DSE 6.8.3 release notes

DataStax Enterprise 6.8.x release notes are now hosted here: DSE 6.8.4 and later release notes

25 August 2020

DSE functionality

6.8.3 DSE database

6.8.3 DSE security

6.8.3 DSE Analytics

6.8.3 DSE Search

6.8.3 DSEFS

6.8.3 DataStax Graph

6.8.3 DataStax Studio

6.8.3 Components

All components from DSE 6.8.3 are listed. Components updated since DSE 6.8.2 (if any) are indicated with an asterisk (*).

  • Apache Solr™

  • Apache Spark™

  • Apache TinkerPop™ 3.4.5-20200107-6cec00d8

  • Apache Tomcat® 8.0.53

  • DSE Java Driver 1.10.0-dse+20200217

  • Netty

  • Spark JobServer

DSE 6.8.3 is compatible with Apache Cassandra 3.11 and adds additional production-certified changes, if any.

Along with Cassandra 3.11.6, DSE 6.8.3 is supported by DataStax Kubernetes Operator for Apache Cassandra.

DSE 6.8.3 Highlights

  • Support for Storage Attached Indexes (SAI)

DSE database

  • Fixed a bug where on clusters with small token counts sstableloader could fail. (DB-4463)

6.8.3 DSE database

Changes and enhancements:

  • Storage-Attached Indexing (SAI) completed its Beta and is now a generally available (GA) DSE feature. Use it to create one or more secondary indexes on DSE tables. See (SAI).

  • Support for decimal and varint data types with SAI indexed columns. (DSP-20794 and DSP-17647)

  • SAI metrics can be exposed via Metrics Collector and Grafana. DataStax provides prepackaged Grafana dashboards that integrate with DSE Metrics Collector. Use DSE Metrics Collector to export metrics to a monitoring tool like Prometheus, and then visualize the metrics in the Grafana dashboards. See the GitHub-hosted Metrics Reporter resources. Specifically for SAI metrics, refer to Monitor SAI indexes. (DSP-21111)

  • Support for collection indexing via SAI, and querying CQL collections. See CREATE CUSTOM INDEX and the SAI collection map examples. (DSP-20014)

Resolved issues:

  • Fixed a bug where on clusters with small token counts sstableloader could fail. (DB-4463)

Known issues:

  • None.

6.8.3 DSE security

Changes and enhancements:

  • None

Resolved security issues:

  • None

6.8.3 DSE Analytics

Changes and enhancements:

  • None

6.8.3 DSEFS

Changes and enhancements:

  • None

Resolved DSEFS issues:

  • None

6.8.3 DSE Search

Changes and enhancements:

  • Search-related latency metrics will now decay in time like other metrics. Named queries (using query.name parameter) will now have separate latency metrics. New mbean atributes are available for search latency metrics: TotalLatency (us), Min, Max, Mean, StdDev, DurationUnit, MeanRate, OneMinuteRate, FiveMinuteRate, FifteenMinuteRate, RateUnit, 98th, 999th. (DSP-19612)

  • Fixed a bug where after several months of up time an encrypted index wouldn’t accept more writes unless the core is reloaded. (DSP-21234)

6.8.3 DataStax Graph

Changes and enhancements:

  • This change allows traversal in to UDTs via the 'properties' and 'values' steps. (DSP-21248)

  • Fixed type mismatch errors in graph traversals that use simplePath() and as() in presence of search index on edges with composite vertex keys (DSP-21309)

Cassandra changes for DSE 6.8.3

DataStax Enterprise 6.8.3 is compatible with Apache Cassandra™ 3.11 and includes all production-certified enhancements from previous versions.

General upgrade advice for DSE 6.8.3

DataStax Enterprise 6.8.3 is compatible with Apache Cassandra® 3.11. All upgrade advice from previous versions applies. Carefully reviewing the DataStax Enterprise upgrade planning and upgrade instructions can ensure a smooth upgrade and avoid pitfalls and frustrations.

DataStax Enterprise 6.8.3 is compatible with Apache Cassandra 3.11 and adds Cassandra changes for DSE 6.8.3.

For additional advice about upgrading between versions of Apache Cassandra, see General upgrade advice for DSE 6.8.1.

TinkerPop changes for DSE 6.8.3

DataStax Enterprise (DSE) 6.8.3 includes all changes from previous DSE versions. See TinkerPop upgrade documentation for all changes.

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