Setting up pluggable authentication for OpsCenter
Locate the opscenterd.conf file. The location of this file depends on the type of installation:
Package installations: /etc/opscenter/opscenterd.conf
Tarball installations: install_location/conf/opscenterd.conf
Edit the opscenterd.conf file and enable authentication.
You can also bring your own pluggable authentication class and define it in the
.File authentication strategy
Create the auth_file with
must use a bcrypt 2a variation hash.You must first create the superuser role before creating the auth_file.
The authentication file should contain one user per line in this format.
passwd_db = ./passwd.db enabled = True authentication_method = com.datastax.opscenter.auth.http.impl.FileAuthenticationStrategyProvider [authentication_provider] # auth file configuration auth_file = /apps/test/auth.txt
LDAP authentication strategy
passwd_db = ./passwd.db enabled = True authentication_method = com.datastax.opscenter.auth.http.impl.LDAPAuthenticationStrategyProvider [authentication_provider] # ldap configuration server_host = dev-ldap.datastax.lan # use 389 if you set ldap_security = None server_port = 636 search_dn = cn=admin,dc=devldap,dc=datastax,dc=lan search_password = dseng user_search_base = ou=users,dc=devldap,dc=datastax,dc=lan user_search_filter = (uid={0}) group_search_base = ou=groups,dc=devldap,dc=datastax,dc=lan group_search_filter = (member=cn={0},ou=users,dc=devldap,dc=datastax,dc=lan) group_name_attribute = cn admin_group_name = superusers, superusers2 truststore = ./tests/resources/truststore.ts truststore_pass = secret ldap_security = SSL_TLS truststore_type = jks
Multiple authentication strategy
passwd_db = ./passwd.db enabled = True authentication_method = com.datastax.opscenter.auth.http.impl.MultipleAuthenticationStrategyProvider [authentication_provider] # List of authentication strategies in the order each strategy will be used strategy_chain = com.datastax.opscenter.auth.http.impl.FileAuthenticationStrategyProvider, com.datastax.opscenter.auth.http.impl.LDAPAuthenticationStrategyProvider # auth file configuration auth_file = /apps/test/auth.txt # ldap configuration, formerly in [ldap_section] server_host = dev-ldap.datastax.lan # use 389 if you set ldap_security = None server_port = 636 search_dn = cn=admin,dc=devldap,dc=datastax,dc=lan search_password = dseng user_search_base = ou=users,dc=devldap,dc=datastax,dc=lan user_search_filter = (uid={0}) group_search_base = ou=groups,dc=devldap,dc=datastax,dc=lan group_search_filter = (member=cn={0},ou=users,dc=devldap,dc=datastax,dc=lan) group_name_attribute = cn admin_group_name = superusers, superusers2 truststore = ./tests/resources/truststore.ts truststore_pass = secret ldap_security = SSL_TLS truststore_type = jks
Open the OpsCenter user interface in a browser.