Machine Credentials

Machine Credentials contain the necessary information for logging into remote hosts as well as how to escalate privileges (sudo/su).

Managing Machine Credentials URL

Get a machine credential object by ID

Get a list of machine credentials

Create a machine credential

Update a machine credential

Delete a machine credential

Managing Machine Credentials

Machine Credential

        "id": <value>,
        "name": <value>,
        "login-name": <value>,
        "login-password": <value>,
        "ssh-private-key": <value>,
        "ssh-unlock": <value>
        "become-mode": <value>,
        "become-user": <value>,
        "become-password": <value>,
        "use-ssh-keys": <value>,
        "comment": <value>
Property Description of Values


A UUID for the Machine Credential.


A human-readable name for the credential. Required.


The username that is used to log in to target nodes over SSH. Required.


The password that is used to log in to target nodes over SSH, if using password authentication.


The private-key that is used to log in to target nodes over SSH, if using key-based authentication. Must be in OpenSSH format, which is commonly used when creating keys using the OpenSSH ssh-keygen tool.


The ssh passphrase required to unlock the key, if the private key requires one.


The privilege-escalation mechanism to obtain super-user privileges on target nodes. Can be sudo, su, or direct (if login-name already has super-user privs). Defaults to direct.


The name of the super-user on target nodes whose privileges will be assumed. Required if become-mode is sudo or su. Defaults to root.


The password that is used in response to sudo or su prompts on target nodes. Required if the become-mode is sudo or su and the target node prompts for passwords.


Ignored. Optional.


A comment that describes the credential. Optional.

For security reasons, passwords and other sensitive fields are not returned in response objects.

GET /api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/{id}

Gets a specific machine credentials record by ID.

Path arguments: id: A Machine Credential ID.

Returns a Machine Credential object.


 curl http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3



    "become-user": null,
    "become-mode": "sudo",
    "created-on": "2016-06-20T21:00:41.405Z",
    "type": "machine-credential",
    "related-resources": {
        "datacenters": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3/datacenters/",
        "nodes": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3/nodes/",
        "clusters": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3/clusters/"
    "modified-by": "system",
    "modified-on": "2016-06-20T21:00:41.405Z",
    "name": "my cluster creds",
    "use-ssh-keys": false,
    "comment": null,
    "login-user": "johndoe",
    "id": "ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3",
    "href": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3",
    "created-by": "system"


GET /api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/

Gets a paginated list of all Machine Credential records. See Paginated Results for an overview of the query string parameters that can be used.


 curl http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/


        "next": null,
        "previous": null,
        "last": 1,
        "count": 1,
        "per-page": 50,
        "current": 1,
        "results": [
                "created-on": "2016-06-20T21:00:41.405Z",
                "type": "machine-credential",
                "related-resources": {
                    "datacenters": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3/datacenters/",
                    "nodes": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3/nodes/",
                    "clusters": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3/clusters/"
                "modified-on": "2016-06-20T21:00:41.405Z",
                "name": "my cluster creds",
                "login-user": "johndoe",
                "id": "ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3",
                "href": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3"

[[method-post-machine-credential-object"]] === POST /api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/

Creates a new machine credential object.

Body: A Machine Credential object (with no ID property).

Returns the newly created Machine Credential object.



        "name":"my cluster creds",
 curl -X POST -d '<example input>' http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/


        "become-user": null,
        "become-mode": "sudo",
        "created-on": "2016-06-20T21:00:41.405Z",
        "type": "machine-credential",
        "related-resources": {
            "datacenters": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3/datacenters/",
            "nodes": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3/nodes/",
            "clusters": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3/clusters/"
        "modified-by": "system",
        "modified-on": "2016-06-20T21:00:41.405Z",
        "name": "my cluster creds",
        "use-ssh-keys": false,
        "comment": null,
        "login-user": "johndoe",
        "href": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3",
        "created-by": "system"

PUT /api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/{id}

Updates an existing machine credential record by ID.

Path arguments: id: A Machine Credential ID.

Returns the updated Machine Credential object.



        "name":"my cluster creds",
 curl -X PUT -d '<example input>' http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3


        "become-user": null,
        "become-mode": "sudo",
        "created-on": "2016-06-20T21:00:41.405Z",
        "type": "machine-credential",
        "related-resources": {
            "datacenters": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3/datacenters/",
            "nodes": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3/nodes/",
            "clusters": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3/clusters/"
        "modified-by": "system",
        "modified-on": "2016-06-20T21:09:08.308Z",
        "name": "my cluster creds",
        "use-ssh-keys": false,
        "comment": null,
        "login-user": "janedoe",
        "id": "ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3",
        "href": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3",
        "created-by": "system"

DELETE /api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/{id}

Deletes an existing machine credential record by ID. This is subject to foreign key constraint violations.

Path arguments: id: A Machine Credential ID.

Returns the IDs of the deleted objects.


 curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/machine_credentials/5d756e26-4e49-41bc-8d5a-0e5c1dbfdc98


 {"deleted": {"machine-credential": ["ba908cb4-9116-4cf9-abe6-694ad75b70d3"]}}

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