Creating a truststore for all nodes

Create a truststore that is used to ensure that all nodes recognize the certificate authority (CA). Even when using a well-known certificate authority, DataStax recommends creating a truststore with the signing CA certificate or certificate chain (following the instructions from your CA). Most well-known CA certificates are already available through the DataStax Enterprise (DSE) Java implementation.


  1. Create a single truststore, and add the root certificate to the truststore. For the <keystore_type>, enter JKS:

    If prompted whether to import the certificate, enter yes.

    keytool -keystore <dse-truststore.jks> \
    -storetype <keystore_type> \
    -importcert -file '<rootca.crt>' \
    -keypass <keystore_password> \
    -storepass <truststore_password> \
    -alias <rootca_name> \

    Truststore that contains the root certificate.

    Use the same truststore that contains the root certificate on all nodes.


    Valid types are JKS, JCEKS, PKCS11, or PKCS12. For file-based keystores, use PKCS12.

    DataStax supports PKCS11 as a keystore_type on nodes with cassandra or advanced workloads. The advanced workload support was added for DSE 6.8.2 and later. If PKCS11 is needed, in server_encryption_options or client_encryption_options, specify the keystore_type as PKCS11 and the keystore as NONE.

    PKCS11 is not supported as a truststore_type.

    Default: JKS


    Certificate used to sign (authorize) DSE node SSL certificates.


    Password used to protect the private key of the key pair.

    Default: none


    Password required to access the keystore.

    Default: none


    Name (alias) used to identify the root certificate when importing into the node’s keystore. For example, in a rootca.conf file, the CN = CA_CN entry shown in Creating a root CA certificate.

    A message displays indicating that the certificate was added. The truststore now contains a single entry.

    Certificate was added to keystore
  2. Verify the truststore to ensure that it contains the root certficate:

    keytool -list \
    -keystore <dse-truststore.jks> \
    -storepass <truststore_password>

    The command output indicates the keystore type, provider, number of entries, creation date, and certification details.

    Keystore type: jks
    Keystore provider: SUN
    Your keystore contains 1 entry
    <rootca_name>, Aug 8, 2019, trustedCertEntry,
    Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): <SHA1-has>h

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