not already on the correct thread


Write request is waiting for the commit log segment to be allocated


Write request is waiting for commit log to sync to disk


Write request is waiting for space in memtable


Replaying a batch mutation


Store a batchlog entry request (Pendable)


Store a batchlog entry response


Remove a batchlog entry (Pendable)


Acquiring counter lock.


Executing a statement.


Executing compare-and-set (LWT).


Preparation phase of lightweight transaction (Pendable).


Proposal phase of lightweight transaction (Pendable).


Commit phase of lightn weight transaction (Pendable).


Truncate request (Pendable).


NodeSync validation of a partition.


Authentication request.


Authorization request.


Unknown timed task.


Scheduled timeout task.


Number of busy spin cycles done by this TPC thread when it has no tasks to perform.


Number of Thread.yield() calls done by this TPC thread when it has no tasks to perform.


Number of LockSupport.park() calls done by this TPC thread when it has no tasks to perform.


Hint dispatch request (Pendable).


Hint dispatch response.


Scheduled network backpressure.

Client and internode requests

ClientRequest and InternodeMessage meters track the rate of client requests per TPC core and internode requests per TPC core respectively:


Either CLIENT_REQUEST or INTERNODE_MESSAGE where TPC/<N> is the core number.

One Minute Rate

Requests or messaging rate over a one minute period.

Five Minute Rate

Requests or messaging rate over a five minute period.

Fifteen Minute Rate

Requests or messaging rate over a fifteen minute period.

Mean Rate

Mean rate of total requests or messages.


Number of driver connections or inbound internode connections per thread.

Traffic for INTERNODE_MESSAGE meters will typically be quite low as opposed to CLIENT_REQUEST messages that indicate end user query execution.

Droppable messages

The database generates the messages listed below, but discards them after a timeout. The nodetool tpstats command reports the number of messages of each type that have been dropped. You can view the messages themselves using a JMX client.

Message Type Stage Notes





n/a (special)

Used for recording traces (nodetool settraceprobability). Has a special executor (1 thread, 1000 queue depth) that throws away messages on insertion instead of within the execute.



If a write message is processed after its timeout (write_request_timeout_in_ms), it either sent a failure to the client or it met its requested consistency level and will relay on hinted handoff and read repairs to do the mutation if it succeeded.



If a write message is processed after its timeout (write_request_timeout_in_ms), it either sent a failure to the client or it met its requested consistency level and will relay on hinted handoff and read repairs to do the mutation.



Times out after write_request_timeout_in_ms.



Times out after read_request_timeout_in_ms. No point in servicing reads after that point because it would have returned error to client.



Times out after range_request_timeout_in_ms.



Times out after request_timeout_in_ms.



Times out after request_timeout_in_ms. Response was completed and sent back but not before the timeout.


nodetool [<connection_options>] tpstats
[-C] [-F json | yaml]
Syntax conventions Description


Literal keyword.


Not literal.


Variable value. Replace with a valid option or user-defined value.

[ ]

Optional. Square brackets ( [ ] ) surround optional command arguments. Do not type the square brackets.

( )

Group. Parentheses ( ( ) ) identify a group to choose from. Do not type the parentheses.


Or. A vertical bar ( | ) separates alternative elements. Type any one of the elements. Do not type the vertical bar.


Repeatable. An ellipsis ( ... ) indicates that you can repeat the syntax element as often as required.

'<Literal string>'

Single quotation ( ' ) marks must surround literal strings in CQL statements. Use single quotation marks to preserve upper case.

{ <key>:<value> }

Map collection. Braces ( { } ) enclose map collections or key value pairs. A colon separates the key and the value.


Set, list, map, or tuple. Angle brackets ( < > ) enclose data types in a set, list, map, or tuple. Separate the data types with a comma.


End CQL statement. A semicolon ( ; ) terminates all CQL statements.

[ -- ]

Separate the command line options from the command arguments with two hyphens ( -- ). This syntax is useful when arguments might be mistaken for command line options.

' <<schema> ... </schema> >'

Search CQL only: Single quotation marks ( ' ) surround an entire XML schema declaration.


Search CQL only: Identify the entity and literal value to overwrite the XML element in the schema and solrconfig files.









