Schedule management

With these methods, you can schedule periodic operations to run in your cluster. The types of operations are currently limited to backups and best practice rules.

Managing Job Schedules


List jobs scheduled to run in OpsCenter.

Get the description of a scheduled job.

Schedule a job.

Modify a scheduled job.

Delete a scheduled job.

Managing Job Schedules

Job Schedule

A job schedule describes an action that OpsCenter runs periodically. There are two possible schedule types; backups and best practice rules.

A job schedule has the following form:

            "first_run_date": FIRST_RUN_DATE,
            "first_run_time": FIRST_RUN_TIME,
            "timezone": TIMEZONE,
            "interval": INTERVAL,
            "interval_unit": INTERVAL_UNIT
            "job_params": JOB_PARAMS,
            "id": ID,
            "next_run": NEXT_RUN,
            "last_run": LAST_RUN


  • FIRST_RUN_DATE (string): A date in YYYY-MM-DD format the date for running the job.

  • FIRST_RUN_TIME (string) : A time in hh:mm:ss format specifying the time to begin running the job.

  • TIMEZONE (string): The time zone, listed in the OpsCenter /meta/timezones directory, for the job schedule. For example, GMT, US/Central, US/Pacific, and US/Eastern are valid timezones.

  • INTERVAL (integer): In conjunction with interval_unit, this controls how often the job is executed. For example, an interval of 2 and an interval_unit of weeks results in a job that runs every two weeks.

  • INTERVAL_UNIT (string): The unit of time for interval. Values are minutes, hours, days, or weeks.

  • JOB_PARAMS (dict): A dictionary that describes the job. Only the type field is required to be present in the dictionary, and its value is currently limited to backup and best-practice. Fields for this dictionary are specific to the type; for the backup type, see Backup-Job-Params. For the best-practice type see Best Practice Job Params.

  • ID (string): A unique ID that references a job schedule. Use only for retrieving a job schedule.

  • NEXT_RUN (string): The date and time of the next scheduled run.

  • LAST_RUN (string): The date and time of the last successful run.

Backup Job Params

A JSON dictionary that describes a backup type of job-schedule. This should be used as the job_params field in the Job Schedule.

            "type": "backup",
            "keyspaces": KEYSPACES,
            "cleanup_age": CLEANUP_AGE,
            "cleanup_age_unit": CLEANUP_AGE_UNIT,
            "pre_snapshot_script": PRE_SNAPSHOT_SCRIPT,
            "post_snapshot_script": POST_SNAPSHOT_SCRIPT,
            "datacenters": DATACENTERS,
            "destinations": DESTINATIONS,
            "alert_on_failure": ALERT_ON_FAILURE,
            "cleanup_dests": CLEANUP_DESTS,
            "retries": RETRIES


  • KEYSPACES (list): A JSON list of keyspace names that should be included in scheduled backups. An empty list or null results in all keyspaces being included in the backups.

  • CLEANUP_AGE (int): (Optional) In combination with CLEANUP_AGE_UNIT, this specifies the age at which old backups should be deleted. A value of 0 disables automatic backup cleanup. This option defaults to a value of 0, meaning automatic backup cleanups are disabled by default.

  • CLEANUP_AGE_UNIT (string): (Optional) The unit of time for CLEANUP_AGE. Valid values include "minutes", "hours", "days" (the default), and "weeks".

  • PRE_SNAPSHOT_SCRIPT (string): (Optional) The file name of a custom script to be automatically run prior to triggering each backup. This file must exist within the bin/backup-scripts/ directory where the OpsCenter agent is installed. Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens are permitted in the name.

  • POST_SNAPSHOT_SCRIPT (string): (Optional) The file name of a custom script to be automatically run after each backup is taken. The name of each file included in the backup is passed to the script through stdin . This file must exist within the bin/backup-scripts/ directory where the OpsCenter agent is installed. Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens are permitted in the name.

  • DATACENTERS (list): (Optional) A JSON list of data center names where backup should be performed. An empty list or null leads to performing backup in all data centers.

  • DESTINATIONS (object): (Optional) A JSON object representing the destinations for backup. The key is the destination ID obtained by using /{cluster_id}/backups/destinations API, and value is the JSON object with additional parameters specific for given destination. For example, you can specify retention time (with cleanup_age and cleanup_age_unit parameters), and/or compression (with parameter compressed (true/false)).

  • ALERT_ON_FAILURE (boolean): (Optional, default is false) boolean flag that defines, if the alert should be triggered on backup failure.

  • RETRIES (int): (Optional, default is 0) number of retries to perform backup before triggering failure.

Best Practice Job Params

A JSON dictionary that describes a best practice rule type of job-schedule. This should be used as the job_params field in the Job Schedule.

            "type": "best-practice",
            "rules": RULE_LIST


  • RULE_LIST (list): A JSON list of rules to run on the given schedule. At least one rule must be specified.

GET /{cluster_id}/job-schedules

Retrieve a list of jobs scheduled to run in OpsCenter. Currently the only types of jobs are a scheduled backup or a best practice rule.

Path arguments: * cluster_id: The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.

Returns a list of job-schedule objects.




            "first_run_date": "2012-04-19",
            "first_run_time": "18:00:00",
            "id": "19119720-115a-4f2c-862f-e10e1fb90eed",
            "interval": 1,
            "interval_unit": "days",
            "job_params": {
              "cleanup_age": 30,
              "cleanup_age_unit": "days",
              "keyspaces": [],
              "type": "backup"
            "last_run": "2012-04-20 18:00:00 GMT",
            "next_run": "2012-04-21 18:00:00 GMT",
            "timezone": "GMT"

GET /{cluster_id}/job-schedules/{schedule_id}

Get the description of a scheduled job.

Path arguments: * cluster_id: The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs. * schedule_id: A unique ID of the scheduled job that matches the id of a job-schedule object.

Returns a Job Schedule object.

POST /{cluster_id}/job-schedules

Create a new scheduled job. You can create a scheduled job to run one time in the future by specifying an interval of -1 and interval_unit of null.

Path arguments: * cluster_id: The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs. Body: A dictionary in the format of a Job Schedule describing the scheduled job to create. The id,last_run, and next_run fields should be omitted. * Responses: 201: Job schedule created successfully.

Returns the ID of the newly created job.


 curl -X POST
     "first_run_date": "2012-05-03",
     "first_run_time": "18:00:00",
     "interval": 1,
     "interval_unit": "days",
     "job_params": {
         "cleanup_age": 30,
         "cleanup_age_unit": "days",
         "keyspaces": [],
         "type": "backup"
     "timezone": "GMT"



PUT /{cluster_id}/job-schedules/{schedule_id}

Update a scheduled job.

Path arguments: * cluster_id: The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs. * schedule_id: A unique ID identifying the schedule job to update. Body: A dictionary with fields from :http:response:`job-schedule` that you would like to update. * Responses: 200: Schedule updated successfully.

Returns null.


 curl -X PUT dce604
     "interval": "12",
     "interval_unit": "hours"

DELETE /{cluster_id}/job-schedules/{schedule_id}

Delete a scheduled job.

Path arguments: * cluster_id: The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs. * schedule_id: A unique ID identifying the schedule job to delete. Body: A dictionary with fields from :http:response:`job-schedule` that you would like to update. * Responses: 200: Schedule deleted successfully.

Returns null.


 curl -X DELETE dce604

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