New features in DSE OpsCenter 6.8
The following pages describe the new features in the DataStax Enterprise (DSE) OpsCenter 6.8 release, including signficant changes from the previous major version.
For a complete list of enhancements, resolved issues, and known issues (including the associated ticket numbers and links to Knowledge Base (KB) articles for any workarounds), refer to the release notes and known issues for your installed version of OpsCenter.
For upgrade instructions, see Upgrading DSE OpsCenter.
New features
Here are highlights of the new and improved features for the current DSE OpsCenter version 6.8 release:
Added support for DataStax Graph (DSG).
Added the ability to enable incremental NodeSync.
Upgraded to the new DataStax Enterprise Java driver with full support for DSE 6.8.
Updated DataStax Agent to be compatible with Java 11.
Allows for a pluggable authentication scheme to integrate existing authentication systems.
Updates from OpsCenter 6.7
OpsCenter 6.8.0 includes patch release updates from OpsCenter 6.7.1 through OpsCenter 6.7.7.