Get usage statistics for thread pools

nodetool tpstats


Pool Name                                     Active      Pending (w/Backpressure)   Delayed      Completed   Blocked  All time blocked
CompactionExecutor                                 0                       0 (N/A)       N/A         427073         0                 0
GossipStage                                        0                       0 (N/A)       N/A        1565077         0                 0
InternalResponseStage                              0                       0 (N/A)       N/A              2         0                 0
MemtableFlushWriter                                0                       0 (N/A)       N/A            183         0                 0
MemtablePostFlush                                  0                       0 (N/A)       N/A            700         0                 0
MemtableReclaimMemory                              0                       0 (N/A)       N/A            183         0                 0
MigrationStage                                     0                       0 (N/A)       N/A              2         0                 0
PendingRangeCalculator                             0                       0 (N/A)       N/A              2         0                 0
PerDiskMemtableFlushWriter_0                       0                       0 (N/A)       N/A            181         0                 0
ReadRepairStage                                    0                       0 (N/A)       N/A           1779         0                 0
TPC/all/BATCH_REMOVE                               0                       0 (N/A)       N/A          24989       N/A                 0
TPC/all/EVENTLOOP_PROCESSED_TASKS                  0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A       15246816       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/EVENTLOOP_SCHEDULED_TASKS                  0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A       26137492       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/EVENTLOOP_SELECTOR_EVENTS                  0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        6134785       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/EVENTLOOP_SELECT_CALLS                     1                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        8991407       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/EVENTLOOP_SELECT_NOW_CALLS                 0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        9002688       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/EVENTLOOP_SPIN                             0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A       80922912       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/EXECUTE_STATEMENT                          0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A             56       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/NODESYNC_VALIDATION                        0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A           5194       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_DISK_ASYNC                            0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A            129       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_INTERNAL                              0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        1010946       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_RANGE_INTERNAL                        0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A           6984       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_RANGE_LOCAL                           0                       0 (N/A)       N/A              1       N/A                 0
TPC/all/READ_RANGE_RESPONSE                        0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A            210       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_SPECULATE                             0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A              6       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_RESPONSE                              0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        1062638       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/TIMED_TIMEOUT                              0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        5218530       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/UNKNOWN                                    0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A              1       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/WRITE_INTERNAL                             0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A          23958       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/WRITE_LOCAL                                0                       0 (N/A)       N/A         262963       N/A                 0
TPC/all/WRITE_REMOTE                               0                       0 (N/A)       N/A          25052       N/A                 0
TPC/all/WRITE_MEMTABLE                             0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A          87315       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/WRITE_RESPONSE                             0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A         536269       N/A               N/A
ViewBuildExecutor                                  0                       0 (N/A)       N/A             32         0                 0

Message type            Dropped                  Latency waiting in queue (micros)
                                              50%               95%               99%               Max
RANGE_SLICE                   0           3670.02           3670.02           3670.02           4194.30
SNAPSHOT                      0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
HINT                          0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
COUNTER_MUTATION              0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
LWT                           0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
BATCH_STORE                   0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
VIEW_MUTATION                 0              0.00           2621.44           8388.61          25165.82
READ                          0              0.00              0.00              0.00              0.00
OTHER                         0           1835.01           3670.02           3670.02           4194.30
REPAIR                        0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
SCHEMA                        0              0.00          50331.65          50331.65          58720.26
MUTATION                      0              0.00           5242.88           5242.88           6291.46
NODESYNC                      0           1835.01           7340.03           7340.03           8388.61
READ_REPAIR                   0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
TRUNCATE                      0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A

Get usage statistics for thread pools with information about each core

nodetool tpstats -C


Pool Name                                     Active      Pending (w/Backpressure)   Delayed      Completed   Blocked  All time blocked
CompactionExecutor                                 0                       0 (N/A)       N/A         427751         0                 0
GossipStage                                        0                       0 (N/A)       N/A        1567102         0                 0
InternalResponseStage                              0                       0 (N/A)       N/A              2         0                 0
MemtableFlushWriter                                0                       0 (N/A)       N/A            189         0                 0
MemtablePostFlush                                  0                       0 (N/A)       N/A            712         0                 0
MemtableReclaimMemory                              0                       0 (N/A)       N/A            189         0                 0
MigrationStage                                     0                       0 (N/A)       N/A              2         0                 0
PendingRangeCalculator                             0                       0 (N/A)       N/A              2         0                 0
PerDiskMemtableFlushWriter_0                       0                       0 (N/A)       N/A            187         0                 0
ReadRepairStage                                    0                       0 (N/A)       N/A           1782         0                 0
TPC/0                                              0                         0 (0)         0        3044649       N/A                 0
TPC/0/BATCH_REMOVE                                 0                       0 (N/A)       N/A          24989       N/A                 0
TPC/0/EVENTLOOP_PROCESSED_TASKS                    0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A       15260947       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/EVENTLOOP_SCHEDULED_TASKS                    0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A       26158321       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/EVENTLOOP_SELECTOR_EVENTS                    0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        6141833       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/EVENTLOOP_SELECT_CALLS                       1                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        8998452       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/EVENTLOOP_SELECT_NOW_CALLS                   0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        9009734       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/EVENTLOOP_SPIN                               0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A       80986317       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/READ_DISK_ASYNC                              0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A            131       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/READ_INTERNAL                                0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        1012395       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/READ_RANGE_INTERNAL                          0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A           6996       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/READ_RANGE_LOCAL                             0                       0 (N/A)       N/A              1       N/A                 0
TPC/0/READ_RANGE_RESPONSE  ccccccccccc             0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A            210       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/READ_SPECULATE                               0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A              6       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/READ_RESPONSE    ccccccccccc                 0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        1064206       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/TIMED_TIMEOUT                                0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        5225278       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/UNKNOWN                                      0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A              1       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/WRITE_INTERNAL                               0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A          23998       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/WRITE_LOCAL                                  0                       0 (N/A)       N/A         262963       N/A                 0
TPC/0/WRITE_REMOTE                                 0                       0 (N/A)       N/A          25052       N/A                 0
TPC/0/WRITE_MEMTABLE                               0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A          87400       N/A               N/A
TPC/0/WRITE_RESPONSE                               0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A         536301       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/BATCH_REMOVE                               0                       0 (N/A)       N/A          24989       N/A                 0
TPC/all/EVENTLOOP_PROCESSED_TASKS                  0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A       15260957       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/EVENTLOOP_SCHEDULED_TASKS                  0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A       26158333       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/EVENTLOOP_SELECTOR_EVENTS                  0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        6141828       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/EVENTLOOP_SELECT_CALLS                     1                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        8998452       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/EVENTLOOP_SELECT_NOW_CALLS                 0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        9009735       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/EVENTLOOP_SPIN                             0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A       80986335       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/EXECUTE_STATEMENT                          0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A             56       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/NODESYNC_VALIDATION                        0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A           5202       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_DISK_ASYNC                            0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A            131       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_INTERNAL                              0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        1012395       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_RANGE_INTERNAL                        0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A           6996       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_RANGE_LOCAL                           0                       0 (N/A)       N/A              1       N/A                 0
TPC/all/READ_RANGE_RESPONSE                        0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A            210       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_SPECULATE                             0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A              6       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_RESPONSE                              0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        1064206       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/TIMED_TIMEOUT                              0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A        5225277       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/UNKNOWN                                    0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A              1       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/WRITE_INTERNAL                             0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A          23998       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/WRITE_LOCAL                                0                       0 (N/A)       N/A         262963       N/A                 0
TPC/all/WRITE_REMOTE                               0                       0 (N/A)       N/A          25052       N/A                 0
TPC/all/WRITE_MEMTABLE                             0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A          87400       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/WRITE_RESPONSE                             0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A         536301       N/A               N/A
TPC/other                                          0                         0 (0)         0           5258       N/A                 0
TPC/other/EXECUTE_STATEMENT                        0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A             56       N/A               N/A
TPC/other/NODESYNC_VALIDATION                      0                     N/A (N/A)       N/A           5202       N/A               N/A
ViewBuildExecutor                                  0                       0 (N/A)       N/A             32         0                 0

Meters                                   One Minute Rate    Five Minute Rate     Fifteen Minute Rate      Mean Rate          Count    Connections
TPC/0/CLIENT_REQUEST                                0.00                0.00                    0.00           0.00              0              0
TPC/0/INTERNODE_MESSAGE                             0.00                0.00                    0.00           0.00              0              0
TPC/1/CLIENT_REQUEST                                0.00                0.00                    0.00           0.00              0              0
TPC/1/INTERNODE_MESSAGE                             0.00                0.00                    0.00           0.00              0              0
TPC/10/CLIENT_REQUEST                               0.00                0.00                    0.00           0.00              0              0
TPC/10/INTERNODE_MESSAGE                            0.00                0.00                    0.00           0.00              0              0
TPC/2/CLIENT_REQUEST                                0.00                0.00                    0.00           0.00              0              0
TPC/2/INTERNODE_MESSAGE                             0.00                0.00                    0.00           0.00              0              0
TPC/3/CLIENT_REQUEST                                0.00                0.00                    0.00           0.00              0              0
TPC/3/INTERNODE_MESSAGE                             0.00                0.00                    0.00           0.00              0              0
TPC/4/CLIENT_REQUEST                                0.00                0.00                    0.00           0.00              0              0
TPC/4/INTERNODE_MESSAGE                             0.00                0.00                    0.00           0.00              0              0
TPC/5/CLIENT_REQUEST                                0.00                0.00                    0.00           0.00              0              0
TPC/5/INTERNODE_MESSAGE                             0.00                0.00                    0.00           0.00              0              0

Message type            Dropped                  Latency waiting in queue (micros)
                                              50%               95%               99%               Max
RANGE_SLICE                   0           3670.02           3670.02           3670.02           4194.30
SNAPSHOT                      0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
HINT                          0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
COUNTER_MUTATION              0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
LWT                           0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
BATCH_STORE                   0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
VIEW_MUTATION                 0              0.00           2621.44           8388.61          25165.82
READ                          0              0.00              0.00              0.00              0.00
OTHER                         0           1835.01           3670.02           3670.02           4194.30
REPAIR                        0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
SCHEMA                        0              0.00          50331.65          50331.65          58720.26
MUTATION                      0              0.00           3670.02           3670.02           4194.30
NODESYNC                      0              0.00           4194.30           4194.30           5242.88
READ_REPAIR                   0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
TRUNCATE                      0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A

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